Feedee phoebe

chapter 6

Pizza. She needed pizza. Phoebe placed an online order for 2 large pizzas, a 2 liter of Pepsi, and a box of fried dough. If she was going to take a half day, she was going to use that time to stuff herself until those tight, struggling clothes rip off of her body.

30 minutes to kill. She was so horny. Could she get off in 30 minutes? Yes. Without question, as she was getting wet just absentmindedly squeezing a lovehandle. No.....she was going to stuff herself until there was no question that she'd wake up fatter. She was going to swell her gut bigger and bigger until she exploded with passion. That seemed like the more fun route.

Phoebe cleared off the coffee table to prepare for the amount of food it was about to hold and booted up Netflix. She wandered into the kitchen and spotted a box of unopened zebra cakes she'd impulsively grabbed at the store earlier in the week. This would kill time until the pizza got there.

She plopped down on the couch, unwrapped every cake in the box, and began to cram each one into her mouth. Maybe 15 more minutes until the pizza guy would get there, and she had 10 cakes to gobble up before that point. It was effortless, the cake basically melting in her mouth. 3 cakes were devoured in less than 2 minutes. Phoebe put her hand on her belly, feeling it grow harder and harder as she continued to stuff the food in. She shoved the last cake in her mouth, almost shivering with sexual excitement as she thought about the caloric content she just took in. Over 1500 calories in less than 10 minutes, bound to add more fat to her growing body.

She laid on the couch for a few minutes, massaging her gut to make room for more. Squeezing the bit of belly that hung from the bottom of her shirt. "I can't believe I'm doing this to myself," she thought as she grabbed at one of her lovehandles, "Look how much food I packed into my body. I'm getting so fat."

The doorbell rang. Phoebe was briefly mortified at the thought of the delivery man seeing her clothes struggling to stay on her body while all her chub was sticking out. But then she really thought about it. And the idea of a stranger judging her fat body drove her absolutely insane. So she opened the door to a shocked pizza guy. His eyes were roving all over her torso, with the flab bulging out of the bottom of a shirt that was barely staying buttoned, blubber bursting from the gaping holes in the shirt. Her pants zipper was down and half obscured by her hanging gut. The seams on her big thighs were stretched, some stitches ripped. Phoebe took her sweet time writing in a tip and signing her name.

He left, clearly disgusted.
She went inside, turned on.

The pizza smelled so good. Thank god she had let go of all restraint. She was going to eat both of these sumbitches now and somehow stuff the fried dough in with all of that. If all the buttons on her shirt hasn't flown off by that point, she'd chug the 2 liter.

Phoebe stacked two slices of pizza together before shoving a third of it in her mouth. Efficiency was key here. The plan was simple. Stuff her face until her flab destroyed her clothes, and then lie there and ***self to thoughts of her greed and her fattening body.

One pizza went quickly. The struggle began halfway into the second pizza. The buttons on her shirt were cutting into her round gut. "How the fuck is this shirt holding still? More. I will eat more." She gobbled the pizza faster and tried to focus on TV instead of how full she was. She finished the pizza and noted the time. 3:30 pm "An hour and a half for 2 pizzas isn't horrible," she thought. Time for the fried dough. These were smaller bites that she devoured quickly, thinking of all the grease and sugar she was filling herself with. Still, the buttons on her shirt held strong.

Phoebe lifted up her belly to get a look at her pants button. Stretched tight. There was a deep red indent where the tight pants stretched and dug into her doughy body. God, doing this to herself was so hot. She dropped her stuffed belly, and that's when she felt it. The button on her pants had given out under the weight of her heavy stomach falling back down.

She dug the pants out from under her stomach, letting the inflated ball of food and fat push through the open flaps. The pants still dug tightly into her sides, lovehandles spread out on both sides of her tight gut.

Absolutely stuffed, Phoebe side eyed the 2 liter of Pepsi. She wanted those calories inside of her. There was just no room. She rubbed her swollen belly, hoping to relieve the pressure enough to fit the soda. But the sheer amount of food eaten combined with the belly rub soon sent her to sleep.


Phoebe awoke a while later to Netflix asking her if she was still watching. She grabbed her phone and squinted at the lockscreen. 6:42 "Jesus, that was a full on food coma," she thought. Her hand wandered to her belly, and she felt that it was still hard and rounded. Shirt still stretched with buttons straining.

At least she had room for that Pepsi now though. She swiftly grabbed the bottle from the table and unscrewed the cap. Taking a few deep breaths, she prepped herself to chug all the soda straight from the bottle.

She drank. Her hard belly slowly pushed outward. The buttons on her tight shirt were painful at this point. She took another breath, having half the bottle left, and went back to pouring the sugary calories down her throat. Her gut pushed forward more and more. The bottom button of her shirt flew off. More belly pushed forward. She finished the soda. The button above snapped off. "Oh my god. My fat body is ripping through my clothes," she muttered as another button broke.

She sat there, gut between her legs, shirt hanging on only by one button below her breasts. "Fuck I'm such a greedy pig," she moaned. Her pussy was soaked, feeling her food and soda stuffed belly weighing down on her doughy thighs. She had never been so turned on, feeling her vagina throb like it needed her fingers in and around it right now.

She stood up to begin peeling off her ripped open pants.

The doorbell rang.

"Oh god yes. No clue who the hell that is. But I want somebody to see me like this. I look like such a fucking cow," she moaned.

She got up and headed to the front hall, belly wobbling and sloshing with every step. Completely numbed to reason by her sexual desire to feel humiliation, she opened the door.

And there was Greg.

"Fuck," Phoebe said aloud. She had forgotten that he was coming.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Fooman 4 years
Interesting start! Waiting for a little bit more before I decide if I reallllly like it.
Gutluster 4 years
Thanks for the feedback!

Just throwing out there that I'm working on this fairly often and am aiming to add 2 chapters a day at least. smiley
Jazzman 4 years
Really really good story!