One bad breakup

chapter 2-130 lbs

Months went by and Jenna still was not over her boyfriend. She would go home every night instead of going out and sit and watch TV while eating ice cream or donuts or whatever treat she could find. The sugar helped her feel good, at least a little happy. He old workout gear was gathering dust in her closet, she didn't care anymore. What was the point in looking her best anymore, the only person she wanted to stay in top shape for was gone.

Jenna didn't look bad, but here body had become quite average. She didn't mind it was basically like it was before she felt pressured to go to the gym everyday. Her muscular thighs were melting away into a soft feminine form. They had gotten some of their jiggle back, but not enough for anyone other than Jenna to notice. The same had happened to her butt, it was starting to round and droop a bit from the new weight. Every now and then it would move with the motion of her footsteps. Her stomach was relatively flat, sure her abs had a slight layer of fat blocking their once high definition. But over all these changes were nothing to be concerned about. It was just her going back to normal after two years of intense workouts.

Jenna doesn't mind it. She can tell by the way her pants pinch a little in the stomach area and by how her pants are ever slightly more snug. Even her bra was filling up a bit more. What did it matter though there was no one to impress. Sure she tried to rebound but now she was hurt in a way she never felt before. Even being so beautiful and the peak of health and fitness it wasn't enough for someone. So why would it be enough for anyone?

It wasn't just the extra snacking anymore, slowly her diet was changing. For awhile she stuck with the salads and protein bars she had become used to. Now she wasn't just reverting back to how she ate before, which was simple meals some sandwiches and pastas. Now she was going for fast food lunches and dinners, from smalls to mediums and sometimes larges. She didn't think it would matter, she hasn't indulged in years. Starting now wouldn't hurt anything.
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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