Fat girls give better headd

chapter 4 - kevin

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Kevin, staff accountant at a lawfirm, stood at the bar waiting for his drink. The bartender had been busy with other patrons. Kevin started to raise his hand when an over weight lady in a blue dress stepped in front of him raising her hand. As she shook her lunch lady arms, he couldn't help but admire her large butt. Kevin even though, he would never admit it to Danielle, always had a thing for big butts. He had never dated anybody who was larger than him either height wise or weight wise but had always been curious about girls with more meat on their bones. Because of his basic bro friends, he never had an opportunity to experiment, so everytime he saw a lady with a, as he would say it "donk", he couldn't help himself but check them out. He tried so hard to not make women feel objectified but his manly desires and curiousity would often get the better of him.

The bartender was busy and ignoring a bunch of people. Kevin knew a trick to get most bartender's attention. He stood up on the bar foot rest waiving a hand full of money in the air. The lady in front of him did the same thing, thinking he was competing with her but she stepped off of it when she felt the foot rest quivering. The bartender finished what he was doing and came to Kevin.

"Miss, What would you like?" Kevin asked the busty lady who a minute ago was competing with him.

"I'll have a jack and coke. Thank you." responded the over weight lady who had a thick southern accent, .

"I'll have a stella" said Kevin to the bartender, handing his credit card and putting a gracious tip in the jar.

"I'm Jane." She said holding her hand out to shake.

As Kevin shook Jane's  meaty hand, he couldn't believe his eyes. Facially this lady looked exactly like Danielle except she was at least 200 pounds heavier, wore glasses, had a different hair cut, and a thick southern accent which still sounded a bit like Danielle.

Kevin shook her hand and stared at Jane for a few minutes speechless.

"I... Sorry. You look and sound almost exactly like my girlfriend. What's your last name?" Kevin said breaking the silence.

"Honey, oh,wow. I've never heard that pickup line before... My last name is Flynn. I have been here a week and I don't know long I'll be in town. Sorry." She said with a twinkle in her eye, after grazing her hip against his package "accidentally".

Kevin looked away and turned a little red in the cheeks. His mind was racing because he was super turned on. He wanted to check her out so badly but he just smiled.

"Are you here with that party of stuffy looking people over there?" Jane asked looking over at the large table of people talking. She was trying to change the subject.

"Yep, It's a company mixer for the shuler and shuler group. It's a small lawfirm. What brings you to this lovely establishment?"
Kevin asked.

 In a moment where he thought she wasn't looking Kevin checked her out while he was doing this he noticed a to-go box near her.

"Oh, just thought I would pop in for a snack. I don't usually drink in the middle of the day but l you only live once. Oh, and it's a pie. I'm going to eat it all in my hotel room if you want to join me" she said with a smile and a wink. 

She got super close to him pressing her large body against his, she could feel that he was hard. Kevin was super flustered now and speechless.

"Well, I better go sugar. Give my regards to your girlfriend." she said with a devious smile as she got up and walked out of the establishment

Kevin had been having the best sex of his life with Danielle. He was not going to let some lady with a big butt to disrupt what he already had going for him.

"I had this lady who was like a fat version of you hitting on me today. It was the strangest thing..." kevin said to Danielle as he was eating his kale salad with chicken.

"Oh, should I be worried?" She said with a chuckle.

"No, of course not, it was just super strange to see your fat doppleganger." He said looking at a fork full of kale.

"Would you still love me if I was that big?" Danielle asked trying to be nonchalant with the question.

"As long as you were happy then I would be happy. " he said with a smile.

"But seriously if today I started eating like a pig and letting myself go. Would you stick around?" Danielle persisted.

"I don't know. I've never really thought about it." Kevin conceded.

Danielle had to step up her attempts to see if kevin would be okay with her becoming big. Danielle had donned the disguise of Jane at her lunch break in order to gauge Kevin's reaction and for the most part his reaction was good but that was for a stranger now she had to see if he would buy into being a feeder for her.
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Kexickus 3 years
I can't wait to read the next chapter!
Nightfox28 4 years
Can't wait for more chapters
Theswordsman 4 years
I wonder how long its going to be before her husband puts two and two together
Jktab 4 years
Tysonterrel 4 years
Love it! Keep going!
Chubbychickl... 4 years
Though I can't say why, this one is really doing it for me!
Lpark435 4 years
Awesome read so far, can’t wait for more!