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Chapter 13

“Trust the process.”

“Are you sure cause I feel like I’m just going to get fatter.”

I had asked Kim and Chloe to help me lose weight. I know I know maybe not the best people to ask considering they both were insanely into feederism. And yes part of this was cause I was hoping I would get to see them in workout gear. But I was desperate. And if they knew how to make a dude fatter maybe they knew how to make them lose weight.

“You might at first.”

Chloe tied my arms behind me while Kim brought over this huge pitcher.

“What is that?”

“He asks so many questions.”

“I know.”

“Should we tell him?”

“Nah it’s better if he doesn’t know.”

They both giggled. This was clearly a mistake. I went to get up.

“Nah ah piggy you aren’t going anywhere.”

I was tied tightly. She pulled my belt as tight as possible.

“Oooof owwww.”

“Nice and tight.”

“Okay seriously guys maybe this was a bad idea. I really need to lose some weight.”

“We know. And of course we will help.”

“Don’t think so little of us.”

I felt bad.

“I don’t.”

“Do you really think we would fatten you up when you specifically asked for weight loss?”


“That would be in the same realm as well would it be assault?”


“What would it be?”

“Point is it would not be okay behavior.”

“I’m sorry for thinking you would go against my wishes.”

“No problem. And as fun as it would be to feed you till you’re begging for mercy, we said we would help.”

Kim pinched my fat. Then ran her finger tips under my belly.

“I mean yeah it would be so much fun to be fondling all this pudge while making you eat more. Then pleasuring every inch of your fat bloated body. But….”

I was panting a bit as Chloe softly exhaled on my neck.


“We promised we would help you shed some of this flab.”

She grabbed a handful of fat and shook it sending tremors of pleasure down my spine.

“And although I personally would love to feed you till the button bursts off and then pull out your cock and constantly be running into all this belly as I work the shaft and take all of you at once….”

“We promised we would help.”

“Uh huh.”

“And I personally would love to feed you as I fucked you. Or maybe Chloe here can ride your face as I ride your cock after we feed you into an overstimulated fatty.”

“Uh huh.”

I had my eyes closed. All those things sounded amazing. Having two sex crazed deviants feed me and tease me and fuck me sounded so hot. So dirty. So naughty.

“But let’s get started.”
26 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 months
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FrecherTyp 5 months
very hot I especially liked the teasing and exercises hehe
GrowingLoveH... 1 year
Thanks for continuing this story. It just keeps getting better and better as he gets fatter. Chapters 6 and 7 are hawt!
GrowingLoveH... 1 year
I just added this to my favorites. There are few stories here this deliciously written. Thanks, Natatat!
Woowaa 1 year
This is honestly one of the best stories I've read, especially chapters 6 and 7. I love the denial and the teasing!
Kaka 1 year
Can you show his family and friends reactions next
Kaka 1 year
Can you show his family and friends reactions next
Bbman30 2 years
This is a great story. Hope you can continue this some day 🙂 I want to see him become a bigger piggy
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
Love this story. I don’t have premium, so I don’t get to look at much of your writing.

Thanks for sharing this.