The lazy one

chapter 2

Christmas time came by and we were both ready to just head home, I wanted to see my sister and my mum and she just wanted to see her friends. After all, she knew that her mum was going to comment on her body, and she was not ready to have that conversation.
As soon as her mum picked her up and saw her wearing her favorite jeans, which were now a little too tight for her, she gave her the look. Luna got in the car and her mum just started talking:
- I can tell you have not been doing the exercises I gave you... - Her mum said checking her body.
- I have... It's just that I had anxiety over the exams and I ate a little more than usual...
- Well, in that case, you should consider dieting to get back to your body...
Luna didn't respond, she just sat there and listened to her mum talking about diets.

After Christmas, we both got back into our habits, pizza for dinner on Tuesdays.
For me it was okay to just have some pizza once a week, I was just fine, it felt like my comfort food and I didn't feel like I wanted to have any other cheat meal any other time, but for Luna, it was quite different. It seemed like having one cheat day a week had opened her appetite radically. So she had started to have multiple cheat days every week, Tuesdays stayed the same, but Sundays were now Sugar Days, as she liked to call them. She would wake up and have something sweet like doughnuts or waffles and then have cake for lunch. I know. Cake for lunch? Anyway, she would then have more sugary treats over the course of the day. Her super healthy routines were now long forgotten and she was embracing her new meal plan. The first couple weeks of this new eating didn't show on her figure but after 2 months of stuffing her face two days a week, her body was starting to look chunky. Her belly was now meaty and soft, her butt was wider and so her hips and her breast looked inflated. She had changed her skinny jeans for her sweats and sometimes leggings and her crop tops were too tight to so she would only wear them around the dorm. She didn't exercise anymore since she had started to feel too tired because of her poor eating and was no longer motivated to even try. Instead, she would just sit on the couch or her bed and watch Netflix or just eat.
By March she had probably gained 20 to 25 pounds. She knew that she was getting larger, but she didn't seem to care, so she was not doing anything to fix it.
Two days a week started to feel too little for her growing body so Luna started to just do it more often, sometimes on Mondays, other on Fridays... anytime was good to eat. Her fridge had turned into a fast-food cupboard and her pantry was full of sugary treats to binge on; Oreos, Reese's, Peanut Butter... Days want by, weeks did too, and after 2 more months old Luna was nowhere to be found. Her face remained perfect, but her skinny good looking body had rounded out. Her once flat belly was now a heavy belly that expanded over her waistband and hanged over covering the top part of her pants. Her thighs were now soft and had cellulite visible whenever she sat. On her hips, red stretch marks showed over her meaty love handles. She had adopted a careless routine spending most of her day laying around and eating whenever she felt a little hungry. She didn't bother to try to exercise or move other than what was strictly necessary. Her decadent look made it almost impossible to not feel bad for her, but at the same time, I kind of enjoyed it. Not every day you get to see a true beauty lose all kind of self-discipline and let herself go this way. Also, living with her made it more amusement since I could see from up close the process and kind of the backstage of the transformation. She would wear her old bras and crop tops around the dorm which made it easier for me to just see her expansion. She would sit on the couch and watch tv while binging on some sort of sugary food or fizzy drink with those tops on. Her belly would roll in 3 and rest on her legs. The comparison of her at the beginning of the year when she had a flat stomach vs now was mindblowing to me. Just the fact that she had gained around 50 pounds in around 6 months and she was just fine with it made me think that she just enjoyed it.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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