The girl of your dreams

chapter 4

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Simon was sleeping and got woken up by Jade was still up she told him : " baby I’m hungry I know it’s 2 am but can you go to the store and get food I’m really hungry and horny i will let you fuck my fat rolls and suck your dick if you go . Please !!! " she said with a big smile. She would rarely be dressed since she would be in the house all day eating. Jade’s stomach had reached a point where the two golds started to look heavy pillows stacked together. Simon couldn’t stop himself every time she asked for food she would get it cause he loved every pound of that women and wanted to get her even fatter and soft than she was right now. When he got back home he got back in the bed room with the bags of chips, the bags of candy, the cookies, the twinkies. She was all ready waiting for him naked massaging her belly with cream. She started to eat the food three bags of chips , 4 bags of candy, 2 rows of Oreo cookies and the whole box of twinkie, jade decided she would like to have her belly massaged to digest all the food she had eaten. The next day Simon proposed her to start limiting the amount of steps she would take every day she went form 500 steps a day to 150 steps she was alway sitting or laying down. Two months had passed since the last time she weighed her self and she had gotten even fatter than she would ever think she could be in so little time . A big 365 was written on the scale. Jade didn’t even know what to say she was so happy to be so fat and soft to the touch. Simon made her a 10 000 calories shake with heavy cream, weight gain powder, ice cream and whole bottle of chocolate syrup. Simon had bought a funnel for his girlfriend and funnel feed her. Simon went and bout a loto ticket that day . Two weeks later he found out he won 50 million dollars . He got home and told jade that he had just won 50 millions and that he wanted to move out of there little house and get a bigger one with a big kitchen so that he could get a chef for her she was so happy she jumped in the air and landed back and hurt her foot . She went to the hospital and got told that she would not be able to walk for two months. Simon was so happy she couldn’t walk even tho she was hurt it was really positive for her not to walk she would not burn any calories by walking all the extra calories would go to contribute to her gain .
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