Short story 1

chapter 3 - monika who?

Time went by, almost a year actually since that they at the cinema. I had not seen them in a while, I had stalked them over instagram... Although they had not posted much... For a month or so I even thought they had broken up... Almost no pictures, and the few ones thay had posted were either face pictures or just them holding hads.... no body... nothing at all....
As you can imagine, I need to see her, I had had a year to imagine how her body was.... If she had kept gaining... Or maybe no and she was thin again... But I was glad to find out that she had kept growing. I had been visiting my mum for her birthday and on my way back home I had stopped at the mall to go get some new jeans. As I was trying to find american eagle, I saw her, this time she was alone, walking around the food court at the mall, perhaps trying to decide what was going to make her fatter this time. She looked masive. She had gained a lot of weight... maybe around a 100 pounds.... This meant that when they started dating she was probably... 140 pounds.... the she gained 20... plus an other 20... and now probably 100 or even some more...close to 300 pounds of pure fat walking in front of me. She was wearing a talk top that kept rolling up, showing her meaty soft belly hanging over her waist band. She had gained most of the weight on her belly, this made her gain more obvious. On her belly purple lines showed, stretch marks that were never gonna fade. As she walked her belly shook, up and down. I enjoyed every move of it. She finally decided what to eat, KFC. She ordered food and walked towards her table. She sat there with a bucket of fried chicken a some chips. As she sat, her pants went down a little giving a better view of her love handles, also covered in blue stretch marks. Her heavy belly rested on her lap. She took pice after pice, covering her mouth with grease. Piece after piece her belly looked fuller, larger. It started to hit the table. Her tank top kept rolling up, and she kept pulling it down, trying to cover it somehow. Every couple minutes it would roll up and her belly would show almost completely. I was so shocked I could not stop looking. A 100 pound belly, growing in front of my eyes, resting on her lap, covered in stretch marks.... The thought of her before... once thin and pretty... now looking obese and not trying to avoid it...
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Xavier311 4 years
I rarely post comments but I disagree about the spelling. There are minimal errors, but the grammar and sentence structure is atrocious.

You succeed well with the character development and your use of imagery is most excellent. Just stop using ellipses
Jazzman 4 years
It's a great story with some truly sloppy spelling. Great plot. I hope you will take your time in the next chapter.