Someone to blame

chapter 1

Zoe was fat. There was no getting around it. At 5’6 and 245 pounds, she was a big girl. She wasn’t always big, she used to be a fitness nut, but she became addicted to fast food. Mostly McDonalds. She loved trying all their food. This all started a couple years ago when she did this McDonalds menu challenge, the challenge was she could only eat McDonalds for all meals, and snacks, and she had to order something different each time. She did this to try and show you can pig out and stay fit, but as the weeks went on, she found herself having less energy. She found herself craving McDonalds, and sometimes found herself shame eating in the parking lot between meals. Zoe was becoming an emotional eater as well, whenever she was sad or angry or even happy, greasy fast food filled that emotion. She stopped going to the gym, she didn’t have the energy to work out and when she did try she would stumble and lose her breathe a lot at easy things, it would make her feel depressed so she just stopped going. Her lustrous blonde hair faded to a greasier shade of dirty blonde, and her skin began to break out with the occasional blemish.

As Zoe stood in front of her mirror, she thought about how she used to be, how fat she is now. She knew this was her own fault, but she needed to blame someone, something, so she blamed McDonalds. It was their fault, they added beef to their fries to make them more addicting, they would send her coupons for free meals. It was McDonalds fault she was fat, and she wanted to sue them for it. Zoe knew of a lawsuit going against McDonalds for this, a girl who was over 300 pounds was suing them, and she wanted to get in on this lawsuit. She tracked down the girl running it, Kimberly, and asked to join in. Kimberly was a 320-pound girl, she grew up fat. She blames McDonalds for her weight because the kid’s meals and wanting the toys. She agreed to let Zoe join her case but insisted that she was still to slim. Kimberly talked Zoe into continuing her McDonalds eating until she was over 300 before she could join the lawsuit. She didn’t really think Zoe needed to be this big, but she knew Zoe from the gym. Kimberly would try to work out and Zoe shamed her, that’s when Kimberly planted the menu challenge idea in Zoe’s head, and now she wanted to get her as big as she was.

A few weeks later and Zoe was doing well in gaining, she was up to 298 and was still stuffing her face. Her and Kimberly had started hanging out, and Kimberly started to feel bad about pushing her to get fatter. One night while having some drinks she told Zoe what she did, to which Zoe just laughed, “it’s not your fault, it’s McDonalds, and maybe me being over 300 would be better” This lifted a weight off of Kimberly, she felt better coming clean about tricking Zoe, and Zoe was so into blaming McDonalds she didn’t care. Zoe did push herself over 300 and was going to stop but her weight went up more, so by the time the case came closer Zoe was now at 325 pounds.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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