A hefty heist

chapter 2- august 7th (part 3)

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“So, how is everything?” Ellie asked, once they were out of earshot from Lily and Wallis.

“Pretty good. She’s a nice girl. Totally doesn’t know what Wallis is into. From what I’ve learned she lost her modeling career after gaining a ton of weight when she was on vacation with Wallis. That’s why they broke up.” Taylor explained, as she fell out of the character she was pretending to be around Lily and resumed her normal persona.

“Because she lost her modeling career or because she gained weight?” Ellie tried to clarify, as the two reached the bar and motioned for some margaritas.

“I don’t know. Both?” Taylor shrugged, as she sat her fat ass on a stool.

“Congratulations. That was the least intelligent, intelligence report I’ve ever heard.” Ellie rolled her eyes, as she mentally questioned Katie’s reassigned role for Taylor in the run up to the heist.

“Katie didn’t tell me you’d be hostile.” Taylor spat, as she was quickly having her fill of the judgmental blonde in front of her.

“I’m sorry. It’s just I was really expecting more from you. When Katie said that she had the perfect person in mind, I never knew she could be talking about a fatty like you.” Ellie fired back as she took a seat and rested a hand on her stomach, which was quickly becoming upset.

“Oh, shut it. You shouldn’t be making fun of my weight. So I’ve gained a couple pounds while I’ve been off. You’re the one who’s going to be fat by the end of this.” Taylor reminded her with a sturdy poke to Ellie’s lower belly.

“Faaair point,” Ellie winced from Taylor’s touch, “but you’ve seen the schematics of the air vents you’ll have to navigate. You’ll need to be close to 115lbs to fit without risking detection. And none of this will even matter if you can’t help me break up Lily and Wallis.”

“Where do you think I met Lily? We met in the gym. We’re both trying to lose weight and I’ll help her. Lily and I will get thin. I’ll be ready for my part of the heist and Wallis will lose interest in Lily. That will give you your chance to make your move on him. It’s only a matter of time, be patient.” Taylor explained in a more attentive fashion, “and it wouldn’t hurt for you to try and fatten up a bit more. It shouldn’t be that hard to put more meat on your bones.”

“Easy for you to say! Unlike you, I’ve never been fat before. I’ve been killing myself trying to keep down everything I eat with Wallis. And plus, it sucks having to struggle to fit into the clothes I’ve worn for the last five years.” Ellie muttered, as she tugged down at her tight pink dress.

“Oh, that’ll be the least of your worries once you start getting comfortable with Wallis.” Taylor smiled, as she took her first sip from her margarita.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Ellie muttered, as she also took a drink.

“Do you know how fat Lily got before she broke up with Wallis a few months ago?” Taylor grinned, as she studied the expression of morbid curiosity on Ellie’s face.

“How fat??” Ellie inquired, as she gave Taylor her complete attention and the little hairs on her neck began to perk up like she was watching a scary movie.
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Uwu23 2 years
wow this has been one of the best stories I have read so far, will you ever release a sequel ?, since you left a very open ending, I really would like to know the outcome of this story
Hermanos 2 years
I love this story.

Sometimes, when I can't find any good story I come back to read this masterpiece.

Are you still going to make the sequel? Because I'd love to read it.
Fatowl 3 years
Fantastic story!! Could not put it down till I was done!! Suspenseful and like an action adventure. Good plot and character development.

Absolutely!! Do a sequel. Great cliff hanger. Maybe make Wallis a bad guy and have Bitch Lilly become a h
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@ClearSkyNZ Glad you enjoyed! I'm sure you will! It's taken me a long time to improve my craft, but as long as you work at it, you can do it!
ClearSkyNZ 4 years
This was an awesome story. You're a great writer! I'm definitely going to check out your next story. I can only hope to write something with as meaningful characters as you
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@trolheh I think you've hit the nail on the head with Taylor's fate. Although I might not focus the sequel on Taylor, her fate would certainly be included.

Thank you for all the support!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Godzilla That's a good idea. Her whole orientation toward gaining and sex has probably been irreversibly changed
Godzilla 4 years
Ellie compulsively eating without encouragement.
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Sexypeggy Thanks for the feedback!

I think the word limit cut you off.
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Tobbyrea thank you! What would you hope to see in a sequel?

@FigureBySnacks Thanks for the feedback! Great idea!
Sexypeggy 4 years
You are welcome

I really liked Ellie. a woman who has a good font and a good kind for it is friend.
a continuation would be good because one is attached to the various character.
and I really like the chapter or Ellie and very nourish. (can be
Tobbyrea 4 years
I really enjoyed the story hope for a sequel
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@fatchance Thank you very much! It is always motivating to hear that!
Fatchance 4 years
fantastic writing! love it!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Sexypeggy Thank you!
Sexypeggy 4 years
Very nice
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Vulpix7 I think some of your comment got cut off by the word limit.

I think the descent into the gain is the strongest part of this story! Thanks!