The lazy one

chapter 4

After summer I was shocked, I thought Lunas was going to look a little thinner since she had probably been dieting, but she looked even bigger! This time her mum didn't try to put her in a diet and just gave up on her, this resulted in Luna binging day after day pigging out on greasy food. Looking around 350 pounds her porcine body giggled anytime she moved, but I gotta say she didn't move much. From the first day we arrived back she took her favorite spot, the couch, laid there and only stood up to get food, go to class when it was necessary or sometimes shower. I could see her growing on that couch.
Day after day I would get to our dorm just to find her laying there with food all over and food stains on her clothes while gorging on fast food and coke. Most days she would fall asleep on the couch and I would find her there when I woke up, laying on her side with her belly hanging over and laying on the couch, exposing every inch of her fat body. She would usually wake up when I was making my breakfast and would just ask me to hand her some cookies or cake and she would just eat there in the couch, with her clothes digging into her fat.
Ordering food was now an everyday thing as she found it uncomfortable to just stand up for a while to cook herself a meal so she would just order it from the fast-food chains we had close to our campus. Chinese food, Mexican, pizza, burgers... anything and everything was fine for her, she just wanted to eat.
After some months into that school year, she stopped going to class, maybe because she found it too hard for her and her big body, so she just stayed in all day and ate. Pound after pound her body kept growing, only leaving the house when needed and looking enormous she would go to buffets and just eat or sometimes go get clothes when her old ones didn't fit anymore. She only went to class when she had an exam and found it hard to fit in the chairs or go up the stairs. She was losing mobility and I could tell her weight made her life really difficult, still, she didn't try to lose it. She only showered once or maybe twice a week since our bathroom was quite small and she found it hard to fit in our narrow shower. Most of her time was spent laying on the couch or eating, and most of the time, both. Whenever she had to stand up it would take her a while to just balance herself and stand and usually she would get out of breath. And still, she would not stop eating. She used to have a Megan Fox look but now she looked more like a bigger version of Tess Holiday.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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