Fat girls give better headd

chapter 6 - the reveal

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Danielle belched loudly as she patted her small food baby.  The past week she had been too busy to put on the magic dress even though in the back of her mind every night it called for her. So, instead of putting on the dress she was stuffing herself silly at lunch every day. Over eating was super easy in the office because they always had food and sweets around: catered lunch, catered breakfast, birthday cake or some kind of birthday sweets, and desk sweets.

 The month prior, Danielle had been sneaking to wear the dress practically every night and because of it her once perfectly fit body was softening and her hunger was growing. Kevin did notice her figure changing slightly but he didn't say anything because he didn't mind and the sex was still amazing. One thing she hadn't done in the dress was have sex in it, and everytime she put it on her loins yearned for it. She pictured jumping on him and riding him with her large luscious body or being fed while she was taking it from behind. The week had come to a close and she was looking forward to a weekend full of amazing sex and food.

When Danielle got home she threw the dress on, waddled to the kitchen and began to make her a shake. Her new thing she had tried last weekend was weight gain shakes with a funnel.

She put several large scoops of extra mass gainer powder with heavy cream, strawberries, bananas, and peanut butter. As she blended her tasty beverage she heard a knock and immediately threw off the dress and ran to the room to throw on regular clothes. She had completely forgotten that he was coming over that evening.

"I'll be right there." She yelled out as she frantically ran to the kitchen to clean up any traces of what she was doing.

Kevin stood in the hallway holding a bouquet of flowers with a heart shaped box of chocolates.

"Aw, what's the occasion?" Danielle asked as he handed her the flowers.

"I just felt like it." He answered and then gave her a kiss.

Danielle was relieved she didn't get caught but was also kind of disappointed to not be able to please her new kink.

"I want to try something. Could you feed that chocolate to me?" She asked Kevin.

Kevin obliged which drove her crazy. Through out the night she asked him to feed her little snacks till Kevin started doing of his on volition.  They spent the evening drinking wine, talking and snacking on: bread, cheese, grapes and chocolate.

 She woke up in the middle of the night covered up on the couch. Apparently, she fell asleep while they were watching a movie and he had covered her up and laid near her on the opposite couch. She thought about waking him up but had decided against it and made her way to bed.

Before going to bed she picked up her magic dress from where she stashed it. She looked it over, admiring the fabric and colors, then,without a thought, she slipped the dress on. She now was admiring herself in the mirror when suddenly Kevin walked up behind her.

She quickly threw the dress off and noticed that Kevin was rubbing his eyes and didn't seem to see her in the dress. He did notice the dress fly off into the bathroom. They both got into bed together.

They kissed and Kevin went back to sleep but now Danielle was awake and couldn't go back to bed.

She got up and grabbed the dress from the bathroom floor, hiding it in her robe, she scurried off to the kitchen. She pulled out the weight gain shake from the fridge and funnel from underneath the cabinet, placed them on the table, and proceeded to put on her dress.  She sat at the kitchen table, funnel tube in her mouth pouring the weight gain shake.  She felt the thick content filling her stomach as she gulped more and more.

Once done with the shake, her stomach was tight but it didn't quite hurt like she wanted it to.

She couldn't blend another shake because it would wake Kevin up but she could probably stir one up.

She pulled out the extra mass gainer powder and put two scoops into the pitcher, she then filled it part way with heavy cream, and then put half a thing of vanilla ice cream in it, she began stirring it with a big spoon, tasting it ever now and then, then she finished it off with another scoop of ice cream and a few more stirs before putting the pitcher up to her mouth to start drinking.

She was mid fourth gulp in when Kevin walked in.

He was groggy but awake, he walked over to the fridge not quite noticing that Danielle had changed at all. Danielle froze in place. Kevin looked at her, then looked back at the refrigerator. Danielle stood very still hoping he would not notice her.
As he looked in the fridge, slowly realization dawned on him.
"Who are you-" he started to ask as he turned around and starred at her right in the face.

She was still standing still until she finally gave up.

"Jane? What are you doing in Danielle's apartment?" Kevin asked not fully understanding what was going on. Danielle laughed putting the pitcher down and wiping her mouth. Kevin was super confused and the dress was compelling Danielle to act instead of explain.

She walked over to Kevin got on her knees and looked up at him. Danielle's leg fat splayed out on the floor in front of Kevin and he had a excellent shot of Danielle's cleavage. Kevin looked deep in her eyes and knew it was not Jane but Danielle who kneeled before him.

"Danielle?! Ho-" He asked super confused when she interrupt him by then pulling down his pants. She quickly grabbed his manhood and began sucking.
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Kexickus 3 years
I can't wait to read the next chapter!
Nightfox28 4 years
Can't wait for more chapters
Theswordsman 4 years
I wonder how long its going to be before her husband puts two and two together
Jktab 4 years
Tysonterrel 4 years
Love it! Keep going!
Chubbychickl... 4 years
Though I can't say why, this one is really doing it for me!
Lpark435 4 years
Awesome read so far, can’t wait for more!