Feedee phoebe

chapter 2

Days before, Greg received an unexpected phone call from Pheobe's mother Danielle. His own parents had always been close with her parents, so he had always considered them close friends. But it was strange that Phoebe's mother would reach out to him directly, instead of calling his own mother to check in or make plans. Nevertheless, he was always happy to hear from people in "the outside world," as he called it. People he's not forced to see and communicate with every day. He was even happier to hear the reason that Danielle was calling.

It seemed that Phoebe had visited them for their monthly family dinner just a few days beforehand. And both parents had been shocked by the change they saw in their daughter.

"I'm not really sure how to go about addressing the matter, Greg. Phoebe visited half a year ago looking completely normal for herself. But for every month we've seen her since, she's gotten a bit...erhm...bigger. The last time she was here, she indulged herself the whole way through dinner and then even after others had finished. We're really very concerned about her increasing weight gain, and were wondering if you would be willing to talk to her. You know, gently suggest dieting or going to the gym. You're her oldest friend, and you know she's always had a little crush on you. It may work."

Greg sat in silence for a moment, thoughts running through his head. Phoebe had always had a little crush on him? That was honestly news to him. She had always been quite pretty; a heart shaped face with cold blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. He had never really noticed her as a sexual object, purely because she didn't check the body type box. Greg liked big girls. He liked big girls that wanted to be bigger, preferably. All of his sexual fantasies involved fondling fat bellies and spanking big, wobbling asses.

Greg realized that he'd been silent for too long, but wondered how he could respond to milk Danielle for more information about Phoebe's weight. He knew it might be wrong, but finding this out had him going. And he needed to scratch that horny itch.

"Uhm.....Sorry, you kinda caught me off guard there. I could probably talk her into meeting me in the next few days. Um.....just so I'm not thrown, because I don't want to embarrass her with my initial reaction...how much has she gained? Is it very noticeable?" The words left Greg's mouth, and he felt his heart skip a beat and it was all he could do not to moan with anticipation, waiting to hear how big the pretty girl had gotten.

"Now, now...I wouldn't call her fat. But she starting collecting all that weight in her thighs and bum. That's when we were first concerned. But now the weight seems to be creeping around her middle, and that's why we need you to help her stop herself. Her stomach is chubby enough, but she stuffed herself to the brim during our dinner...and I swear to God I watched her stomach turn into a ball and fall out of her shirt. Please. Help my daughter with her weight."

Greg agreed and ended the call with Danielle.

He couldn't stop thinking about it.

He was going to help her with her weight, alright. Adding more of it, probably.

He couldn't take it anymore.

He grabbed lube from his bottom drawer, laid down in bed, and started stroking his cock. The urge was uncontrollable. Perfect figure Phoebe had gone and gained some weight. Her thighs and ass are filled with fat now. Greg's pace quickened as he envisioned her with a little extra padding. God, what she must look like now. How she looked at dinner with a stuffed gut rolling out of her shirt. He wondered if she noticed her parents' disgust. He would have given her a good teasing, that's for sure.

Greg closed his eyes and imagined a chubby Phoebe eating and eating. Her belly grew tight and round. She smacked and roughly massaged her growing stomach and half whispered "Make this gut bigger. I want to explode with fat." And just like that, Greg exploded.

He rolled over and immediately sent a text to Phoebe with a meet up request.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Fooman 4 years
Interesting start! Waiting for a little bit more before I decide if I reallllly like it.
Gutluster 4 years
Thanks for the feedback!

Just throwing out there that I'm working on this fairly often and am aiming to add 2 chapters a day at least. smiley
Jazzman 4 years
Really really good story!