Starting to show

chapter 6

“Such a greedy boy. I thought you were stuffed.”

I kept kissing his neck and whispering in his ear. I stuck my finger in his belly button and shook his belly.

“Your belly button is getting so deep.”

He finally finished gasping for air.

“Oh my god ugh urrrrp it hurts.”

I shook his belly. I gave it a smack. He moaned.

“Stop being such a baby. Look how far your belly goes into your lap.”

He stopped and tried to look. I shook his belly again and poked it.

“Ugh it hurts. I’m so stuffed.”

I whispered in his ear.

“You still have room.”

I bit his ear. He moaned and shook.

“No I really urrrp don’t.”

“Yeah you do.”

I went to the kitchen and came back with a two liter of sprite. He was still moaning and groaning and burping. His belly was spilling over his jeans. The belt made it more impressive.

“Ugh urrrp it hurts.”

“I know. Here drink this. It will help.”

He immediately started drinking the sprite. The moron didn’t even question it.


I rubbed his belly as he gulped it down.

“Such a greedy piggy.”


He kept drinking. He closed his eyes as he started to relax more and just let the soda fill him up.

“That’s it. Keep drinking.”

“Urrrrrrrrp Ugh I feel huge.”

“You are huge. Just a big fat pig.”

He handed me the empty bottle.

“I told you I’m bloated and I just ate a lot.”

“Okay sure. Whatever you say.”

“Urrrrrp it’s true.”

I smacked his bloated belly. I gave it a few shakes.

“That belt is looking a little tight.”

“Urrrp yeah well that’s what happens when you eat a lot in one go.”

I shook his belly again.

“You have gotten so big.”

I slapped his swelling gut. He yelped.

“Ugh urrrp I’m so full I feel like I’m going to explode.”

“Just relax and let it go. Come on, relax that belly. Let’s see how far it hangs.”

He let his arms drop to his sides. His belly swelled out further. My eyes went wide.


“Doesn’t it feel good to be so stuffed? To feel your bloated stuffed belly completely obscure your belt.”

“Uh huh.”

I put my palm on his belly.

“You got so fucking fat. Look at this. Look at how tight these clothes are.”

He just burped.

“Look at this under belly.”

I leaned down and lifted that soft part of his gut up and slid my fingers lightly along the soft skin. He bit his lip.

“Ooo does piggy like that?”


I slid my tongue along the same area. All of him tensed up.

“Oh my god! Mmmm god that feels good.”

“You like stuffing your face till it hurts.”


I bit his thick love handle. He bit his lip and moaned.

“You are such a fat lazy pig. I can’t believe how much you’ve let yourself go.”

“I know I just can’t control myself. It feels too good to be stuffed.”

“Yeah? You like eating till your breathing gets shallow?”

“Yeah. Even past that. Trying to shovel more in till I can’t even swallow anything more.”

I smacked his gut hard. He sucked his teeth in pain.

“Aww did that hurt your fat porky belly?”

“Ugh urrrp yeah.”

I jiggled his belly. He moaned in pain.

“God you are so big.”

“The belt is so tight. It hurts.”

“You like it though.”

He bit his lip.

“It hurts.”

“It reminds you of how stuffed you are. Your belly hanging over it.”

“God I’m so bloated. I feel more bloated than before.”

“Look at this belly. Swelling and bloating more and more with every passing minute.”

I shook it, making him burp. He looked absolutely spent. His head lolling back and his eyelids heavy.

“I’m so full so fat.”

“Don’t worry it’s just bloating. Tomorrow you will be back to your sexy self.”

“Yeah urrrrrp. So bloated.”

He struggled with his belt. It was so hot to see him have to shove his gut up out of the way to get to the belt. He kept trying to suck it in. He was sweating and red and gasping for air as he grappled with it.

“What’s the matter? Are you too fat to get your belt off?”

I shook his fat. He groaned again.

“I’m not fat, I’m just insanely bloated. Why is it urrrp still bloating more?”

He kept struggling with the belt. He finally got it. His belly burst forward far into his lap. He let out a tremendous belch.

“Wow look at all this.”

I smack the large orb of overindulgence before me.

“Oh god it hurts urrrrp urrrrp more now. Urrrrrp!”

“Such a big piggy.”

I kept smacking his belly till it had red marks on it.

“Owww that hurts! Stop it!!”

“What are you going to do to stop me? Huh piggy? You are too stuffed to do anything besides sit on that couch.”

I shook his gut. He groaned. He was so bloated and sloshy. If he wants to be a pig then that’s what he will get.
26 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 1 month
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FrecherTyp 5 months
very hot I especially liked the teasing and exercises hehe
GrowingLoveH... 1 year
Thanks for continuing this story. It just keeps getting better and better as he gets fatter. Chapters 6 and 7 are hawt!
GrowingLoveH... 1 year
I just added this to my favorites. There are few stories here this deliciously written. Thanks, Natatat!
Woowaa 1 year
This is honestly one of the best stories I've read, especially chapters 6 and 7. I love the denial and the teasing!
Kaka 1 year
Can you show his family and friends reactions next
Kaka 1 year
Can you show his family and friends reactions next
Bbman30 2 years
This is a great story. Hope you can continue this some day 🙂 I want to see him become a bigger piggy
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
Love this story. I don’t have premium, so I don’t get to look at much of your writing.

Thanks for sharing this.