Short story 1

Chapter 2 - first time

After 3 months, I had stopped crying for him but I fas for sure not over him. Knowing that he was living his best life with such a beautiful woman while I was spending my days laying on the couch thinking about him was the worst. I felt about about myself, and there's nothing worst than that.
After 3 months, one hot saturday morning as I was walking down the street I was him. My heart stopped. I didn't want to see him. But he looked so good... Next to him a rather chubby version of his new gf. Was that really her?
He stopped to say hi. I introduced myself to this girl. She took of her sun glasses. Her blue eyes. Her hair...
"Oh hi... I'm Monika" - She said
"Oh yeah... its her" I thought to myself. It had to be her, the girl I had seen in the pics a couple months back looking flawless.... She looked.... different. I checked her body form head to toes. She still looked beautiful, her face was glowing, perfect skin, bright eyes, perfect wavy black hair... But her body... I mean... Her flat stomach had disappeared completely... she looked softer, like she had put 20 pounds on in just a couple months. She was wearing some tight shorts that squished her belly making more obvious her gain.
After a small talk he ended the conversation with a " Well, nice to see you, you look good.... take care". And they left.
First of all, I gotta say that I was not expecting to get out of this encounter this way. I thought that seeing him was going to break my heart in 10.000 pieces, but seeing him with this girl actually helped me.
I know this might seem cruel... after all... he was the one who broke my heart... but seeing how he was dating this girl who was beautiful... but has gotten chubbier since they started dating... It made me feel good. He had always been obsessed with me being thin and now his new girlfriend was rounding out? What a fantasy.
For months I kept checking their pics on instagram.... No more pictures at the beach... neither full body pictures... Suspicious... My mind was all over the place thinking of her getting bigger...
Then it happened.... I ran into them again, this time at the movies. I went with a couple friends, we were just chatting by the entrance when I saw his car park in in the parking lot right in front of the entrace. He got of the car, looking as good as always. Then she came out. Oh boy, I had been waiting for that moment for quite a while. The good thing about living in southern California is that its always hot, always summer, and there is no space where you can hide your body in summer clothes... She had been pilling up the pounds and her clothes could not hide it. Probably 20 pounds more than last time, her belly was showing full and round. Pushing against her tank top her new gut shook proudly as she walked. She must had been feeding herself well... They walked in, completely ignoring me, standing right there. I preferred not to say anything, I was going to enjoy better to look from afar. They walked towards the popcorn stand and she ordered food. Big butter popcorns... Soda... Oh, and lets not forget nachos. I could understand her new body now.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Xavier311 4 years
I rarely post comments but I disagree about the spelling. There are minimal errors, but the grammar and sentence structure is atrocious.

You succeed well with the character development and your use of imagery is most excellent. Just stop using ellipses
Jazzman 4 years
It's a great story with some truly sloppy spelling. Great plot. I hope you will take your time in the next chapter.