Camp feed

chapter 3

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You could hear a pin drop, or a fork as the case may be, as I turn to leave out the same door I entered just minutes ago. I don’t linger to take in the reactions of my new batch of little piggies. I don’t need to. It’s always the same. Eyes wide and mouths hanging open. A fairly even mixture of insecurities running wild and egos beginning to inflate.

All of this suits me just fine. I rather enjoy keeping those under my care and direction on their toes, their guards down. It makes it all the more easy to shape and mold them into not only the submissive feedees or gainers they so desperately desire to be, but the perfect matches for the potential feeders I work with as well.

As for the rest, insecurities and ego mean nothing. While both present their own fun and unique challenges throughout my process, both will find themselves on even footing and breaking just the same in the end. The insecure will become confident in their bodies and their desires, while the egos will learn the meaning of degradation and be taken down a peg or two.

While I find that breaking, them becoming what they came here to become, fulfilling, it is the process that I look forward to most, that turns me on. And that process begins now …

Taking my place at the center of camp, I watch on as one by one the men make their way out of the dining hall. The egos come first of course. They strut out of the door with their heads held high, eyes focused in my direction as they begin pulling their clothes off and making their way over. All eager to show off their muscles and cocks. There are a few proud jiggly bellies as well.

Then, slowly but surely, the insecure begin to appear. They fidget nervously and their eyes dart around at anything other than me and the now naked men that lead the way to their destination. Unfortunately for them, that means they are now hoarding together on the porch of the dining hall, all unwilling to make the first move.

The shrill call of my whistle snaps their attention to me. “Get moving boys, I don’t have all day. You now have two minutes to remove your clothes and take your seats. Do so or retrieve your bags and head back to the location you were dropped off at to be taken home,” I scold them. While most continue to look about, both the least and most confident of the bunch get moving.

The least confident of course lower their heads, tuck their cocks between their legs, and make their way back towards the cabins. I am pleased to see that it is less than a handful. The most confident continue to avert their eyes as they begin removing their clothes and walking forward toward their seats in slow motion.

“One-minute boys,” I shout out as a final warning to the rest. A third of them remain completely still, frozen in place, while the others comically mass together behind their either forced or self-appointed leader. They remove their clothes collectively and, without breaking ranks, make their way forward. It takes everything in me to refrain from laughing and rolling my eyes at the sight of it.

Once they have all taken their seats, hands still firmly covering their cocks and giving me all kinds of wicked ideas about what I could make them do with those filthy little hands, I look up to those remaining on the porch. Without a word, I raise my arm and point towards the cabins and the cars waiting to take them home.

I then turn my attention to those who have chosen to stay. Continuing to remain silent, I pace back and forth in front of them, taking the time to slowly look them all up and down. My face remains neutral, not giving anything away. Predictably the egos are all puffed up and cocky, while the insecure are holding tight to their family jewels and blushing.

Coming to a stop in front of the latter’s leader, I set my eyes firmly on his and begin …

“Don’t be shy boys, you’ll find that you will be doing a lot of things naked here. It is necessary to engage in many of the activities involved in Feederism. It is necessary to assess your progress in gaining. And, more importantly, it is necessary to judge your responses to both, your likes and dislikes, when it comes to what you are experiencing and how your bodies are changing.”

“And by responses …,” I start, eyes still fixed on him as I step forward and pull him to his feet, turning him to face the crowd, “… I mean this.” Moving behind him, I push my tits against his back and reach around, taking his hands in mine and pulling them down to his sides. Looking down over his shoulder, I join the others in taking him in.

What I, and the others find, is an erection that is pleasantly large in all the right ways. Odds are he’s not rocking it, literally, because of Feederism. No, I’m well aware he hasn’t been able to take his eyes off of my body since arriving. Either way his state suits my purposes just fine. Without letting go of his hands, I turn my attention back to the others.

“I don’t know if you have noticed it or not, but everything you researched before coming here is a fetish. Something that turns you on sexually. Something that increases your pleasure when thinking about it or when engaged in it alone or at the mercy of someone else, a feeder. My role here is to help you explore that idea, that feeling, further.”

Releasing my guinea pig, and allowing him to stumble back to is seat, I continue …

“Over the course of the first three weeks of your stay here, you will experience the three primary methods of gaining either temporarily or permanently … inflation, bloating, and stuffing. You will then have the opportunity to spend the remainder of your stay focusing your attention on any or all of them.

