A bad breakup

chapter 3

After buying a new wardrobe - wincing when he looked at the size tags that fitted him - Neil had insisted on paying for lunch. “Anywhere you like,” he said, “You’re always treating me at the moment, I should return the favour.” He laughed when Kate suggested that they go to the all you can eat buffet, in as casual a tone as she could manage. “Jesus, Katie, I only just bought these shirts.” Kate had simply steered them towards the Eastern Jewel excitedly - that wasn’t a no. Neil had changed into one of the shirts he had bought, a smart button down which would have been extremely baggy on him not too long ago. In fact, at the moment, it only just fitted properly, but he hadn’t been able to bring himself to get the next size up just yet. This was a temporary blip in terms of his weight, surely to be back under control soon enough. After they had been seated in a booth in the back of the restaurant and ordered drinks, it was time to fill their plates.

Kate was pleased to see that Neil’s strategy at the buffet was much the same as it was at home - when he had filled the plate to the very edges he began to utilise vertical space, piling it into a haphazard mound which threatened to tip over as he went back to the table. In comparison, she only picked up a small sample of each thing that was on offer, eager to get back to her seat and watch. Sliding back into the booth and unsticking her chopsticks, she settled in for the show. Neil had already made quite a small dent in the plate, choosing to eat with a fork rather than his own chopsticks in order to shovel the food faster.

“Listen,” he began, and then made her wait politely for him to finish his mouthful before continuing, “Mmmph - sorry - Listen, Katie, I really am sorry about earlier. I’m really embarrassed you saw me that way.”

He could have fooled Kate. From the way that he was packing spring rolls into his mouth, he looked as though he were trying for round two. He was washing the whole lot down with huge swallows of beer, and he soon made short work of the first massive plateful. He was listening to Kate speak on some topic of small talk with the most interested expression he could muster, but his eyes kept darting towards the buffet, as though he were worried that the rest of the lunchtime diners would get the rest of it if he gave them the chance. Eventually she stood up to get some more, and he followed with surprising speed for someone who had eaten so much already. Again, Kate put only a few items on her plate, and again, Neil stacked his high. Kate watched, amused, as he selected seven pork bao, placed the tongs down and stepped away, then turned back quickly and grabbed the other four that remained in the basket.

“Sir, please take only what you are intending to eat now,” a passing server reminded him, pointing to a sign which asked diners to be respectful and not waste food.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” he replied pleasantly, adding a large scoop of wonton parcels to the top of his plate like a garnish, “D’you think you could bring me another pint?”

Kate continued to chat idly as Neil ate. She was used to this slightly one sided conversation, as it had become a staple of having him in her kitchen as she cooked for him every day. Unlike Max, who often nodded along and tuned her out for whatever he was staring at on his phone, she knew Neil was listening. He often mentioned things she had said days later or brought her articles related to what she had been talking about. In this moment, however, she could sense that things were different. Neither of them were concerned about conversation, as much as they were trying to pretend otherwise. This was between Neil and the buffet, and Kate was content to watch in awe as he binged. Each time he stood up to fetch more food she stared openly at his belly, feeling tingling desire snaking its way from her chest to deep between her thighs. She wondered if she should say something, acknowledge the way he was making her feel, but she didn’t want to ruin this with confrontation - she wanted it to play out. The restaurant was emptying out for the most part, and now the only other full table was a few seats down from them, housing a group of women who seemed to be having a boozy lunch of their own.

“You know, we can *hic* go and do something else if you want,” Neil said eventually, leaning back after his fifth plateful. He seemed to be trying hard not to let on how much his stomach was straining.

“I’m quite happy where we are,” Kate said with an encouraging smile, “Do you want some more? They just refilled the chilli beef.”

Neil was rubbing his stomach absently, drawing her gaze. He had been watching her closely as they ate and was getting the distinct impression that she was enjoying herself almost as much as he was. He wasn’t really sure what to do with this suspicion, but he was savouring being the centre of her attention. Noticing her staring again, he gave his gut a playful slap and grinned as her eyes widened slightly. “I reckon you’re going to have to literally *hic* bring it to my mouth for me, but yeah, I could go for some more.”

Kate made an imperceptible noise at that, her hands clumsy as she picked up his empty plate. She practically scurried off to the buffet, and as soon as he thought she was out of earshot, Neil belched hugely, moaning a little from how much discomfort it had been causing him to hold it in. He slapped his stomach again, more gently this time. He had been trying to be discreet whilst Kate was with him, not wanting to embarrass her, but one of the women from the nearby table tutted disgustedly as she walked back to her seat. Turning to look at him, she gasped loudly.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Lovetolove 2 years
fucking perfection ! thanks !
Grizz 3 years
Love that hand caught in the cookie jar moment, I've definitely been there before.
Ambush Reality 4 years
Would love to read a chapter 6 of this story, maybe set 6 months later?
Sfemde 4 years
Great introduction. And you write it like it could happen for real.
Built4com4t 4 years
excellent...the story quality here just went up a couple notches
B1gbelly 4 years
Wow, that was hot. Love your writing, please keep going.