Stacy's crush

chapter 2 first date

Stacy met with jason at a mcdonalds of all places and thought of jason as a bit of a cheapskate. As she walked in, jason was already sitting down at a table and he pulled out her seat for her.

"Awwwweee thank u so much, ur too sweet!" Stacy said.

"Oh my pleasure! What were u thinking of getting here?" Jason asked

"Uuuuhhh im not sure, im kind of on a diet right now so i dont rhink im gonna get anything too fatty." Stacy remarked, " Do u think that they would have salads?"

"They might have some healthier options, but why not just let loose a little, its all on me. What could one tasty meal really do?" Jason begged as his intentions began to show.

" No i think ill just have a salad but thanks i wanna stay as fit as possible this year, no freshman 15 for me!" Stacy joked.

Jason laughed out of kindness but realized that she might not be the right girl for him. He always kind of liked her because she sarted gaining weight in high school and it would always get him hard in class when he would see how tight her clothes were getting or how wide her ass was growing.
He always thought that maybe he had a chance to play out his fantasies with her but it seemed like it was all for nothing.

"Uuuuhhh Stacy?" Jason started, "Im not sure if thisll work out for me. Its not that i dont find u attractive, because i definitely do, its just i kinda have a thing for bigger girls and thats why i was into u in highschool" he stated. "With all ur dieting and exercising youve lost all the weight and im just not sure if i can be with u like that." "Im really sorry, id still love to be friends though!" Jason tried to reassure her.

"O..ohhh ok i guess thats alright then, im sorry for wasting ur time, ive always kinda had a thing for u too but i was always too shy to talk to u because of my weight in high school. Im sorry to lead u on now." Stacy said heartbroken.

"Im just gonna get my food to go, but whatecer u get is on me!" Jason kindly offered.

"No its ok im just gonna go set up my dorm with all my stuff, i hope u find someone u actually like. Have a good night." Stacy regretted.

Stacy walked back to her dorm depressed and a bit frustrated.

"I put in all this time and effort to get a nice body so that ill have the confidence to talk to jason, but then he rejects me cuz he liked me when i was big and fat. Why would anyone even want a fat girl?!" She wondered angrily.

"Well i guess if i really want him, ill have to show him what he wants."

"He wants fat"

"Ill give him more then he could ever handle!"
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Pd500 4 years
Loving this! Nice work!
Theswordsman 4 years
I wonder what jason is doing during this
LoopDeLoopFe... 4 years
If u want more give it a like