Mia's junior year

chapter 21- beneath the beauty (p4)

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Kate would have liked the walk back home to have been a quiet one, but Mia wasn’t shutting up. She seemed to have an endless number of gibes, barbs, and taunts to throw her way. What made things worse was that Kate had little she could think to say in her defense. Her mind was quickly becoming worried over the idea of having to step on the scale in front of such a relentless brat.

It was a feeling of dread, akin to what Kate felt before a regular visit to her doctor. Stepping on the scale at the doctor’s office always felt daunting, especially since her doctor always moved the slider on the beam towards the upper numbers until, he struck the perfect balancing act so the beam didn’t tip towards one side or the other. Kate hated how the medieval practice seemed to take an eternity. The anticipation was the worst part, and that was exactly what she was feeling right now. Dreadful anticipation.

Soon Mia wouldn’t just know she’d out witted her in their fattening game of brinksmanship. She’d be able to quantify precisely how much weight she’d caused Kate to gain. Knowledge is power, and that knowledge seemed very powerful to Kate. Mia would hold it against her forever and there was nothing she could say or do to change the fact that her weight had shamefully exploded in every direction.

Seeing their house in the distance, Kate took solace in the fact that the scale they kept in their downstairs bathroom wasn’t like the ones Kate hated at the doctor’s office. It was a simple electronic scale. One Kate had brought with her from home. It might not have been as accurate as those medical scales from her doctor’s office, but it was quick and easy. Once you stood on it, it would tell you your weight. No painfully long waits necessary for use.

Such a thought should have comforted Kate, but she still couldn’t shake the feeling that she was being led to the gallows. She knew the number Mia would see wouldn’t be friendly. It wouldn’t be kind. It, like Mia, was going to do its best to break her. The higher the number, the greater the damage would be to her ego and her social viability on campus.

To say Kate was feeling a high degree of discomfort upon finally arriving at their house was an understatement. She was feeling very sensitive about disclosing her personal bodyweight to Mia. It wasn’t the same as being weighed in a well-trafficked hallway at a doctor’s office, Mia wasn’t just a random witness to her weigh in, she saw Mia practically every day. This was somebody she lived with. Ate with. Hung out with. She couldn’t avoid Mia any better than she could avoid stepping on the scale.

As the girls entered the downstairs bathroom, Mia leaned her booty against the narrow windowsill while Kate dug under the sink for the scale. Finding it and placing it in the middle of the room, Kate prayed that the cheap scale’s batteries had ran out. What a miracle that would be! Kate only hoped that…

“Hey chubs,” Mia interrupted Kate’s train of thought, as she observed her defeated rival looking ripe for more humiliation. Mia was loving every second of pensive frustration on Kate’s face, but she wanted her to suffer more. The girl looked like an overstuffed turkey. The stretchy fabric of her brown sweatpants appeared especially strained around Kate’s groin area, it was probably due to some combination of her thighs being too fat, her hips being too wide, and her keester inflating too much. Sounding bossy, Mia ordered, “before you step on, take your sweat-covered clothes off. They’ll probably add five extra pounds for me to gain.”

“Aah! I’m not getting naked in front of you!” Kate nearly gasped in exacerbation. Wasn’t it enough that Mia got to see this act of shame?? Did her lust for Kate’s humiliation know no bounds? How far would she go in trying to degrade her??

“What’s the problem? It’s not like we haven’t seen each other naked before.” Mia coyly rationalized, while her eyes ogled the round gut Kate was sporting, it made the blonde’s top ride up embarrassingly far. She looked like a fat cow with that big belly and those huge utters. Mia wondered how much they would sag when the blonde took off her sports bra. Mia couldn’t resist shaming her, “Oh! Is somebody feeling shy since she let herself go?”

“I’m not feeling shy! It’s just…” Kate protested trying to think of a worthy excuse. Unable to think of one in time, she settled for saying the first excuse that had popped into her head, “It’s just cold in here.”

“Then keep your underwear on and let me subtract a pound from whatever I have to gain.” Mia begrudgingly compromised. She’d make fun of how much the increased size of Kate’s breasts reduced their perkiness some other time. She didn’t want a mental image of Kate’s erect nipples bouncing around in her memory.

“Alright. Deal.” Kate agreed feeling that allowing Mia to gain one less pound was worth saving the last scrap of her dignity today.

