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chapter 9

“What I gotta make sure I can get it around your chubby belly.”

“Hardy har har you are hilarious.”

I watched her boobs sway as she was still struggling with the seat belt. I felt them brush against me as she was trying to find the buckle.

“What is with your car? It’s like a whole event to buckle a seat belt.”

“That’s only cause you suck at it.”

I heard it click.

“Finally. Fuck.”

She fell forward onto me.

“Oww urrrp. Ugh.”

“Wow you are really fat it’s like hard to get off of you. Between the seat belt and the stupid gravel and this big squishy belly of yours this has to be the worst car and parking job. Who parks in gravel when they are going to get drunk?”

Her tits were in my face. I hadn’t been this close to a girl in a month. My girlfriend hadn’t touched me in a while. I was drunk and I did a dumb thing.

“Hahaha what are you doing fat boy?”

I had shoved my face in her tits. She was giggling.

“Hahaha that tickles stop it.”

She finally got off of me.

“You are so silly.”

“I’m not fat.”

“Hahaha whatever you say.”

During the car ride I was in and out of a massive food coma. I felt the seat belt digging in and my belly bouncing along with the movement of the car. I kept rubbing my belly and letting out burps to try to make room. I knew I wouldn’t be able to control myself at the next place. Not to mention all the other food I would shove down my already stuffed belly afterwards.

“Ugh Urrrp are we there yet?”

“Aww what’s the matter? Do you not like my company? Or are you getting hangry?”

I was ashamed to admit it but I was getting hungry again. I also had to go to the bathroom.

“No it’s not that.”

“Haha don’t lie big boy I know you want more.”

The second we got to my friends house I ran to the bathroom.


“What? Yeah.”

“Yeah I hear you. I had to as well to make some room for more.”

My one fat friend patted his belly.

“I mean yeah I guess.”

“Don’t tell me you, of all people, are full.”

“What? He’s full? He barely ate anything.”

Why was there this sudden uproar about my not wanting to pig out?

“Come on Alex let loose. I know you want to. I know you want to keep eating and eating till your button pops off.”

None of them were actually saying this, right? What’s wrong with me?

“Alex? Hey, Alex?”

I was in the passenger seat of my car and Chloe was leaning over me. She looked very concerned.

“Where am I?”

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah why wouldn’t I be?”
26 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 1 month
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FrecherTyp 5 months
very hot I especially liked the teasing and exercises hehe
GrowingLoveH... 1 year
Thanks for continuing this story. It just keeps getting better and better as he gets fatter. Chapters 6 and 7 are hawt!
GrowingLoveH... 1 year
I just added this to my favorites. There are few stories here this deliciously written. Thanks, Natatat!
Woowaa 1 year
This is honestly one of the best stories I've read, especially chapters 6 and 7. I love the denial and the teasing!
Kaka 1 year
Can you show his family and friends reactions next
Kaka 1 year
Can you show his family and friends reactions next
Bbman30 2 years
This is a great story. Hope you can continue this some day 🙂 I want to see him become a bigger piggy
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
Love this story. I don’t have premium, so I don’t get to look at much of your writing.

Thanks for sharing this.