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chapter 10

** Paul **

I sit stunned for several moments, confused not only about what happened before our session, but about not having the opportunity to speak during it. The sheer volume of thoughts and feelings running through my mind is currently battling with the equally large volume of food in my stomach over which one is going to explode first.

Despite being silenced, I feel the need to say something, the need to make things right. The thought that she is upset with me, that the stuffing earlier, her stopping what was happening between us, and my inability to speak is all punishment for what happened this week and today has me wanting to fall to my knees at her feet in apology.

I don’t want her to be upset with me or disappointed, I want to please her, to be her good little piggy again. But that’s not what she wants, at least that’s what she said anyway, isn’t it? Maybe not though. She did take over my stuffing session today. She was the first one to initiate what happened at the start of the session. She apologized for her behavior.

That wouldn’t have been necessary if there wasn’t anything there to apologize for, right?. She has to feel something for me. I move to open my mouth again, to question or somehow figure out if it is true, but it is clear from the look on Mistress Jade’s face that her command was final and that there will be no further discussion on the matter today.

Instinctively, my head and eyes once again drop to my lap and the words, “yes, Mistress Jade,” fall from my lips. Keeping my head down, I do my best to get up and get dressed without looking in her direction, too afraid that I might make things worse if I do. Walking out and closing the door behind me is the hardest part, but I somehow manage.

The walk back to my cabin is far different than the one I took after my last two therapy sessions. There is no erection to hide, no embarrassment or shame. There is just confusion, worry, and disappointment in myself. Those feelings refuse to leave me as I make my way to my bunk and lay down. They aren’t the only thing that is loud though, my stomach is as well.

It grumbles and rumbles around, reminding me of just how much food I shoved into it while at the mercy of Mistress Jade. My hands move to it, beginning a slow and rhythmic rubbing that has become almost second nature over the course of the last three weeks. As my eyes drift shut, I try to relax into the feeling, I really do.

My mind and cock have other plans though. The two can’t seem to agree on anything. One wants to imagine Mistress Jade’s hands on my belly, while the other is telling me how wrong that is. I honestly don’t know which one is saying which though. All I know is that every time I start to get hard, it immediately deflates.

I’m beyond grateful for that when I hear the cabin door open and Gabe step inside. Instead of opening my eyes and acknowledging his presence, I keep them closed and hope that I look relaxed as I continue laying there rubbing my belly. I don’t want him to know about the war going on within me, or what happened today.

Getting caught jerking off over and over is bad enough, him knowing about me throwing myself at Mistress Jade and her rejection would be even worse. Gabe is Gabe though, and I listen as his footsteps grow closer and the springs of my mattress creak under the added weight of him sitting next to me. “You want to talk about it,” he asks after a few moments of silence.

“Nope,” I respond, still refusing to open my eyes. Any hope of him accepting my answer and leaving goes out the window as his hand comes down on mine, putting a stop to my rubbing. “You were a dumb*ss and tried to make a move on her didn’t you,” he pushes. “Yep,” I respond, holding my resolve to leave it at that for less than a minute before spilling everything.

My eyes remain squeezed shut the entire time. I can’t look at him, can’t see his reaction to how stupid I am or how hard I’ve fallen for Mistress Jade. I’m out of breath by the time I finish, and as the seconds of silence tick by, I work up the courage to open one eye to peek at Gabe. The second I do, he bursts into a fit of laughter and loosens his grip on my hand.

Taking advantage of it, I reach both hands behind my head, grabbing my pillow and covering not only my face, but my humiliation as well. It feels like forever before his laughter finally dies down. When it does I expect jokes or a lecture, but all I get is silence. Braving the potential for a second round, I slowly pull the pillow down off my face.

What I see when I do isn’t judgment, pity, or an I told you so. Instead I see understanding. Without a word, he gives my stuffed belly a pat, then rises and makes his way back to the door. Then, just when I think I’m in the clear, he looks back at me and says, “I don’t know how or why, but she totally wants you man, don’t give up.”

His words have me shooting up in my bed and hitting my head on the upper bunk. As I sit there rubbing what is likely going to be a bump, or a bruise at the least, he just laughs and walks out, leaving me there to think about what he said. And think about it I do, for the rest of the day and an awkward weekend spent trying to avoid Mistress Jade.

My avoidance ends Monday morning when I find myself face-to-to face with the object of my desire as we all sit down for a halfway point update. I keep my eyes cast down to my lap the entire time, listening as she informs us that we will be spending the rest of our time exploring our preferred methods from the last three weeks and building a connection between them and sex.

“Think I’ve got that part down,” I mumble under my breath, which of course causes Gabe to laugh and Mistress Jade’s attention to be drawn to us. Still refusing to look at her, I grab his arm and get us both out of there. After weighing in at 198, 8 pounds higher, I get dressed and make my way to the therapy hall.

