The broken chair

chapter 3

Zoe felt gross for sleeping with Vance, she just kept thinking about how big he was. She wasn’t into big guys. She stuffed her face with junk food trying to forget the night, but she just kept coming back to it. Days went by and Zoe continued to see Vance, her own growing insecurities in her growing body made her enjoy having a guy gush all over her. A few weeks after starting her slim-fast diet, she stood in front of the bathroom mirror shocked at how fat she was getting. Her belly now hung out past her chest, and her chest had begun to sag from their weight. Her thighs rubbed together so much she needed to use baby powder to keep them from getting raw. Her face had puffed out a lot too and she could see a double chin forming. At this point, she was pushing 170 but didn’t know it since she never weighed. She lied to herself and thought, “It’s only an extra 20 pounds, I can lose this” and then would go and see Vance which his much larger body made her not feel so big. Jessica didn’t feel bad one bit making Zoe gain weight, she continued drugging her and switching out her slim-fast. Even though Zoe hated being fat, she didn’t do anything to try to lose. The drug she was on was making her lazy and zapping her of most energy. She found herself spending more time with Vance, just sitting around, eating fast food and take out, and watching tv. Her weight continued to balloon, with Zoe more just giving up fighting it. Since she gave up, it allowed her weight to again grow unnoticed.

Vance didn’t know about Jessica’s plan, but he enjoyed watching Zoe gain weight. He was falling for her and he felt more comfortable as her weight grew closer to his own. He had started encouraging her appetite, even bringing food into the bedroom. Zoe was unsure about this at first but started to really enjoy being fed while they had sex. She even started finding herself growing hungry when she was having sex, or she would get horny while eating and more and more the food entered their sex life. Her disgust for her body also began to turn her on as she found she got excited being teased about it. Vance would call her his little piggy and it made her giggle. He would tell her to oink for him as they did it doggy style, or as Vance called it, Piggy Style. These added feedings had a big effect on her weight. After only a month she had packed on another 35 pounds, weighing 205 pounds now. She still didn’t accept how big she really was, but now she didn’t care as much. The disgust of seeing her fat belly turned her on. She had this weird love hate thing with her body going on. The more she hated how she looked the hornier she got. She saw bright red stretch marks on her love handles and thought, “god I am so disgusting, but damn it’s hot how fat I am… I need to call Vance”. Vance ran his fingers across her new stretch marks and said, “You’re getting real fat piggy” which made Zoe kiss him. Jessica saw how big Zoe had gotten and decided to lay off the drugs now at this point, she also stopped switching out Zoe’s slim-fast, but Zoe also had stopped drinking it. The months went on and Zoe continued this new lifestyle. She was loving all the food, and as much as she missed being thin, she was too turned on by being a fat girl.

One day, Zoe came out of her room struggling to get a pair of jeans on. “Oof, I need to stop eating so much, I outgrew another size” Jessica laughed, “Um Zoe, those are my jeans, you outgrew my jeans” Zoe’s jaw dropped. Had she really become fatter than Jessica? How could this happen, she new she had gotten fatter, but not that fat. Zoe went out and bought a scale that day, when she got home, she weighed herself, but needed Jessica to read the numbers to her because her belly was too big to see them. This again made her so hot, she was going to call Vance after this, but needed to know how big she was. Jessica read the numbers, “Ha-ha, Zoe, you are 275, that’s at least ten pounds more than me” Zoe said, “No way, you get on here, let’s see” So Jessica got on the scale, Zoe was shocked, Jessica was only 260 pounds, “Jess, you actually are fifteen pounds lighter than me. I’m such a cow” “Yea you are!” Jessica joked as she jiggled Zoe’s belly. “Hey, when you are with Vance, let him know we’re having a fire tonight”. That night everyone came over for a fire. Just like Jessica hoped, Zoe sat in her chair a little too hard and crushed it. The group chuckled, and Zoe felt embarrassed, than she heard Vance, “Ha, well tomorrow we’ll go and get you a chair like mine, its made to hold fatties” Zoe was so humiliated but it turned her on so much too, “I think I deserve some s’mores after hurting my ass like that”. Zoe’s weight continued to climb even though Jessica had stopped her drugs. The after effect of them stayed, plus she was being fed a lot during sex. Eventually her weight stopped growing. Jessica came over to Vance’s one night and saw Zoe sitting on the couch in a pair of unbuttoned jeans, “Outgrew another pair of jeans?” she asked, “no, these are Vance’s I couldn’t find mine, his haven’t fit for a few days now” Zoe said as she polished off a bag of chips.
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AndiFive 4 years
please write more chapters for this story.