Hypnotic revenge 1

chapter 3

The next day I woke up unaware of how long I had been sleeping and unaware I was in the comfy reclining chair. Stirring slowly awake I smelled the tasty smell of food and fresh coffee. I sat up my head in bad need of coffee I slowly walked into the kitchen. Upon entering I was unaware Alicia was gone leaving only a note and a meal. The note said ‘thanks for hanging out with me yesterday roomie hopefully all this makes up for me barging in on you’. The empty Merlot bottle still on the table from last night. I tried to recall what had happened or what I told Alicia but I was completely unaware of it all. My bloated stomach quickly reminded me it was starving. I looked at the table laid out with a fresh batch of brownies labeled ‘for work’, a full pot of coffee, a note that said cream is in the fridge, and a small box of six doughnuts.

“She must think I am a pig or something” I said out loud my stomach reminded me it was empty after I said that. I poured myself some coffee and realized she only had heavy cream in the fridge. I did not think much of it adding it to my coffee and my usually 4 scoops of sugar. The coffee tasted amazingly good and I grabbed a doughnut to eat as I got ready for work. As the morning progressed I managed to finish off all six doughnuts and still subconsciously took all the brownies with me to work. Once at work I was quite hyper from all the sugar I ate that morning. The brownies kept me sull all day and I still managed to eat at the place Alicia worked before going back home. These will be my cheat days this week I thought and planned the rest of my week accordingly with meal planning. After I finished up all my meal planning I realized I needed to go to the store. While I was out Alicia returned home probably after I left. I came back later to yet another fresh meal prepared for me. I was still rather full from earlier and had originally planned to just come home finish my meal prep and go to bed.

Alicia met me at the kitchen door and lead me to the same empty seat as last time “Sit roomie I got another one for you to try.”

I was smiling this time as I hypnotized her “Alicia why are you feeding me all this tasty food constantly all of a sudden.”

Alicia’s eyes glazed over as she responded rather emotionlessly “because it will make you fat and then I won’t be here fat and alone.”

I continued smiling “why don’t you eat all this Alicia you look rather hungry, and a beauty like you needs energy.”

“Oh I probably shouldn’t this is made for you” Alicia said her mind tried to reason.

“No no silly do you not remember telling me you were gonna eat all this while I watched” I said turning it on her.

“I must have forgotten that” Alicia said sitting in a nearby chair.

“Now be a good roomie and empty this table of all the food” I said smiling.

“Okay” she responded digging into the fattening feast before her. It did not take long at her pace to empty the entire table. Afterwards she simply sat there rubbing her belly.

“Now wasn’t that tasty, but I do not think you are full are you” I said this time I was smiling evilly.

“No I could eat more for sure” Alicia said patting her belly.

“Good then eat these” I said placing a box of doughnuts she had on the counter.

Alicia did as she was told again devouring the doughnuts with gusto. Once again patting her belly afterwards. I then had an idea that I decided to make a regular occurrence.

“From now on after you get home instead of cooking treats for me I want you to cook even more fattening ones for yourself” I said patting her now full belly.

“But if I do that I will keep getting fatter I do not want that” Alicia responded.

“No no once again you are wrong the busy day you had at work clearly burned off all those calories already you are just eating back what you burned” I said now rubbing her belly.

Alicia smiled “Maybe you are right I do starve myself a lot during the day, your hands feel good please do not stop.”

Upon hearing her say that I sat there in shock did she really like me like that. I had to know “Alicia do you find me attractive?”

She responded rather quickly “Well yeah but you are kind of skinny for my tastes I like my men and women to be rather large, it is why my last boyfriend left me because he got too fat.”

I sat there in shock at what I had heard. Alicia apparently was making me fat cause she liked me did she not remember what she did to me in college or in high school. I spent the evening learning things about her secretly erasing her memory of the events afterwards and sneaking off to bed. From that point on Alicia was always eating a big meal when she came home from working a long day. This had a profound effect on her waistline after a few months. Her breasts had gone up 2 more cup sizes jiggling constantly as she did nearly anything. Her belly expanded from one roll to several large ones. Her butt and hips once again expanded rather massively. Now when she strutted around she nearly always made me stare. Her thighs touch all the way to her knees now. I checked the scale and her weight went from 195 lbs(88 kg) to 245 lbs(111 kg). I was very invested in making Alicia massive at this point the simple idea of leaving now that my bills were paid off was completely gone.

Curious once again I decided to check my own weight once more. My former weight of 168 lbs(76 kg) as I recalled in the scale was now 206 lbs(93 kg). I nearly screamed again at what I saw. Once again I forgot about last time and stripped down checking myself for what had changed. My arms were clearly large now jiggling constantly and filling up my large shirt sleeves completely. My breasts once again seemed unaffected by my gain. My butt had gotten bigger and now seemed to be completely covering my thong underwear. My legs looked even softer than before and were clearly touching a bit in the middle. My belly however was now pretty big bulging over my underwear in a big jiggly pouch. I was in such shock I never noticed Alicia in the doorway like last time. However unlike last time Alicia rushed into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

“Alicia” I exclaimed in shock as the door closed.

“Relax” she said in a soothing voice, “You are not afraid to be naked around me we are roommates afterall.”

I suddenly found myself relaxed completely as she said that I quietly responded, “but I am so fat nobody should see me like this.”

Smirking Alicia replied “You are okay with me seeing you like this because I am better than you, you are also going to do as I say from now on without any questions because I am smarter than you as well.”

“You are right I should be okay with my roommate seeing me like this and I will do as you ask Alicia sorry I questioned you before, you are clearly smarter than me” I said fully submitting to her will.

“Good now from now on when you come home, I want to see you stuffing your face constantly. I want to see you only in your underwear. You will also undo any hypnotism you have done to me after this and have no memory of doing it. Are we clear on that Sam” Alicia commanded in a very aggressive tone.

Feeling weak and submitting to her again I simply responded “yes Alicia.”

“From now on you are to be called only Piggy by me and you will only call me Mistress are we clear Piggy” Alicia said getting very close to me.

“Yes Mistress” was all I could say to her.

“Good Piggy now snap out of it and follow me” Alicia said taking my bra off and tossing it aside.

I snapped out of the trance she had me in and followed her not even realizing I was braless and in only my panties. I then met her in the kitchen and undid all my hypnotic suggestions to her remembering none of doing this. Alicia smiled at me after she came too patting me on the head. I was going to respond with some rude remark but something stopped me. I simply smiled at her instead as I was filled with an odd contentment.

“So I found your laptop Piggy and all your little notes and pics of me at work doing your bidding. I then found out you could do hypnosis and that you were good at it. So I slowly learned all about how to use this against you instead. Now my Hypnotic Revenge begins Piggy” she said this, showing me my laptop with a folder in it having my name on it titled Sam’s Hypnotic Revenge.

“Alicia I...” was all I managed to say.

“Silence Piggy I did not ask you to respond for that you will be punished” Alicia pulled out a quart of heavy cream. “This has 1600 calories in it. You will drink one of these everyday from now on Piggy” She said handing me the heavy cream.
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Biffwalen 4 years
In the real world hypnosis cannot make someone do something they would not normally do. In the reality the story uses it can force you to do whatever the Hypnotist wants.
Plump_little... 4 years
I'm just wondering if you knew that hypnosis is an actual thing? Cause it seems you were under the assumption it wasn't