I don’t know whether to be thankful or scared when I’m assigned to the first group. My uncertainty only grows as I follow Miles into the therapy hall and he continues past the usual stations, talking me to one of the private rooms along the back wall. What I see when I step into the doorway has me freezing in place and my mouth hanging open.

In front of me lies a square platform with medieval looking restraints and a trough attached to it. “What the f*ck,” I say out loud. Miles just chuckles, then orders me to take off my clothes and climb up. Everything in me wants to turn and run, but then my mind turns to Mistress Jade and the thought of being sent home by her if I fail to perform again.

Unwilling to disappoint her, I scramble to do what I’m told. As I climb up onto the square and Miles begins to close the restraints around my wrist and ankles, the reality of what I’m in for becomes clear. They have been placed to restrain my movement, to keep me on my hands and knees with my ass and cock hanging out for all to see.

I test the restraints as Miles pours three buckets of food into the trough, then look around in confusion as he leaves the room. “What the f*ck am I supposed to do now,” I exclaim, only to be silenced by the all too familiar sound of heels entering and the door closing. I try to turn to see her, but quickly find that my current position restricts my ability to see behind me as well.

Without warning her hand comes down hard on my ass, making me scream out and strain against the restraints. Before I can recover, she makes her way around the platform and stands in front of me, giving me a smirk I can’t quite read before sliding a blindfold over my eyes and a headset emitting white noise over my ears.

The removal of my senses has me panicking and struggling, but I settle as Mistress Jade’s fingers run through my hair and I feel her breath against my ear as she lifts one side of the headphones. My cock instantly hardens and It takes everything in me not to moan out as she whispers …

“Relax little piggy, nothing bad is going to happen to you. In fact, I guarantee you are going to enjoy it. You are to begin eating. Do not stop until you are finished, no matter what. Is that understood?”

I nod my head as the white noise once again plunges me into the unknown, then carefully lower it to the trough and begin digging in greedily, eager to please her. I get so lost in eating and the thought of her watching me that the feeling of soft fingers wrapping around my cock nearly has me jumping off the table despite the restraints.

A few slow gentle strokes and the realization that Mistress Jade is jerking me off is all I need to relax into the session again and drop my head back to the trough. The feeling of her fingers has me digging in even more greedily, making a mess of my face and neck, grunting like the pig she has turned me into. The second the sound leaves my lips her hand comes down several times on my ass hard.

The combined sensation of her stroking and spanking me nearly has me cumming right then and there, but I manage to hold on, too desperate to please her and to receive more. And it doesn’t take me long to figure out how to get it either. After a few rounds of spanking I realize that every grunt earns me another round, so I keep giving them to her.

As my nose brushes against the bottom of the trough, I find myself struggling to hold onto reality. I’ve lost all concept of time and what is happening around me. I’ve been grunting and eating mindlessly for who knows how long. I’ve become so lost in the feeling of Mistress Jade’s hands on my cock and my ass that it feels like I’m floating around the room instead strapped to a platform.

Then, just when I start to think it will never end, I feel myself suddenly being pulled closer and closer to some edge I can’t quite see, unable to stop myself from falling over it.

To be continued ... and don't forget to hit like 😉
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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HanselsWitch 3 years
Yassss, more!
Feedeeboy10 4 years
I love this so much. I can't wait to read more.
Just_Jess_81 4 years
Lol ... they are coming, one at a time. The next one will go up today 😉
Aquarius64 4 years
I’m inventing my own little scenarios for each character,
Just_Jess_81 4 years
Lol ... two characters are based on actual people and no I didn't use their real names. Not saying which characters, or who they are based off of ... one is probably obvious smiley
HappyBigBelly 4 years
Have the names been altered to protect the innocent? ;-) Nice writing, though, Jess!
Built4com4t 4 years
better and better!
Just_Jess_81 4 years
Thank you for all of the likes and comments everyone! I'm glad that you are enjoying the story so far. Having a lot of fun with it and exploring my closet feeder side smiley
Dragorat 4 years
Verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry In-te-res-ting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Feedeeboy10 4 years
I LOVE this!
Feedee007 4 years
The best story I ever read. Many thanks! Günni
Feedeeboy10 4 years
Ive had a fantasy like this before. Cant wait to read more!
Hubbert2995 4 years
Continue the story
Td0057 4 years
Enjoying this very much. Remember several stories like this many years ago, but your take is unique. Looking forward to more.
Aquarius64 4 years
Good start, looking forward to the next chapter already!
Built4com4t 4 years
Love it...what fun, looking forward to more
Just_Jess_81 4 years
This story was by request ... a little outside my usual box. I hope you enjoy and be sure to hit like if you want to see more smiley