Mia's junior year

chapter 3- this means war (p4)

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“You okay?” A cool voice uttered, as Kate opened her eyes and turned to the side. She immediately recognized the boy sitting next to her.

“Hey Trent! I’m okayyy, umm.. Wha-when did you get here?” Kate jittered, as she tried to compose herself and look relaxed. Not only was Trent the best player on the school’s basketball team, he was probably the hottest guy in the school. He had short spiky blonde hair, rippling muscles, and even a six-pack visible from beneath the tight polo shirt he was wearing. He was so dreamy. However, he was also unobtainable. Too good to be true. Trent was one of those guys who’d entered college with a longtime high school girlfriend, Julie. While, plenty of girls pined after him freshman and sophomore year, Trent always stayed faithful to his long distance, high school sweetheart. Of course a perfect guy had a perfect girlfriend, it was so typical.

“Heard the commotion when the team was walking to the bar over on.. yeah, on Market Street. They weren’t interested in stopping in, but I thought I’d check it out. Just for kicks.” Trent admitted, as he sent a smile Kate’s way and watched her blush in response.

“You like the house? Cute, right?” Kate grinned. She couldn’t keep herself composed in the face of such a perfect guy.

“Very cute. But not as cute as the owners.” Trent commented, as he eyed Kate up and down for her to see.

“Haha, stop it. I look like sh*t.” Kate nervously laughed, as she scratched the back of her head and nervously played with her long blonde hair.

“No, I passed some sobbing b*tch with a beer gut on my way over here. She looked like sh*t.” Trent announced, as he leaned closer to Kate and whispered in her ear, “You look outta this world.”

“Hahaaha, I’m flattered you think I’m more attractive than a b*tch with a beer gut.” Kate shivered from the feel of Trent’s breath. This was different.. Trent was acting different.. Kate liked it, but she wondered what was going on.

“I wasn’t trying to say you guys looked.. comparable. Beer guts on women are just.. they’re just fucked up.” Trent slowly elaborated, as Kate nodded.

“Of course.” Kate agreed, as she took care to suck in her stomach as much as she could. If Trent hadn’t noticed she was bloated yet, she couldn’t let him notice now. She had to play it cool, so she agreed, “Nobody wants to date someone who looks like their diet consists of cheap beer, cheap wine, and gas station junk food.”

“Exactly! A girl can have awesome tits, a tolerable face, look pretty solid from the waist down, but a beer gut just f*cks it all up. It’s like.. like what the f*ck? Don’t you even care about yourself?” Trent concluded, as Kate nodded in agreement. Trent was definitely drunk. She could smell the beer on his breath.

“Yeah totally.” Kate smiled, as she tilted her head and leaned a bit closer to Trent to ask her next question, “So, how was your summer?”

“Not great.” Trent shook his head. He looked upset. Kate was getting butterflies in the pit of her stomach. “Julie and I broke up.”

“Oh-my-god! I’m so sorry!” Kate exclaimed. She couldn’t believe her ears. This was awesome! Trent was single!! Trent Colwell, was single! He was single, and he was talking to her! Fighting back the urge to scream with excitement, Kate remained cool and turned into a consummate consoling listener.

She spent the next twenty minutes comforting him, talking with him, and staring at his perfect jawline. Of course, eventually the party died down and Trent gave her a studly goodbye, but Kate felt confident she’d somehow developed a new kind of bond with Trent that she’d never had before. He was pretty choked up about is ex, if she played her cards right, Trent could fall right into her lap. Kate went to sleep dreaming of such a reality. What a world that would be..

100 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Non-suspicious 4 years
...original story skip over this one because they feel that they've already read it?)

whatever the reason, hopefully all this needs is a little time
Non-suspicious 4 years
although i do love this story, it's completely understandable that you'd want to focus your efforts on other works. that being said, im crossing my fingers that more ppl will find this story on here and give it a like. (maybe people who've read the origin
BlissfullyAware 4 years
Also I know you’re disappointed in views and stuff, but remember FF ain’t the end all be all of literotica! You’ve got the goods- I hope you’ll continue writing WHATEVER you’re inspired to. Although- I await volume 2 eagerly.
BlissfullyAware 4 years
(Cont) ground is super engaging. Bravo. You’ve made a superior WG story by having the weight gain be a means to an end of your characters’ motivation.
BlissfullyAware 4 years
Oh HELL yeah!!! This is a fantastic ending to volume 1. Fav character is Kate because she’s the underdog protagonist, BUT she doesn’t just win all the time, she’s constantly exchanging jabs with Mia- the fact you have them both gain and lose (lol) g
Davidewol 4 years
Definitely enjoying this story and I don't want to sound rude saying this but maybe people can't be bothered reading the 100 chapters on here, that being said I'm a big fan of you and your work and will happily read it on whatever site you choose to post
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@non-suspicious That's very kind of you to say! An older version of this story exists on DA from 5 years ago, this current version is a rewrite of that old one
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Yeanayea Glad you've been enjoying! Thank you!
Non-suspicious 4 years
hell yeah i love this one. this story is iconic, have u posted it before somewhere else cuz i think i remember reading it lol. anyways, love ur writing. cheers
Yeanayea 4 years
Really liking the story! I'm interested to see where you take it but I'm liking the idea of Kate continuing to get bigger. Keep it up!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@BlissfullyAware That's fantastic to hear! I was thinking people were not enjoying this one too much
BlissfullyAware 4 years
Survived and thrived- very much enjoying the pace and the spy-vs-spy like plot
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@BlissfullyAware Oh my gosh I hope you survived the ride. I'll try and post a chapter a day until this one is finished so stay tuned
BlissfullyAware 4 years
ohhhhh FUCK yeah, man, you just made me binge through 75 pages, you madman
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Thiccboi Thank you very much!
Thiccboi 4 years
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@Sexypeggy Glad you are enjoying so far!
Sexypeggy 4 years
You storye is good
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