
chapter 7

Natalie woke up the next morning bright and early, and starving. Normally she slept in late whenever she got the chance, but right around 8 A.M. Natalie woke up to her stomach rumbling and demanding food. She wasn’t surprised though. For some reason, whenever she eats a lot before bed, she always wakes up extremely hungry the next morning. She didn’t want to start cooking and wake her parents though, so she decided she was going to take a ride to the local diner that had the best breakfast in town. Natalie threw on her high school tennis team sweatshirt, which was nice and tight around her new squishy belly, along with a pair of leggings that were nearly see through thanks to her thick thighs stretching them out. Her breasts were still just small enough that she could get away with not wearing a bra in a bulky top like the sweatshirt she had put on. “I don’t care how much of a fat slob I look in this outfit, I’m not letting anything stop me from getting that breakfast this morning” she thought to herself. The old Natalie would have never left the house looking like she did right now, but the new Natalie only cared about one thing: food.

She snuck out of the house without waking anyone, and she was on her way. The diner was a quick 10 minute drive, and to Natalie’s surprise it was actually quite crowded already. Then it suddenly occurred to Natalie; it was Saturday. “Shit” she said to herself. But the sweet smell of fresh buttermilk pancakes quickly distracted her and before she knew it she was standing in line outside, surrounded by other hungry patrons waiting to get in. Although, if Natalie had known she’d be waiting outside, she might have thought twice about not wearing that bra. It was still early enough that there was a slight chill in the air, and let’s just say her choice became more apparent by this. Natalie crossed her arms and tried to cover up her nipples that were now poking through her top. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, it was Natalie’s turn to place her order. She got banana pancakes, a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich on a fresh poppyseed roll, as well as an order of french toast sticks. She had been in line for so long it only seemed logical at that point to just get whatever she wanted instead of choosing just one thing out of many that she was craving.

There was one spot left at the end of the wooden bench located next to the front door of the diner. Natalie rushed over and grabbed the seat before anyone else got to it. Her butt was so wide nearly half of it was falling off the rickety old bench. But anything was better than having to stand any longer.

“Natalie!” She hears a young male voice shout her name. “I know that voice” Natalie thinks to herself. She gets up and walks over to the counter and immediately recognizes the tall blonde standing there holding her bags. It was Jason from her P.E. class last year. Natalie was not Jason’s biggest fan. He used to act like he was so much better than her because he was the number one singles player on the boy's tennis team, and Natalie was number 2 on the girl’s. “Is that you Natalie” he asks, his eyes appearing as if they’re about to pop out of his head. “Ye—yeah, it’s me” Natalie sheepishly replies. “It’s me, Jason, from P.E.” he exclaims. “Oh I know” Natalie says, desperate to get out of there already and go devour her piping hot food. “Looks like you haven’t been playing much tennis” Jason teases her as he laughs. Natalie couldn’t help but blush. Clearly he was insinuating that she was out of shape. “Well, enjoy all your food” he says as he walks off to help another customer.

Usually when Jason gave her a rough time, Natalie would get frustrated and annoyed. But this time she felt inspired. Inspired to eat! For some reason him poking fun at her weight gain made her want to gorge herself even more. All Natalie could think about on the car ride home was Jason telling all his friends how fat she’d gotten, not to mention the sheer look of horror on his face when he initially saw her. It was so typical of Jason to think that Natalie even cared about his stupid opinion. Little did he know, it was actually almost turning Natalie on.

When she arrives home everyone is still asleep. But running into Jason had given her an idea. Natalie takes her breakfast up to her room and starts rummaging through her drawers. “Got it” she yelps. She pulls out a bright red tennis skirt that she used to wear during all of her matches, along with the red polo shirt that went with it. Natalie tore off her clothes and shimmied into her old tennis outfit, just barely. The skirt was so tight around her waist she could hardly twist or turn from how much it was digging into her blubber. The polo shirt was so small on her now it was practically cutting off the circulation in her chubby arms. “The perfect outfit to stuff myself in” she thought.

Natalie laid out all of her food on her bed. Steam was seeping out of the styrofoam boxes holding her precious cargo. It was such a beautiful sight to see. First Natalie went for the bacon, egg and cheese sandwich. When she took her first bite all Natalie could taste was the warm melted cheddar cheese smothering the crispy bacon and warm fluffy eggs underneath. The roll was fresh. Like just came out of the oven fresh. She was so ravenous she completely annihilated the whole thing in less than 3 minutes. Next she tore into the stack of banana pancakes that tasted as if they had been sent down straight from heaven. No matter where else she had pancakes from, no restaurant in the world could whip up a batch like this place could. Her stomach had started to expand from all of this yummy food filling her empty belly. Her skirt was so tiny it almost began to hurt Natalie’s ample round waist. The polo shirt had completely risen above her belly button, unable to cover her midsection any longer. She was full, but she wanted more. She opened up the box of french toast sticks and went straight to town. Drowning the sticks in warm gooey syrup, she shoved them down her throat one by one, watching her belly bulge out a little more with each bite she finished. Natalie began to groan from how overstuffed she had become. Her t-shirt now a crop top, and her skirt now on the floor after being unable to withstand the tightness around her oversized tummy any longer.

Just as she was about to clean up, she hears her mom shout from the hallway “get up and get dressed Natalie, we’re going to The Cheesecake Factory for lunch!”

Natalie looks at herself in her mirror as she pats her extremely bloated belly and says “oh boy, here we go again”.
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Joshk5200 4 years
Hope you write some more stories, this was quite enjoyable!
ChrisBsmurfin 4 years
I bet Derick is loving it too!
QuebecFA 4 years
I'm loving it so far! Can't wait for Chapter 3! :-)
ChrisBsmurfin 4 years
I wonder if Derick will make a move on Natalie before she goes back to College & I wonder when Natalie will put 2 & 2 together and realise he is infatuated by her weight gain?