The magic of herbs

chapter 3

Leanne smiled, knowing that the longer Zoe stayed this way the more this would feel like her real timeline. She planned on trying to convince Zoe that the skinny memories were the spell, and this was her true life. She liked having someone her size and hoped to have Zoe larger than herself in the end.
A few days went by and Zoe had gotten used to being a fat girl. She was finding it funny how no one seemed to bat an eye now that she was a hundred pounds fatter. Zoe loved overeating and now she could eat even more than before. Her mom once asked, “aren’t you afraid to undo your weight loss?” which Zoe said no to, and her mom dropped it. Her mom was large herself and always told Zoe she didn’t need to lose weight. Zoe was enjoying herself, and even didn’t mind how she would get winded walking around a lot. She found herself puffing on her inhaler, but again, she was used to it at this point. Her looks faded a bit in her new timeline too. She had a bit of an acne problem and didn’t seem to know how to do her makeup anymore. After a month of living as a fat girl, Zoe decided she was ready to return to her original life. She had never even been kissed in this new timeline and found herself getting nervous around cute boys. She missed her boyfriend from her old life, and he didn’t even look at her now, dating the head cheerleader.

That night, while the girls were hanging out again, Zoe asked Leanne if she could revert her back. Leanne had a trick ready for this. After setting up the spell, she handed Zoe the bowl. Zoe took her deep hit, and her memories raced thru her head again. This time they were the same fat memories as before, but more so. She didn’t even go to most her school dances as she was too embarrassed to go. Her and Leanne skipped prom and went to a buffet instead. Then weird memories, of her and Leanne weighing and measuring, memories of her agreeing to be the fatter one and trying to put on more weight. As Zoe came out these memories settled, her old thin life fading further back behind all these fat ones. She looked down at herself, knowing she had reached 315 pounds. Memories of Leanne nicknaming her fatty, and her calling herself that as well.
“What the hell!? Why am I fatter?” Zoe yelled.
“What do you mean?” Leanne asked with a hidden grin, “You’ve always been big”
“No, we did a spell to see it, I was thin”
Leanne spoke up, “No Zoe, you were fat, and we let you see what it was like to be thin, but we had to change you back because the magic needed to revert”
Zoe sat there thinking for a minute, and then accepting it, grabbed a slice of pizza and said, “Better eat up before this fatty finishes everything” Accepting her life as this fat girl, who purposely agreed to be fatter than her best friend Leanne. She looked up to her and would do anything for Leanne. She had always been there for her when people teased her for her weight. And who cares about boys, food is so much better.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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