In quick succession Kate took off her shoes, socks, sweatpants, and tank top, all while trying to avoid eye contact with Mia who had to be loving every second of Kate’s enlarged body on display. In an act of secret rebellion, Kate didn’t remove her extra sports bra, she hoped Mia wouldn’t notice it and furthermore, Kate hoped the extra sports bra would add something substantial to her weight since it had soaked up so much sweat over the course of the day’s events.

“Good enough?” Kate sharply asked, as Mia appeared smug, she was thinking of how Kate would have a hell of a time losing such a large spare tire and such a bad case of thunder thighs.

Voicing this superior attitude, Mia replied, “Oh yeah, by all means, step on whenever you’re ready fatso.”

Biting her lip, Kate closed her eyes, held her breath and stepped onto the scale.

Mia found Kate’s theatrics extremely satisfying. It looked like the bloated blonde was properly ashamed of the current state of her body. A smile began to form on Mia’s lips when she noticed Kate try to suck in her gut. Ha! Fat chance she could wish away a gut that big!

Opening her eyes reluctantly, Kate’s first words revealed her shocking disappointment, “Are you kidding me?!”
100 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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BS Writer 4 years
I loved this story and hopes it continues. I feel like the end really set up volume two to be an amazing story where Mia finally gets her comeuppance and the humiliation she deserves.
Lucid Ego 4 years
Commenting on this site is really annoying^^
Thank you so far!
Lucid Ego 4 years
Hearing that you have planned 5 Volumes for this story got me excited though i can understand that you want the recognition for the work you put into
Lucid Ego 4 years
Made this ACC to tell you that i enjoyed this story very much so far. The characters seem refreshing to me and i like the pace of it. My favorite parts have been the encounter between Kate and Jay and the twisted game between Kate and Mia. Hearing that y
Valerio 4 years
I reccomand this story to all, for the plot,events that are not trivial, the costant uploading and your greet writing, I really like kate and when she looks embarassed I hope you continue with the story. (Sorry for my english)
Valerio 4 years
This is my favorite stories on the website, I really like because have a "slow gain" and the characters feel alive, and thats something that didn't see to much infact many story have characters that are only for the fetish but don't have a personality.
Sexypeggy 4 years
Hello . I really love your story that I literally devour.
iam surprised that you had planned 5 chapter.
it's a good surprise for me. Me like too, kate.
because she want the revenge the mia .
is nice body .
My like part or Mia burp .
ClearSkyNZ 4 years
But honestly I think your one of the best writers when it comes to writing in this genre of this fetish. It's hard to find stories where you care about the characters and their motivations as well as having the fetish present. Keep up the great work!
ClearSkyNZ 4 years
I love the detail you add to the story, but I think the reason some people don't make it to the end is because of how detailed you develop these characters and the lack of sexual scenes with their weight gain
ClearSkyNZ 4 years
I think the way you set up these characters and their goals was done really well. I loved the intimate moments Kate would have with Jay. It was a nice change of pace from the pure hate she would feel for Mia
Tttfeeder 4 years
Lost some weight over the summer and gets her revenge in their senior year! At the end of the day it’s your story though, keep up the great work!
Tttfeeder 4 years
My favourite story of yours yet I checked for new chapters daily. My idea for the rest of it is to have Mia gain the weight but somehow win the bet and lose the weight. It would be interesting if she humiliated Kate for the rest of the year, but then Kate
Polarisdreamer 4 years
AlexandrKerensky thank you that's very kind! the plot of Volume 2 is already basically set in stone, so feel free to let me know your thoughts! You're english is great!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@BlissfullyAware thank you! That's very useful feedback! Thanks for the support!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
gfgadgfhd, Chubbybelly1029, thank you

Davidewol You are probably right. Thanks!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@non-suspcious I don't mind the comment spam, but if you feel it would be easier, feel free to message, I really appreciate your feedback!
Vladimir B 4 years
...want to disturb the organic environment that has developed in your story. Sorry for my English)
Vladimir B 4 years
I liked the story, thank you very much, almost every day I read with binge. Quite a long time (and maybe never) I have not met so elaborate, large and interesting stories. I would express my opinion about events and characters, but I do not want to dist
Non-suspicious 4 years
... is very memorable to me. (i keep overestimating the character limit on these comments lol... prolly should've just messaged u but oh well)

do u mind the comment spam or should i message u the rest lol
Non-suspicious 4 years
very hard for me to pick a favorite character-- part of why i love ur writing is that u take the time to give even the side characters distinct personalities.

same for the second point-- u write everything very well. the overall plot and writing style
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