Dan’s beauty serum 4: the grand plan


Chapter 3 - was it a dream

In her dreams, Julie found herself sitting in a beautiful gazebo on a warm summer day. She was staring out at an expansive grassy field where a large group of dark-skinned children were playing games with each other and having fun. The scene become more lucid as the world continued to develop around her. The sound of classical Indian music could be heard in the background while her nostrils were filled with the scent of delicious curry.

“So how’s Daniel Jr. behaving at night? Hopefully he's letting you get a little rest here and there.”

The sound of Darrshini’s voice came from Julie’s left. When she turned her eyes towards Darrshini, she found the obese Indian woman sitting opposite of her, completely naked with two dark-skinned babies suckling on her large brown nipples. The sight should have been unnerving to Julie, yet for some reason she wasn't phased a bit, and simply returned a smile. “He’s actually been much better lately. I knew it was going to be tough, but Dan’s resources make things so much easier.” Her mind was confused yet the words rolled out naturally.

“Like Dan said, you’re part of the family now. I would expect Dan will want to have many more Dan Jr.’s with you in the future” Darrshini said with a fiendish giggle.

Julie’s conscious was completely lost at Darrshini’s words. What is she talking about?

The world continued to develop as Julie became increasingly aware of just how warm her body felt. All across her body, trickles of sweat made their way towards the ground as gravity pulled them down. A strange suction-like sensation was growing around Julie's chest and when she finally looked down, her mind reeled. In her arms were two dark-skinned newborn babies that looked to be only a few months old. They were suckling on two fleshy breasts that were resting on a massive and slightly hairy brown stomach. The world seemed to close in on Julie as everything become much more real. She could vividly feel as the newborns suckled on her dark brown nipples, extracting a warm liquid from her body as she nourished her newborn. Meanwhile across her expansive body, Julie could now feel how all of her body's sweat was pooling in a large puddle around her gargantuan ass.

“I’m glad you’re enjoying your new life Jilpa. I can’t wait for your sister to return from her mission in California. Soon the whole world will see things through our eyes.”

Julie was so stunned by her senses, that Darrshini’s words simply went in one ear and out the other. Instead she felt a panic attack coming over her; her body growing warmer as her vision began to blur. Right before she was completely overwhelmed, Julie's vision went dark and the girl awoke from her dream.

When her eyes opened, the room was nearly pitch black. Her mind was more aware of her environment than it had been since that massive dinner, and yet she still felt a slight haze as if she were mildly hungover. As her eyes adjusted to the lighting, she could see through the window shades that it was nearing sunset. Or was it sunrise? “How many days have I been in bed?” Julie asked to herself, slightly thrown off by the sound of her own voice. Her voice almost sounded… deeper?

As Julie looked around the room for clues, she realized just how warm she felt and could feel a layer of sweat covering a large portion of her body. Julie needed to get out of bed but as she started to sit up, she felt uncharacteristically lethargic. [Something is definitely wrong]. Panicking, she threw the blanket off her body and was greeted by a mass of creamy white flesh. While the room was very dark, she could make out the image of two gigantic breasts where her meager C cups used to rest. Julie had figured that her breasts would grow, but these were far too big and completely shapeless. “I need to get to a mirror; this doesn’t feel right at all.” Standing up was a ponderous task and as she walked towards the on-suite bathroom, she could feel friction between her legs as they rubbed against each other.

When Julie reached the bathroom and flipped on the lights, she nearly screamed at the sight in front of her. Julie’s mind did not recognize the woman in the mirror. While she was the same height as Julie, this woman was at least 200 pounds heavier. From the ground up, this woman’s swollen feet had fat little digits for toes and her feet seamlessly melded into a thick slab of meat that was her new legs. Tree trunk thighs pressed firmly together before disappearing behind a massive dome of a belly that drooped down below her waist as gravity pulled on its fleshy expanse. Above the woman’s paunch were two gigantic breasts the size of watermelons, with areola at least 8 inches wide and capped by the thickest nipples she had ever seen. Continuing up, the girls’ neck was thick with fat. As Julie’s eyes arrived at the woman’s face, she found the obese woman staring back at her with tears rolling down her face. The girl’s face was completely rounded by her flabby jowls and a massive blob of a chin. Julie felt a tear tickle her check and raised her fattened arm up to wipe it away.

Julie now understood why her voice had sounded so foreign to her, it was now deep and husky, befitting her morbidly obese body. "How could this have happened?" Julie asked herself, unsure if her transformation was an accident or if Dan had done this to her intentionally as some sort of joke. The fattened girl waddled closer to the mirror and began to feel around her fattened form. She grabbed her hefty paunch with both hands and lifted it up, revealing her fattened pussy that was hiding behind her belly mass.

As she stared at her bare pussy, Julie noticed its coloration begin to darken as small dark hairs began to grow around it. Julie watched in fascination as her previously bare pussy quickly became enveloped in a thicket of black hair. She had always kept her pussy relatively hairless, so this new development startled her into letting go of her gut, which proceeded to drop freely, slamming loudly on the bathroom counter. Julie reached a free hand under her paunch to feel her new pussy hair and in the process, noticed that her hand and arm were beginning to sprout small dark hairs as well. “What the fuck is this!” Julie screamed with her new husky voice. Exacerbated, Julie watched the same hair growing across her entire body. Her back, arms, legs, and even her belly began to gain a light sprinkling of black hairs. A small happy travel sprouted around her cavernous belly button and marched south until it disappeared into her crotch. Julie watched on in awe as her beautiful shimmering blonde hair began to darken and turn a jet black. Her eyes changed from an emerald green to a shade of brown as her skin began to darken and take on a caramel color.

Julie couldn’t watch anymore and turned away from the mirror. She spotted a small scale on the floor on the far side of the bathroom and decided to waddle over to check the damage. When she stepped on the scale, she looked on in horror as the numbers quickly climbed past 200... 250... 300... before finally settling at 322 pounds, nearly triple her previous weight. “Something is wrong! I need to find Dan and get this fixed!”

Julie stumbled awkwardly out of the bathroom, her frame still adjusting to the additional poundage. As she waddled through the long corridors of the mansion, she began to hear the distant sound of a woman’s voice wailing in the air. The voice grew louder as she approached Dan’s room and when she opened the door, she found Dan positioned behind Darrshini, plowing her from behind. Julie watched the fat Indian woman's massive brown ass and thighs quake with each thrust. In between the two massive thighs and resting on the floor, was a gigantic sack of a gut that wobbled along with the rest of her inflated body.

At first Julie wanted to interrupt the two, but she was quickly overcome by an unnatural fixation for the couple. Julie suddenly began to feel warm all over as she experienced a growing desire to feel Dan inside her. God she didn’t want it, she needed that man to f**k her. Without realizing her actions, she reached her hand between her legs and began playing with herself as her pussy became slick with her own fluid. Julie was finally snapped back to reality when she heard a set of heavy footsteps approach from behind.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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SLDB 4 years
Thank you to everyone for the wonderful feedback. These are the first stories I've ever written and I'm glad people are enjoying them. Please let me know what you'd like to see going forward and I'll do my best to incorporate your ideas!