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Chapter 15

“Okay this isn’t working.”

She grabbed my doughy belly that hung over my belt.

“Do you think we will have to try another tactic?”

“Definitely. He is clearly just binging when he gets home. I mean look at all this.”

“I’m not.”

“Don’t lie.”

“Okay so what is it you are craving right now?”


“If you could eat anything right now what would you eat?”

This had to be a trap.

“Uh probably…”

“Watch it be some type of fastfood.”

“I mean.”

“Is it McDonald’s?”


“Told ya.”

“Alright then let’s get to it.”

“What are you going to do to me?”

I was a little excited. They kept touching me.

“You will see. Chloe go make the call.”

“Who is she calling?”

“Just wait this will be fun.”

She kept jiggling my fat. It was kind of turning me on.

“Okay it’s done.”


“Is he empty?”

“You know I don’t know but I think we should have him do a bit before.”

“Sounds good.”

“What am I doing?”

“Get on the floor.”

“Get in plank.”

I rushed to the position. I could feel my belly heavy and hanging off of me.

“Haha oh wow he really has blown up.”

Kim hefted my belly up and let it drop.

“Be careful or he will fall.”

“Is that belly heavy piggy?”

“Ooof yeah stop.”

Chloe got down on the floor.

“Mmmm I want to be smothered by that plump belly. It’s so soft.”

I shivered with arousal as she slid under me to have my belly in her face.

“Haha should he do them like that?”

“Yes please.”

“You heard the woman get started on those push-ups.”

Everytime I went down I felt my belly smother Chloe’s face. Her lips tickled my sensitive belly.

“Oooof this is so hard.”

“Look at it jiggle.”

“I know it’s crazy.”

“Okay you gotta move or I’m going to fall on you.”

“Do it.”

I couldn’t hold myself up anymore. I started to shake then plopped onto the floor. I felt Chloe’s giggles vibrating my belly.

“Hahaha such a fatty.”


“Haha okay on your back.”


“Yup let’s see what you got.”

I only made it to ten before I gave up.

“That’s it?”

“Hufff yeah hufff that’s it.”

*ding dong

“Looks like you are saved by the bell.”
26 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 months
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FrecherTyp 5 months
very hot I especially liked the teasing and exercises hehe
GrowingLoveH... 1 year
Thanks for continuing this story. It just keeps getting better and better as he gets fatter. Chapters 6 and 7 are hawt!
GrowingLoveH... 1 year
I just added this to my favorites. There are few stories here this deliciously written. Thanks, Natatat!
Woowaa 1 year
This is honestly one of the best stories I've read, especially chapters 6 and 7. I love the denial and the teasing!
Kaka 1 year
Can you show his family and friends reactions next
Kaka 1 year
Can you show his family and friends reactions next
Bbman30 2 years
This is a great story. Hope you can continue this some day 🙂 I want to see him become a bigger piggy
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
Love this story. I don’t have premium, so I don’t get to look at much of your writing.

Thanks for sharing this.