A hefty heist

chapter 2- august 7th (part 4)

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“250lbs!” Taylor laughed, as she put down her drink and turned toward Ellie.

“Eww! No way!” Ellie cringed at the thought of seeing herself that fat.

“At that weight, even walking wouldn’t be easy for you.” Taylor reminded Ellie with a joking wink.

“I’ll never get that fat by Thanksgiving! Not even if Wallis fed me non-stop every day!” Ellie protested, as she shook her head enthusiastically in the universal motion for ‘no.’

“We’ll see what happens. But be ready for anything.” Taylor smiled, as she held her drink up for a toast.

“Thanks for the heads up. To good hunting!” Ellie toasted, as she began to gulp down her drink.

“I’ll make the next report more informative.” Taylor admitted, once she took a break from drinking.

“Umm! Thank you.” Ellie coughed, as she finished her entire margarita and shook herself in response.

“Dang, you can really drink.” Taylor admitted, dumbstruck that the Barbie in front of her had just consumed so much alcohol so casually.

“True. Let’s dance. We look way to comfortable over here. I don’t want Wallis to think I’m a lesbian.” Ellie muttered, as she got up and pulled Taylor out of her chair.

“What am I not good enough for you?” Taylor joked, as she placed her hands on her soft hips.

“Haha, I don’t date fat chicks.” Ellie winked, as she spotted Wallis and Lily grinding on each other.

“Earth to Ellie, 169lbs is not fat.” Taylor protested, as Ellie’s mind was off in another world.

“Spoken like a true fatty, hahaha! Come on piglet!” Ellie patted her butt to signal Taylor like one might signal a dog.
60 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Uwu23 2 years
wow this has been one of the best stories I have read so far, will you ever release a sequel ?, since you left a very open ending, I really would like to know the outcome of this story
Hermanos 2 years
I love this story.

Sometimes, when I can't find any good story I come back to read this masterpiece.

Are you still going to make the sequel? Because I'd love to read it.
Fatowl 3 years
Fantastic story!! Could not put it down till I was done!! Suspenseful and like an action adventure. Good plot and character development.

Absolutely!! Do a sequel. Great cliff hanger. Maybe make Wallis a bad guy and have Bitch Lilly become a h
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@ClearSkyNZ Glad you enjoyed! I'm sure you will! It's taken me a long time to improve my craft, but as long as you work at it, you can do it!
ClearSkyNZ 4 years
This was an awesome story. You're a great writer! I'm definitely going to check out your next story. I can only hope to write something with as meaningful characters as you
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@trolheh I think you've hit the nail on the head with Taylor's fate. Although I might not focus the sequel on Taylor, her fate would certainly be included.

Thank you for all the support!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Godzilla That's a good idea. Her whole orientation toward gaining and sex has probably been irreversibly changed
Godzilla 4 years
Ellie compulsively eating without encouragement.
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Sexypeggy Thanks for the feedback!

I think the word limit cut you off.
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Tobbyrea thank you! What would you hope to see in a sequel?

@FigureBySnacks Thanks for the feedback! Great idea!
Sexypeggy 4 years
You are welcome

I really liked Ellie. a woman who has a good font and a good kind for it is friend.
a continuation would be good because one is attached to the various character.
and I really like the chapter or Ellie and very nourish. (can be
Tobbyrea 4 years
I really enjoyed the story hope for a sequel
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@fatchance Thank you very much! It is always motivating to hear that!
Fatchance 4 years
fantastic writing! love it!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Sexypeggy Thank you!
Sexypeggy 4 years
Very nice
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Vulpix7 I think some of your comment got cut off by the word limit.

I think the descent into the gain is the strongest part of this story! Thanks!