Feedee phoebe

chapter 3

A waitress approached the two and took drink orders. A water for him and a Pepsi for her. After she left the table, Phoebe snapped up a menu, knowing full well she would get the same big complete breakfast she always got at this place. Greg took his menu and studied it for a bit, choosing an egg sandwich. The waitress returned for their order. Greg delighted in how pink Phoebe's cheeks turned after the first 4 few breakfast option questions, due to the sheer amount of food in the combo she chose.

"So why did you want to meet up all of the sudden?" Phoebe dove straight in.

Greg was thrown by her forwardness. He was thinking he'd lace some weight related topics in before being direct, to see if she'd bring up her gain on her own. His hard on wanted him to be honest and tell her what her family thinks of her gain. "Well, to be honest, your mom wanted me to talk to you. She and your dad are worried because you're porking up. Your mum said that the fat thighs and butt worried them. But now they're more concerned because you've put on a nice little gut."

Phoebe was taken aback. She was moderately aware of some weight gain, yes. But it couldn't be that bad. She stretched her arms out in front of her to rest them on the table. The hoodie and shirt rose up again. Pulling them down again, she felt how soft her belly bulge was. And noticed the jiggle as her hoodie snapped back into place. "Look, I know I've gained a bit. But there's really no need for them to try to intervene. I've got this under control. It's like...15 pounds max."

Greg almost shivered at the blatant lie. He had known this girl his entire life, and she had clearly packed at least 40 lbs of fat onto herself. She was in denial and needed a good teasing. "Pheebs....I can see just by looking at you that it's more than that. You keep hiding it, but I know that you've got fat hanging out of your top. 15 pounds doesn't do that. Your ass is noticeably droopy and fat. You must have noticed how big you've been getting when you bought bigger pants, since I can see that these are fat girl jeans and not outgrown jeans from when you were small. What did you do to yourself?"

Greg crossed his legs as his dick throbbed, ridiculously turned on by blatantly telling her that she's gotten so tubby. Waiting to see if he has a chance at feeding this girl obese.

Phoebe kind of stammered and then looked off. She grabbed her bag, slapped $30 on the table, and left silently. Greg did nothing. A waitress arrived with a waiter to deliver 8 breakfast plates and one more with an egg sandwich.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Fooman 4 years
Interesting start! Waiting for a little bit more before I decide if I reallllly like it.
Gutluster 4 years
Thanks for the feedback!

Just throwing out there that I'm working on this fairly often and am aiming to add 2 chapters a day at least. smiley
Jazzman 4 years
Really really good story!