Fat girls give better headd

chapter 7 - coming clean

After giving him a bj, she picked him up and carried him to their bed. Apparently, her fatter self was not just bolder but stronger too.  Before getting into bed she pulled down her panties and flung them at Kevin's face. He picked them up and looked at them amazed by their massive size. She got into bed and cuddled up with him. He was so confused but incredibly turned on still. They kissed as he tried to put his arms around her bum to feel it. Her fat body pressed into him. She pulled down the straps of the dress and struggled to unclasp her braw. He attempted to help her, while doing so he felt her arm and back fat which was a different experience for him because he had actually never been with a fat girl. He started to take her dress off but she stopped him.

"The dress stays on. Mama needs her biscuit." She said with an intense look in her eyes.

The words came out of her mouth without her realizing what she was saying. In her mind, she was going to stop, get up and take the dress off but then she realized she wasn't in control anymore. The thought that she wasn't in control left her mind and was replaced by carnal hunger. She unstrapped her bra and Kevin's eyes bulged at the size of her breasts. Her seeing his reaction, she decided to rub her large pendulum like boobs in his face. She pinned him down and he put his face between her chesticles. Kevin was an average height at 5 foot 10 inches and thin guy who was slightly muscular but with him pinned down on bottom of her 5 foot 5 inch tall and now 345 pounds of fat frame, it made him look puny and barely visible. From an outsiders view, if his legs were covered, you wouldn't be able to see him. She grabbed his hose and put it inside of her. While her tits bounced around out of her dress, she rode him hard. Kevin wanted to explore every part of her body but was mesmerized by her large nipples and boobs.
As they yelled, together, they orgasmed and then she took off the dress. Kevin jumped up, incredibly shocked. Before he had a chance to ask Danielle responded.

"Ow, ow, ow... It's a magic dress." She explained to Kevin holding her stomach in pain and laying on the bed.

"How is this even possible?!" He said in shock.

She came clean about the bj class and how she got the magic dress.
He walked to the kitchen to examine the mess. She followed behind him. He found two containers of mass weight gainer under the sink cabinet.
And a large trashbag in the pantry filled with food wrappers and boxes.
"Do you want to get fat?" He asked to danielle holding up an empty container of mass gainer powder.
"I don't know the dress kind of made me want too." she lied.

"I don't care what weight you are. I want you to be happy and healthy. I'm okay with you putting on this impossible magic dress but you have to exercise and eat healthy. I don't want you getting diabetes or heart disease." He said to her concerned.

"At least, I can tell you've enjoyed the blow jobs and the sex." Danielle added.

"We don't have to have mindblowing sex all the time to keep me happy. You've been keeping me super happy without being a whale for a while now." He replied, instantly regretting what he said.

Danielle was quiet. His comment hurt her feelings and he realized that.

"I'm sorry. I enjoyed the sex, I did. when you were fat, it was just... different. I love you for you, no matter the weight I just want to keep you around along time." He said looking into her eyes.

She hugged him and he kissed her.

The next day...

"Kevin knows about the dress" she said to Crystal while they sat together at the tex mex lunch place they usually went to.

"Oh, what did he think?"  Crystal asked in response right before she took a bite of her massive burrito.

Danielle had noticed that Crystal had put on a little weight since she last saw her.

"I lied to him a little but he didn't seem to care. He just wanted to make sure I'm happy and healthy." Danielle responded.

"Are you going to wear it again?" Crystal asked as a guy who she thought was hot walked by.

Danielle recognized him and waived. It was the computer programmer neighbor.

"He likes fat chicks." Danielle said to Crystal right after he was out of ear shot. Crystal checked him out shamelessly.

"When I first did the whole day experiment thing, I saw him out walking. He was checking me out hard. He got all flustered when i caught him looking." Danielle continued.

"Huh, he looked right through me....  Could I borrow your magic dress?" Crystal asked sitting down and putting a chip in her guacamole.

"I would but this is the week of the cruise Kevin and I paid for and I have some plans."
Danielle answered with a wink.
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Kexickus 3 years
I can't wait to read the next chapter!
Nightfox28 4 years
Can't wait for more chapters
Theswordsman 4 years
I wonder how long its going to be before her husband puts two and two together
Jktab 4 years
Tysonterrel 4 years
Love it! Keep going!
Chubbychickl... 4 years
Though I can't say why, this one is really doing it for me!
Lpark435 4 years
Awesome read so far, can’t wait for more!