Mia's junior year

chapter 1- the race for the room (p2)

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Her summer had been completely free of stress and it looked like her junior year was shaping up to be no different. Taking another look at herself, Mia couldn’t help but feel proud, sexy and, well, more than a little thirsty. The time for self-admiration would have to wait, as Mia resumed her walk to the kitchen. Passing by the wooden table, Mia quickly grabbed a glass and filled it in the sink. She took a sip before sitting down at the table. After another hardier gulp, Mia glanced down at her body and wiped away the bead of sweat that was slowly racing toward her navel. Pressing her hand slightly against her lean and toned stomach, Mia could feel her firm abs. She didn’t have the bulging muscles of a six-pack but her trim stomach certainly had the lean foundation for one.

Mia gave it a pat and finished her water before heading over to the bathroom scale. She eagerly hopped on and waited for the reading to show. It blinked 117lbs and stayed there for a few moments, Mia could tell her stomach looked smaller than it had the last time she checked her weight. Regardless, Mia got off the scale in triumph, and headed back to the front hallway so she could grab the small pink t-shirt from her luggage that she normally used to workout in. Mia hadn’t worn it during the race because she’d frankly wanted to show off the results of her hard work and dedication. As she put it on, and wiggled it into place, Mia could tell it was looser than before. Maybe she had lost some extra weight? Mia couldn’t really tell from a quick glance in her mirror, but before she could inspect further she heard a noise from outside the house.

Mia raised her eyebrow as she judgingly glanced at her watch while Kate trudged through the door. With an official time of 26 minutes and 30 seconds, Kate must have given up and walked home knowing the race was already lost. Poor Kate. Not! At 5’7 and 133lbs Kate was no slouch in the looks department. As Kate hunched over and tried desperately to catch her breath, Mia studied her chief competition for social supremacy at Douglas University.

Kate’s long, blonde hair was in a cute ponytail. However, as Mia scanned Kate’s body she wondered if Kate should have spent more time training than she did on her hair. Mia could tell why Kate had lost the race, there was a hint of softness to Kate’s athletic body that wasn’t present anywhere on Mia’s except maybe her thighs and rear. Kate’s light-blue sports-bra and matching shorts clung to her body a little tight across her middle and exposed a tiny pouch of fat smack-dab where her lower abs should have been. Even the muscles Kate possessed in her legs were much less defined than Mia’s. Although, as she looked Kate over, Mia had to admit that there was one area where Kate had her soundly beaten, cleavage.

Kate was a busty blonde who filled her D-cup very well. Kate definitely had an hourglass figure while Mia’s resembled more of a pear because of her modest bust size and proportionally big bum. Mia couldn’t help but think her bust size only looked small because of how large Kate’s was. However, there was some silver lining. Mia had correctly anticipated that those big meat bags would give Kate problems during the race. Kate was still hunched over but she was trying to straighten up. It took her a moment, but she was eventually able to hoist her large knockers upward enough to manage to stand up straight. The look Kate gave Mia was one of acknowledgment and perhaps envy. She knew she’d been soundly beaten in the race, but even as Kate tasted defeat her blue eyes sparkled with a blaze of resilience.

Just because Kate was Mia’s closest college friend, didn’t mean she wasn’t an obstacle for Mia in the realm of dating. Memories of losing out to Kate on more than one potential sexy fling during freshman year still clung soundly toward the front of Mia’s mind. It was a shame they both had such similar tastes in men. They often butted heads after realizing they were pining for the same guy. It’s why their little competitions they referred to as ‘challenges’ were so important. Rather than fight endlessly they settled their disputes with little physical competitions or challenging bets. It wasn’t a perfect system, but it kept their friendship intact. At the moment, Mia sat above Kate on the social pyramid, but she only did so by a hair. That meant she had to keep winning their little ‘challenges’ at all costs. If Mia wanted to enjoy all the fruits of being queen bee, she knew she had to keep Kate in her place. As if on cue, Kate gave up her attempt to stand up straight on equal footing with Mia and hunched over again to breathe more freely.
100 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Mari1234 1 year
I like things going slow. keeps it real.
Mari1234 1 year
Fav character is Mia so Far. hahahahaha
Syntactical 1 year
In conclusion: really enjoying your other story "Fed Up," so hoping that in vol. 2 and beyond, the gain is closer to that - the slow burn here is a bit too slow, we want stuckup Mia to be FAT haha.
Syntactical 1 year
... how Kate and Mia were gaining. Like and hate how they both hate the idea of gaining: like because it will be sweet when they can't stop it, hate because it drags the pace a little too much.
Syntactical 1 year
To answer some questions: most characters were pretty annoying but that was by design... liked Lara and Jay the most, Kate better than Mia for sure. Fav part: gaining descriptions + others noticing...
Syntactical 1 year
Hi! Don't know when vol. 2 is coming, but this was good. Probably not as popular because the gain took a really long time and, for Mia, wasn't substantial by the end. Really hope she gains a ton soon.
Ao01 1 year
next volume. Because Kate had served him, they could have gone into the lazy life and were both overweight. We'll have to wait and see, very excited.
Ao01 1 year
I waited 100 pages for Mia to gain weight. I was happy to see that he gained 10lbs, albeit hard. It was amazing that Mia even thought she hadn't gained any weight. I want Mia to win the race in the+++
Montana 2 years
And the writing itself is just wonderful. I feel like I’m actually reading a good book, not just wg fiction, but a great story that just so happens to be wg smiley Im devoted to seeing the characters more
Montana 2 years
It seems like the real weight gain is about to begin and I for one can’t weight to see Mia finally pack in the weight! And I can only assume chubby Kate will keep growing at the same time. Love this!
Montana 2 years
Love this story! To me it’s been more than just a weight gain story, as in all they didn’t gain much weight in 99 pages, but it really drew me in! …cont
Polarisdreamer 3 years
@Vidar I am not sure, but I will finish it eventually
Polarisdreamer 3 years
@Vidar Thank you very much! That is very kind! That might very well be Kate's plan!
Polarisdreamer 3 years
@Fire5665 I plan on it. I have a few stories I'd like to do first, but I will return to this one. Thanks for the interest!
Fire5665 3 years
Write more please!!!
Polarisdreamer 3 years
Oh my gosh, I had not realized so many people commented on this. It seems like a lot of comments got cut off by the word limit, but thank you! I'll consider returning to this project in the future!
Jack05401 3 years
I loved this story, it pulled me along with your very good writing and surprises along the way like Mia almost losing that last race because of the weight she unknowingly gained due to Kate's earlier upsizing of her panties and pants by putting the origin
ChrisF 4 years
Excellent story. Think less views because it took a very long time for the WG to get going, but if hope to see where this goes in volume 2
BS Writer 4 years
You’re not going to get as many likes, but the story is amazing and you do have more devoted, if quiet fans. So I highly encourage you to continue writing what you feel to be the most satisfying thing knowing that people will be dedicated to following t
BS Writer 4 years
I think someone else made a great point when they said something along the lines of pointing out that this story is very rich and character driven which is not what the majority of people who are on sites like this are looking for.

You’re not going
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