Spoiling her princess

chapter 13- overindulging

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Every lunch hour, Catherine shows up to whisk me away on some magical international culinary journey that leaves me stuffed and sleepy for the rest of the day. We eat Thai, Japanese, and Greek.

At the tiny hole in the wall, but expensive Greek place, she’s wrapped around me. Her hand playing with my hair as I rest against her, sedated. She hums softly. Our meals are always full of talking. Whether about the food, our interests, her college days and a little bit about her family. They are a rather laid back bunch of hippies and she ended up rebelling against that. Her longing for order and justice led her to be a lawyer.

“You’re so gorgeous. Thank you for letting me spoil you this week,” she hums deeply into my ear. I turn slightly and kiss the bottom of her jaw. Her lips find mine and we kiss for moment, before she chuckles. “You taste like cucumber sauce.”

I flush.

“No, it’s okay, darling. I adore it,” she says. “I could just eat you up…which brings me to the topic of our next date this weekend. You need to wear something a little nicer than your jeans.” She sighs and fingers one of the tears. “Not that I don’t love them.”

“I can’t borrow Scarlett’s things,” I say to her, cheeks flushing harder.

“Please, let me take you shopping tomorrow. Nicole told me you have off. It’ll be fun.”


“I told you my conditions, but I’ll make a deal with you. I pick the dress and I’ll let you choose whatever you want in the store too,” she says wickedly. “Those are my terms.” I squeeze her waist and moan against her.

“I really like you, Catherine.”

“And I adore you,” she replies playfully. Her chocolate eyes look over me. Those ruby red lips so perfect as her black hair kisses her high cheekbones. She’s perfect, entirely too good for me.

“Okay,” I whisper quietly. She grins as if I’ve made her the happiest woman in the world and squeezes me so tightly. I gasp as her fingers press into the heavy food belly I’m currently sporting and I burp softly, but still loud enough she can hear.

My cheeks burn so hot as her eyes open a little wider. She smiles so wickedly then as I bury my face into her shoulder.

“I’m so sorry, please excuse me.”

“Someone had quite the appetite,” she teases me, fingers tickling my heavy belly tenderly. “I’m truly glad you enjoyed it.” She shifts to stroking my back and then my face, before kissing me softly as if to reassure me. “It’s okay. I promise. I’m just glad you enjoyed it. Really.”

“Really?” I ask. She nods with a smile.

“I’m going to send you home with leftovers. I don’t even know what you eat over at Scarlett’s house. I wish I could feed you dinner too. I’m quite the cook.”

“Maybe next week I should come over for dinner one night?” I ask. Then, I blush as I realize I just invited myself over and told her to cook. She chuckles.

“Oh darling, I think that’s a marvelous idea. I’ll cook you some real Puerto Rican food. Not that fake stuff they serve,” she says. “Just bring that renowned appetite of yours.” She pokes my belly gently this time and I’m sure she feels the rounded stiffness over my waistband. She kisses my cheek. “I absolutely adore you.”
20 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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SecretAddict... 1 year
Writing an incredible story like this and then hitting me with a paywall should be a criminal offense and I will be hiring Catherine to prosecute.
Fatraveler 4 years
Thanks guys! I really appreciate it. I hope you've enjoyed it. Unfortunately, this story is going premium after this chapter. If you'd like to follow Emi and Catherine to the completion of their story it will be posted there, but I tried to give you a hug
Theswordsman 4 years
I like how you make this relationship progress
Plump_little... 4 years
This is my favorite thing on this website, it makes me so happy and lovey dovey
Theswordsman 4 years
Interesting turn of events
Fatraveler 4 years
Thanks guys! I really appreciate it. I'm really trying to balance characters and the really fun stuff well.
Atelia 4 years
Great story so far. I love that there is some degree of character depth here. Keep it up.