Mia's junior year

chapter 2- kate's plan

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Chapter 2- Kate’s Plan

Something smelled fishy. Effortlessly hopping out of bed, Mia dropped the magazine she’d been flipping through on her nightstand before she headed toward her door. As she stuck her head outside of the bedroom, Mia couldn’t help but flare her nostrils while she took another big sniff to confirm her suspicions. Kate had certainly cooked up something downstairs, although it wasn’t too surprising, Kate had been cooking like crazy all week. Mia had gotten a little used to smelling the aroma of freshly cooked food prior to dinnertime; however, today it was a little bit too early for dinner, Mia wasn’t even hungry yet. Then again, the last few days had been rather busy. Maybe there was no harm in having an early dinner and calling it a night. After all, the semester officially started tomorrow.

Mia hurried down the steps but, as she did, her attention turned to the beautiful state of the house’s interior. She’d spent the last few days before the start of the semester working on getting the house ‘party ready’ with Kate and their hard work clearly paid off. The railings of the steps looked lovely now that they were stylishly adorned with pink ribbons and clean of all dust. The old hardwood floors had been covered with cute new rugs to mask most of the floor's obvious imperfections. Even the letters of their sorority, ΗΛΠ (Eta Lambda Pi) stood proudly on the far wall. While Mia entered the kitchen, she could relax knowing everything was in its proper place.

“Whatcha making?” Mia loudly peeped over Kate’s shoulder, as Kate totally flinched from the surprise.

“Can you not sneak up on me like that when I’m cooking!?” Kate yelped in an exacerbated fashion, while Mia took a small step away to give her some space. Looking at her, Kate thought she looked guilty. Her face resembled that of a little kid being chastised by a parent for the first time. Wait, she looked too guilty. She was totally acting! Mia was such a little jerk sometimes. Still feeling annoyed, Kate continued, “I could have burned myself or something.”

“I’m sorry you get so jumpy when you cook.” Mia halfheartedly apologized, as she eyed Kate’s cute cooking apron. It was a small little pink thing that hardly covered Kate’s big chest. Good thing she was wearing a t-shirt underneath, otherwise her cleavage would have been completely on display. The apron must have been old. Maybe a relic of Kate’s wardrobe before puberty. In fact, as Mia studied the way it clung to Kate’s hourglass figure, she noted it was a good thing Kate had chosen to wear accommodating jeans. If not, that apron would be showing a lot of skin around the sides of her womanly hips.

“That’s hardly an apology.” Kate growled. She was so tired of Mia’s flawless attitude. It was like she seriously believed she was never at fault. Mia was so full of herself. Even looking at her, it was obvious. Mia’s lush dark hair was combed to perfection and her casual attire could hardly be described as anything but eye catching. While Kate had chosen a t-shirt and jeans for her relaxing day, Mia had decided to wear a skimpy light-blue tank top and a pair of tight fitting denim jean shorts. Kate’s outfit covered her well, felt comfy, but certainly didn’t highlight any of her attractive features. Starting from top to bottom, Mia’s outfit emphasized her perky bust, narrow waistline, athletic hips, tight butt, and her lavish legs. Who the hell was Mia trying to impress? Nobody. So, why did she choose to wear something so perfect? Obviously the only reason was for Mia to make Kate feel inferior. And congratulations, she’d succeeded. But Kate wasn’t going to take such disrespect lying down. Not anymore. She knew how to handle this.

“I said sorry. What more do you want?” Mia sighed, while she snobbishly dismissed Kate’s grievance.

“Nothing. Forget it.” Kate shook her head, as she tried to change her tone into something friendlier.

“So, what’d you make?” Mia asked impatiently awaiting Kate’s answer. Kate recognized this and simply stepped away from the stovetop to give Mia a view of what she’d been cooking.

“It’s cheesy hot salmon dip! Try some!” Kate encouraged, as Mia grabbed a chip from the bowl Kate had placed on the table.

“Don’t mind if I do.” Mia smiled, as she scooped a bit of the gooey dip onto her chip and brought it to her mouth.

“You like it?” Kate warmly asked, while she eagerly watched Mia chew. She hoped that bitch enjoyed it. The dip she’d made was chalk full of calories just waiting to add themselves to Mia’s enormous ass.

“It’s hot.” Mia mumbled with her mouth full, so she quickly opened the fridge to grab some filtered water. Unfortunately for Mia, she couldn’t see the water, the fridge was freaking packed! And the majority of the drinks were soda? That was odd. Mia’s mouth still burned, but she couldn’t help but wonder out loud, “*cough* What’s with all the soda?”
100 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Non-suspicious 4 years
...original story skip over this one because they feel that they've already read it?)

whatever the reason, hopefully all this needs is a little time
Non-suspicious 4 years
although i do love this story, it's completely understandable that you'd want to focus your efforts on other works. that being said, im crossing my fingers that more ppl will find this story on here and give it a like. (maybe people who've read the origin
BlissfullyAware 4 years
Also I know you’re disappointed in views and stuff, but remember FF ain’t the end all be all of literotica! You’ve got the goods- I hope you’ll continue writing WHATEVER you’re inspired to. Although- I await volume 2 eagerly.
BlissfullyAware 4 years
(Cont) ground is super engaging. Bravo. You’ve made a superior WG story by having the weight gain be a means to an end of your characters’ motivation.
BlissfullyAware 4 years
Oh HELL yeah!!! This is a fantastic ending to volume 1. Fav character is Kate because she’s the underdog protagonist, BUT she doesn’t just win all the time, she’s constantly exchanging jabs with Mia- the fact you have them both gain and lose (lol) g
Davidewol 4 years
Definitely enjoying this story and I don't want to sound rude saying this but maybe people can't be bothered reading the 100 chapters on here, that being said I'm a big fan of you and your work and will happily read it on whatever site you choose to post
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@non-suspicious That's very kind of you to say! An older version of this story exists on DA from 5 years ago, this current version is a rewrite of that old one
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Yeanayea Glad you've been enjoying! Thank you!
Non-suspicious 4 years
hell yeah i love this one. this story is iconic, have u posted it before somewhere else cuz i think i remember reading it lol. anyways, love ur writing. cheers
Yeanayea 4 years
Really liking the story! I'm interested to see where you take it but I'm liking the idea of Kate continuing to get bigger. Keep it up!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@BlissfullyAware That's fantastic to hear! I was thinking people were not enjoying this one too much
BlissfullyAware 4 years
Survived and thrived- very much enjoying the pace and the spy-vs-spy like plot
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@BlissfullyAware Oh my gosh I hope you survived the ride. I'll try and post a chapter a day until this one is finished so stay tuned
BlissfullyAware 4 years
ohhhhh FUCK yeah, man, you just made me binge through 75 pages, you madman
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Thiccboi Thank you very much!
Thiccboi 4 years
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Sexypeggy Glad you are enjoying so far!
Sexypeggy 4 years
You storye is good
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