Fat girls give better headd

chapter 8 - house sitting

"The other ones have not been tested yet."
Evelyn answered honestly as  she washed off the dildos in the sink, drying them off with a towel one by one.

"I could test a few out for you and then bring them both back afterwards. Do you need help drying those?" Crystal offered.

"Sure" she said throwing her a towel.
" Most guys go for your figure. Why do you want to get fat?" Evelyn asked while looking her up and down

"It's just a one time thing. My friend loves the experience with the dress you gave her and I want to try it out like her."  Crystal said not really telling her deep desire. Ever since she put on the dress she's been obsessed with having big boobs.

Evelyn walked over to an armoire in the corner of the room.

"Alright, I'll let you try out these two dresses. Bring them back next week and let me know how they work. Oh, and your friend needs to bring the other dress back too. Tell her to bring it back by the end of the month."
Evelyn said as she handed her the two dresses.

Later that night. As she laid in bed, she stared at the dresses just examining them. They were similar in size to Danielle's blue and white striped dress. One dress was black with flowers and the other was a bright orangish red color. She closed her eyes imagining herself with a stomach that poked out but was eclipsed by her large bosoms. As she went down the hall men would stair at her big luscious derriere and tits that bounced up and down.

The next morning she awoke in her kitchen again with empty food dishes and wadded up cellophane wrap.

"Ugh, not again..." she said sitting up. For the past few months she had been raiding the fridge in her sleep. She had tried to stop this by putting the minimal amount of food in her cabinet and refrigerator but her mother had brought her some left overs from the family get together without her knowledge. She then went to Danielle's place to start the second part of her plan. She didn't see him at all as she walked through the halls. She paced around the apartment trying to figure out where she could run into Danielle's neighbor.

"Which apartment does that hot guy we saw at lunch live in?" She texted Danielle. Two hours went by before Crystal received a response.

"It's the loft at the very end of the hall. It's to the right of my apartment."
Danielle's text read.

She didn't know what to do until she heard something in the hall and then a knock.

Crystal looked through the peep hole to see who was knocking. It was not the neighbor but another guy. He was a shorter more muscular guy with big blue expressive eyes. She softly pranced to the bedroom.

"I'll be right there. "
She said looking at the two dresses. She was saving it for the computer programmer neighbor but she figured she could test it out on this guy. She stripped down and threw on the black flowery dress. Instantly, she transformed into a 300 pound version of herself. She looked in the mirror amazed, the weight went to her ass and boobs just like she had imagined last night but she was a bit bigger everywhere including the stomach.

"I look bigger than last time. Hmm" she said to her reflection feeling her more prominent belly with mixed emotions.
 She pushed her massive boobs together feeling satisfied with their size then she sashayed her large butt to the door.

"Who is it?" She asked barely containing her excitement.

"I'm a friend of the neighbor next door he wanted to see if you had a cup of sugar he could borrow." He said with a tone of exasperation in his voice.

She opened the door.

"I'm house sitting for my friend but you can try and help me find the sugar in the kitchen." She said with a flirty tone.

"I.. uh.. thanks" the guy said accidentally looking at her massive cleavage.

She stared deep into his eyes and he stared back.

"The kitchen is this way" she said holding her chubby arm out, pointing to the kitchen.

He started looking through the cabinet doors and then stopped.

"I'm August." He said extending his hand out, for her to shake.

She shook his hand with her fat fingers, which felt strange to her.

"Crystal" she replied while noticing his height. Even though he was short he was actually a bit taller than her. Crystal knew she was 5'3 which she guessed made him about 5'5.

She normally only went for taller guys but there was something about August that she liked besides his muscles and good looks.

She attempted to look with him but he accidentally brushed up against him and he backed off.

"Sorry" he said feeling embarassed.

"It's alright sugar." She said with a smile and a wink.

"Ah, I found it." He said pulling out the measuring cup and pack of sugar.

"What are you guys using this sugar for?" She asked as he poured it into the measuring cup.

"He's making some wing sauce. Are you going ro be around later?" He answered then asked while picking up the cup of sugar.

"Yeah, I'll be around." She replied.

"Thanks again." He said as he made his way out.

 She walked back into the kitchen to clean up a bit of sugar he spilled. While throwing out the floor dust in the pantry trash can she noticed mass gainer containers and very full pantry of food.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Kexickus 3 years
I can't wait to read the next chapter!
Nightfox28 4 years
Can't wait for more chapters
Theswordsman 4 years
I wonder how long its going to be before her husband puts two and two together
Jktab 4 years
Tysonterrel 4 years
Love it! Keep going!
Chubbychickl... 4 years
Though I can't say why, this one is really doing it for me!
Lpark435 4 years
Awesome read so far, can’t wait for more!