Dan’s beauty serum 4: the grand plan


Chapter 2 - dinner party

The twins spent the rest of the day lounging around before having dinner with the family that evening in their massive dining hall. From what they could tell, neither were experiencing any “symptoms” and Julie was beginning to think the invention was a dud. Sitting in her dining chair, Julie watched as the wait staff brought out more food than she had ever seen in her entire life. Helpings of entire cheeseburgers, pizzas, fries, and countless deserts were brought in front of her and Erin and as soon as she caught a whiff her stomach began to scream with hunger. The twins spent the next two hours scarfing down food, long after the rest of the family had left the table. The girls were in such a trance that time flew by as they each ate thousands of fatty calories without even realizing it. When they finished, each girl was moaning from the discomfort. Darrshini waddled up to Julie and took her by the arm as Sajni came for Erin.

“Here Julie, let me help you to your room. I’m glad you had such a big meal, that will be the first of many more to come!” Julie slowly came to her feet in a haze. As she stood up, her shirt rode up over her distended belly and if she didn’t know any better, Julie would have thought that she was nine months pregnant. Darrshini walked the overstuffed blonde to her bedroom, but the young girl didn’t seem to notice as her belly slowly began to shrink with each step. As she walked down the large corridor of the mansion, different parts of her body began to grow as her food baby began to dissipate. It started in her arms and legs, each losing their tone as fresh fat began to ooze and settle in under her skin; her youthful thigh gap slowly disappearing as each leg beefed up and began to lightly brush the other.

Darrshini watched the girl’s gradual transformation as she helped Julie into her room. As Julie took off her clothes, Darrshini got a full sight of the girl’s changing body. Julie had weighed around 120 pounds when Dan initially measured her body earlier that day, but now she looked to be in the 160-170-pound range. Her arms and legs were certainly bigger while her once shapely ass had been replaced with a jiggling bubble butt. On top, Julie’s breasts must have gone from B cups to Ds while her once slim stomach now had a visible layer of pudge that melded into her newly established love handles. Her face had begun to look more rounded, with the subtle beginnings of a double chin. Most men would no longer consider Julie to be thin or lean, she might even be on the larger end of thick. Despite the weight gain, Julie seemed to be oblivious to the changes as she rolled into bed. Within a minute, Julie was sound asleep and Darrshini turned off the light for the growing girl.

When Julie woke up, she felt as though she was emerging from a coma. Her mind was slow to gather her thoughts while her body felt unusually sluggish. As she opened her eyes, she found herself in a dimly lit bedroom with a large dining tray stationed above her body. On the tray sat a pile of delicious breakfast foods and standing over to the side was Darrshini, who was wearing a saree with her massive stomach exposed and fully visible.

“Good morning sleepy head! We’ve brought all your food right to you! No need to get up today, whatever you need we’ll bring it to you!”

Julie was still getting the sand out of her eyes, but her nostrils were filled with the wonderful smell of breakfast. Julie tried to thank Darrshini but only managed to get out a grunt noise as she started to sit up. Julie felt a little heavier throughout the effort and gave a look down where she was greeted by a fresh set of D cups. “Now THAT is more like it!” the girl squealed before losing focus and grabbing a chocolate donut. The girl scarfed down the donut before moving on to the next and two hours later the girl was stuffed and in yet another food-induced trance. Stuffed and tired, the girl settled back into her bed and passed out. Julie repeated this cycle numerous times throughout the day, completely losing track of the passage of time, assisted by the dimly lit room. While the foods were always delicious, Julie noticed that more Indian food types were being mixed into her diet. Before she had never cared for Indian food, but she quickly found herself demanding more and doing away with her utensils, electing to eat with just her hands. As she polished off her dinner, Darrshini took the tray away. “That’s such a good girl. Go ahead and get some rest, tomorrow is a big day.” Julie didn’t need to be told twice, laying her head back in a state of bliss and letting sleep take her.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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SLDB 4 years
Thank you to everyone for the wonderful feedback. These are the first stories I've ever written and I'm glad people are enjoying them. Please let me know what you'd like to see going forward and I'll do my best to incorporate your ideas!