Robert little

chapter 11

Vivian fed her husband the whole cake and made sure he drank down the entire half gallon of milk, while slowly riding his hard cock and playing with his fattened sides. A few times she had to pause and even scolded her love a few times to keep him from cumming, that was until he'd finished. Then when he was all done, Vivian grabbed hold of his fattened love handles and while bounding up and down. Needless to say it didn't take long before Bob unleashed a deluge of his hot sperm into her wet and dripping pussy. Bob then fell asleep and the surplus calories went to work growing his fat cells.

Vivian repeated said feedings everyday for a whole week. Bob protested a bit the second day, and even less the next day. By day four, he didn't even say a word, he just dug in and ate even faster. Seeing his backslide into overindulgence, Vivian decided to speed up the process a bit on day five by feeding him twice a day, once in the early morning and before he went to sleep.

She hadn't weighed him, but Vivian knew that the extra 12,000 calories a day would have to start catching up with him. He'd never eaten this much before, nor been so sedentary. There were however more telltale signs that he was gaining weight and adding inches.

First of all there was his attire. As Bob began to gain back the weight he'd lost, he began to wear some of his larger sized clothes so that his expanding belly didn't keep popping out from under his shirt. Then there was the fact that he'd even added a few new angry stretchmarks across his expanding saddle bag's and widening hips. His face looked fuller and happier too. Vivian was pleased with herself.

She desperately wanted to know how much he weighed but didn't want to out and out ask him for fear of freaking him out. Bob was finally eating like a pig and Vivian didn't want to do anything that might spoil their current dynamic. She estimated he was somewhere around 300lbs by the end of the second week, but this still wasn't enough for her ravenous desire to make her man truly fat.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Canuck 4 years
great story! you have done a great job of setting this up, can't wait to see what is in bob's future.
Growingsofter 4 years
Thank you so much.
GrowingLoveH... 4 years

Poor, poor Bob.
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
I envy your writing skills and your output. This story really is superb.
Built4com4t 4 years
Inthecourt 4 years
Cool to get some background!