Throughout it all, you will engage in other experiences as well. Some will be aimed at helping you determine more of your likes and dislikes, such as being exposed to degradation and humiliation, domination and submission, and means of integrating your preferred methods of gaining into sexual experiences.

Others will be aimed at helping you engage in the Feederism lifestyle in a way that is healthy, not only physically, but mentally and sexually as well. You will learn more about food, how to eat healthy as you gain if that is the path you choose. You will engage in exercise to help you better adjust to your potentially growing bodies. You will learn safe methods of practicing Feederism alone or with others.

More importantly, each of you will engage in a weekly one on one therapy session with me,” I say pausing to enjoy both the excited and nervous looks that last statement creates. “Before you ask, yes you will be naked for them. Those sessions will allow you to both process and express your feelings regarding what you are experiencing here.”

Pausing once again, I ask if there are any questions. As expected more than a few eager hands shoot up. Pointing to one of the ego’s, I watch on as he his stands tall. “Will you be the one teaching us the methods,” he asks, using air quotes as he says the last word. “While I will be participating in some of your sessions, my primary role will be observing,” I respond.

Before he can ask, I add, “the sessions will primarily be conducted by our counselors, all former participants in the camp.” The looks on most of their faces when I drop that little bomb has me smiling and laughing to myself as I point to one of the insecure, who asks, “will they be the ones feeding us as well, you know, if that’s what we are into?”

Knowing full well that there are some amongst them that want the answer to be no and some that already know that a yes better suits them, I respond, “feeding sessions will be conducted by both myself and the counselors on a rotating basis. This will allow us to determine, and you all to explore, whether you would prefer a female or a male feeder.”

With them all too shocked to ask any further questions, I move on to the rules. “While you are here you will all be expected to follow six rules. Failure to do so will result int your immediate removal from this camp, no exceptions.

1. You will adhere to the schedule found on the back of your cabin doors.
2. You will eat all food given to you.
3. You will follow all commands given to you by myself and the counselors without question.
4. You will not speak to myself or the counselors unless spoken to or unless you have raised your hand and been granted the ability to speak.
5. You will use the safeword RED in the event that you are in severe physical, mental, or emotional distress and cannot continue the current activity and use the safeword YELLOW if you need a break for the same reason, but would like to attempt to continue after.
6. You will actively engage in our weekly therapy sessions and be open and honest with me about your physical, mental, and sexual well-being and desires during them.

You will find these rules under the schedule should you need to be reminded of them. That is all boys.” Looking around and finding them once again with eyes wide and mouths hanging open, I know that my work for the day is done. Turning to go, I throw a parting comment over my shoulder, “as I said boys, this isn’t your childhood summer camp …”

*** Next chapter will be from Paul's point of view. There will be 16 chapters total, alternating viewpoints. Hit like and comment if you enjoy the story, seeing them is encouraging to all of the writers. ***
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HanselsWitch 3 years
Yassss, more!
Feedeeboy10 4 years
I love this so much. I can't wait to read more.
Just_Jess_81 4 years
Lol ... they are coming, one at a time. The next one will go up today 😉
Aquarius64 4 years
I’m inventing my own little scenarios for each character,
Just_Jess_81 4 years
Lol ... two characters are based on actual people and no I didn't use their real names. Not saying which characters, or who they are based off of ... one is probably obvious smiley
HappyBigBelly 4 years
Have the names been altered to protect the innocent? ;-) Nice writing, though, Jess!
Built4com4t 4 years
better and better!
Just_Jess_81 4 years
Thank you for all of the likes and comments everyone! I'm glad that you are enjoying the story so far. Having a lot of fun with it and exploring my closet feeder side smiley
Dragorat 4 years
Verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry In-te-res-ting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Feedeeboy10 4 years
I LOVE this!
Feedee007 4 years
The best story I ever read. Many thanks! Günni
Feedeeboy10 4 years
Ive had a fantasy like this before. Cant wait to read more!
Hubbert2995 4 years
Continue the story
Td0057 4 years
Enjoying this very much. Remember several stories like this many years ago, but your take is unique. Looking forward to more.
Aquarius64 4 years
Good start, looking forward to the next chapter already!
Built4com4t 4 years
Love it...what fun, looking forward to more
Just_Jess_81 4 years
This story was by request ... a little outside my usual box. I hope you enjoy and be sure to hit like if you want to see more smiley