Spoiling her princess

chapter 16- the date

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Emi looks so sexy in her black dress as I take her to the little Italian restaurant I planned for our first date. It’s quiet and very sleek. She nervously picks at the dress and I rub her arm without thinking.

“You’re safe with me, okay?” I say and she nods with a grateful smile.

“Thanks, I’m just--this is our first date-date,” she says. “I’ve really liked spending time with you.”

“Me too,” I say warmly. I’m in a red number that Emi can’t seem to look at me in or quite quit taking sneaky looks with her cheeks turning more and more rosy.

“You look so good,” she says in a hush voice.

“So do you.”

I park the car in front of the restaurant, so the valet can park the car for me. I hand him the keys and we slip into the small restaurant. It’s difficult to get a reservation, but a little money helped grease the wheels. A small waitress leads us to a circular booth with a round little table lit by candles. Emi shuffles into it and scoots right next to me until her arm presses against me. Our waitress takes the wine order.

Emi goes to pick up the menu, but I take it from her.

“Nope,” I say, not wanting her to get stressed out by the Italian or the prices. I don’t remember if the prices are on the menu, but I’m not about to risk it. “What do you like?”

“Just about everything to be honest,” she says, blushing.

“Did you save an appetite?” I ask and she nods, looking demure. I gnaw my lip and wonder how much I can order. When the waiter approaches, I smile. “We’ll have the Calamari Fritti, Lobster Ravioli, and the Cozze Provenszale.”

“I’ve never had lobster in a ravioli before. What else did you order?”

“Fried squid and mussels steamed in Sherry sauce. I promise you’ll like it.”

“I don’t know. I’ve never eaten so much sea food. Where’s the pasta at?” She says, sounding a little disappointed.

“In the main course. I’ll keep that in mind, pasta for Emi,” I say with a devilish grin.

“I mean we are at an Italian restaurant.”

“A very refined one,” I say and elbow her gently. Her hands wrap around my arm.

“I’d ask you how your week was, but I’ve seen you everyday this week. Isn’t that a bit much in the start of a relationship?” She asks me, looking concerned. “Not that I know. I haven’t dated many people.”

“Maybe, normally I don’t do this, but…” I sigh, trying to word my thoughts and emotions so I won’t scare her away. “You’re different. I know you're young, but I really like you, Emi. You’re so easy to be around and…” I frown and look at my hands. She takes one and squeezes.

“I know, I feel it too. It scares me, but I want this,” she says. “I’ll try my best.” I stroke her cheek and hair behind her ear.

“You don’t have to try, just be yourself,” I say. “It’s okay to be scared. I’m anxious as well. I’m so good at messing things up and our age gap doesn’t make this particularly easy.” She nods, not stiffening up on me for once.

“I’m sorry I'm so young,” she says and I stop her with a deep kiss.

“You can’t control that and when I’m with you I don’t care. It’s not like our friends care and sure one day I’ll have to show you off to the family, but they can get over it,” I say and roll my eyes. Emi stiffens next to me and I sigh. “It’s not tomorrow. If we’re still together and when your comfortable with it—“

“I just forgot that was a thing.”

“Are you going to show me off to your parents?” I tease her and she looks away, fiddling with her water glass. “Or are you ashamed of me?”

“No!” She exclaimed, making me smile. “I just…there’s…it’s complicated.” She finishes looking so terrified and anxious.

“Tell me when you are ready,” I say as our appetizers arrive. “Whatever it is. It’ll be fine.” I squeeze her hands and her lips purse as she tries them. It’s clear she enjoys each and every one of them. I take a few bites here and there, but again my princess has a way of putting food away.

“Man, that was amazing!” She says enthusiastically. “I like how the flavors blended. You’re so good at picking the wine and the food.” I grin, stroking her back as she leans forward.

“I’m glad you like it,” I say as the waiter picks up the dishes. I order the salad, pasta with meatballs and sausage for her, and a rack of lamb. Emi doesn’t complain as she leans against me.

We talk about our favorite bands, style of music, and I promise to take her to some of the festivals this coming summer and a few concerts. We have some similarities. It’s obvious I can introduce her to some older bands, but that all comes with time. We are both into the indie scene which pleases me.

When the food arrives, she eats all the pasta and half the lamb, before she’s just too full. So I have it wrapped up for later and get her dessert that includes a scoop of strawberry gelato, chocolate and Pistachio biscotti and a slice of tiramisu. For some reason the tiramisu makes her blush redder than anything this evening.

I’ve taken to stroking her side as eats slowly, but surely through the dessert. What she doesn’t finish of the large tiramisu slice I have it packed up too. As I pay the bill, I look over to her and she looks so content and happy.

“Come home with me,” I tell her. Her eyes widen, but then she nods.

“Yes, please,” she says softly.
20 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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SecretAddict... 1 year
Writing an incredible story like this and then hitting me with a paywall should be a criminal offense and I will be hiring Catherine to prosecute.
Fatraveler 4 years
Thanks guys! I really appreciate it. I hope you've enjoyed it. Unfortunately, this story is going premium after this chapter. If you'd like to follow Emi and Catherine to the completion of their story it will be posted there, but I tried to give you a hug
Theswordsman 4 years
I like how you make this relationship progress
Plump_little... 4 years
This is my favorite thing on this website, it makes me so happy and lovey dovey
Theswordsman 4 years
Interesting turn of events
Fatraveler 4 years
Thanks guys! I really appreciate it. I'm really trying to balance characters and the really fun stuff well.
Atelia 4 years
Great story so far. I love that there is some degree of character depth here. Keep it up.