Fat girls give better headd

chapter 9 - the bj dimension

The week of the cruise had come. Danielle was packing their clothes when Kevin came into the room. She started zipping up her suitcase when she looked over at the dresser  comtemplating whether or not she should take the magic dress. Kevin walked in noticing her state of contemplation.

"You're so beautiful" he whispered to her after kissing her on the neck. She pushed the suitcase on the ground and began to pull him on the bed with her but then paused.

"Do you mind if I wear the dress?" She asked as she looked at him searching for a reaction.

Kevin hesitantly said yes and then plopped down on the bed. Danielle scurried over to get the dress.

Before Kevin's eyes he saw his girlfriend transform from an average sized girl to a massive girl. This time the dress had brought her weight up to 355 lb which all of the new weight went to her butt giving her a more pear like figure. For Kevin he didn't realize how much it would turn him on until he saw her massive booty.

"Do you still find me beautiful now that I'm fat?" She asked with seductively.

Kevin was speechless and he blushed

Danielle then undid his pants and pulled him out.

"I guess you do find me beautiful when I'mfat." she said right before she began to vigorously suck on his hard member. Kevin closed his eyes.

"Where am I?" Kevin asked with an echo. The bedroom was gone and he was floating around naked in a psychadelic fishbowl world.
 He looked through a window which seemed to be directly over the bed where his now rotund girlfriend gave him head. He saw his eyes rolling back in his head and his body twitching.
He began exploring this new realm he discovered. The colors were brighter and he had no concept of time here, he felt over whelmingly satisfied. While floating around he saw another naked dude who was doing the back stroke and whistling happily.

"Hey, what are you doing in my dream?" Kevin asked curiously.

"I was returning something back to my friend's neighbor and she started to give me head and I woke up here." He said with his eyes being cartoonishly big and his voice going from high to low. Kevin's perception of everything was outlandish and distorted. The guy pointed to a window to which Kevin floated towards. The guy was on a kitchen floor with another massive jiggling lady on top of him giving him a savage blow job. He was drooling.

"This place changed me. I never thought I would like fat chicks but clearly I do. In this place your fat fantasies come true even if you don't realize you have them." The guy said smiling with a cheshire like grin.

"What do you mean?" Kevin asked curiously.

"You can create anything you desire..." the guy said as he began back stroking away into a plume of purple vapor.

"Where are you going?" Kevin asked but then saw Danielle. In all her 400 lb glory, she slowly floated at him. Kevin's eyes dilated at the shear size of Danielle's butt. Her ass stuck out out on each side, cellulite ripples up her legs, she was a full blown pear now. Her giant tits floated in every which direction and her double belly which looked as if it were fighting to escape her corset, moved up and down.    She flew into him pinning him to what appeared to be a small soft meteor which appeared to be made of pillows and began kissing him. Her vagina like some kind of vacuum sucked his man meat in and felt incredibly wet. Her full weight was on him and through another reflective mirror he saw her large figure humping him. The sex was visceral he felt helpless but he liked it. They both began to climax he then snapped back to reality loudly moaning as Danielle gulped down his load.

"Oh my god..." Kevin groaned now completely relaxed and partially conscious.
Daniellle got a towel and wrapped his midsection up she then began cuddling him with her massive body. After a while he recovered from his orgasm coma and woke up where he found his huge girlfriend had pinned him to the bed with her body engulfing him completely and her tits in his face.

"Now your turn to satisfy me little man" she said smiling at him devilishly.
They laid there in the afterglow, smiling and holding each other. Kevin got up to go take another shower while Danielle laid there. When Kevin got out he noticed she had taken the dress off and was still napping. He noticed that her butt was slightly bigger now and her figure had softened slightly. Kevin picked up the magical dress off the ground and packed it in her suit case. He walked out to the hall to put his suitcase in the car when he saw the guy in his dream walk by but didn't say anything because he thought it would be weird.

Later that week on the cruise..
Danielle was looking for her bathing suit when she saw the magic dress.

"Oh, you do like me juicy don't you?" Danielle said pulling the magic dress over her head.

Kevin smiled sheepishly.

Danielle was examining her figure in the mirror while wearing the dress.

"I think, ive gotten wider. What do you think?" Danielle asked Kevin with a wink. She had her dress pulled up and ass cheeks spilling out of her panties.

"I -" Kevin began before being interrupted by Danielle.

"Let's go hit the buffet. I'm STARVING!" She said rushing out the door.

He met up with her later on the deck by the pool
"Crystal is going to be house sitting for us for the week." Danielle said as she ate a plate of cocktail shrimp.

"I hope she doesn't make things awkward with our neighbor" Kevin replied and then perked up with realization that Crystal might be the girl that sent that dude to the "BJ dimension" he was in but the idea was ludicrous so he put it out of his mind.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Kexickus 3 years
I can't wait to read the next chapter!
Nightfox28 4 years
Can't wait for more chapters
Theswordsman 4 years
I wonder how long its going to be before her husband puts two and two together
Jktab 4 years
Tysonterrel 4 years
Love it! Keep going!
Chubbychickl... 4 years
Though I can't say why, this one is really doing it for me!
Lpark435 4 years
Awesome read so far, can’t wait for more!