The black widow

chapter 2

Nate had barely been strapped to the cross for fifteen minutes before the sting of Ava’s punitive riding crop had unmanned him. Each flick of the leather caused his belly to jiggle wildly, and there, on his soft flesh, it smarted more than he had thought possible. After one lash caused his eyes to water and he let out a particularly feeble whimper, Ava stopped mid sentence.

“That’s right, fucktoy, squeal for me… Oh…” She dropped the crop to her side and began to untie him. “I think you need a time out.”

He followed her to the bed, embarrassed and vulnerable to be tapping out so early. He had been waiting for this for so long, he had been certain it was what he wanted. He’d thought he would be able to submit for longer. Ava stroked his chest slowly, making him jump when her fingers traced the welts she had left there.

“I’m not sure you’re cut out for the whips and chains, cutie,” she said, not unkindly. He dropped his gaze but she gently lifted his face to meet her eyes again. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s not for everyone. You had no idea what you wanted when you came here, apart from me, did you? Well, don’t worry. I can see that you’re a very special kind of sub.”

“I… I am?” he asked hestinantly, and Ava nodded back.

“Oh yes, cutie,” she said emphatically, “I’ve been wanting a new pet for a while and I think you’re the perfect candidate. After all, it’s a very specific kind of man who would come to play with me on such a full stomach.”

Nate flushed a little at this observation - he hadn’t realised that the effects of his eating earlier were so apparent, but now that Ava had mentioned it, he saw that even a cursory glance revealed his bloated beer gut. Still, she had a point - the sensation of being stuffed had actually calmed him down before he had taken the plunge to visit the mistress. Her knowing smile told him that she knew that little part of himself that he didn’t bring to the surface under any circumstances. He didn’t feel as though he needed to hide it here, though.

“I love being full,” he said aloud for the first time in his life, “I wish I could just eat all of the time. I’m hungry all the time.”

“I know you are, Nate,” she whispered into his ear, biting his earlobe gently, “So, here’s the deal. You’re obviously a cut above my other slaves, my sweet, so I’m going to be keeping you as my special pet. I’ll feed you, and fuck you, and take care of you. You can have whatever you want when you’re here… as long as you get bigger for me. My last pet couldn’t keep up with my demands, so I had to let him go. You don’t want that, do you, piglet?”

Nate looked into her wicked green eyes, disbelieving, and knew that he definitely did not want that to happen. “Just to be clear,” he asked, feeling for certain that he must have misunderstood, “You want me to get fat for you? That’s how you want me to serve you?”

“Why, fucktoy? Is there something you’d prefer to do instead?” she asked, amused.

No, Nate considered. There absolutely was not.


When morning rolled around, Nate couldn’t bring himself to leave. He and Ava had been awake for most of the night, and he felt both exhausted and exhilarated when the sun began to rise. After she had fucked him senseless, leaving him tied to the bed, Ava had left the room to go and freshen up. When she returned, Butler was following her, carrying a tray with an enormous platter of cream cakes on it. He placed the tray on one of the bedside tables carefully, and glanced down at the shackled Nate with a mild indifference that spoke to how common a sight this was in Ava’s boudoir. He stood by the door, waiting to be dismissed by his mistress.

“Nate here is going to be spending a lot more time with us, Butler,” Ava informed him before he left. “You’re to give him all the attention that a special pet of mine deserves.”

“It would be my sincere pleasure, ma’am,” he replied, nodding his head respectfully towards Nate. “I’m at your service, sir, and there’s no job too small I assure you.”

Nate just nodded back at him, not sure what to say to this. Ava was straddling him again, and she rested the plate of cakes on top of his stomach before she brought the first of many to his lips. He ate them greedily, looking up at her and feeling incapable of seeing anything else but her in that moment. He was thankful that it was the weekend - Ava had assured him that he could stay for as long as he wanted, and he didn’t have to go back to work until Monday. There was no way he was leaving just yet. The cream cakes were divine, and he could see the rapidly emptying plate rising up and down in front of him as he breathed deeply. Butler was about to leave the room - Nate swallowed deeply.

“Bring some more,” he called after the manservant, his voice more pleading than demanding. Ava grinned indulgently at this before going back to stuffing him.

“Of course, sir,” Butler replied impassively, “Anything for the mistress’ special pet.”

Butler closed the door behind them and descended the stairs, back to the long corridor of closed doors. At the bottom of the staircase was an enormous silver trolley that was groaning with trays of food. He pushed it to the first door, knocked twice and then unlocked it with a key from the large bunch that clanked at his hip when a muffled voice called out “Mmmph… come in…”

The man who lay on the bed in this room was at least twice the size of Nate. His eyes rolled up to the doorway when Butler entered, but he could just barely see over the top of his gut. He let out a moan when he saw the tray of cakes which spoke of extreme hunger, though both of them knew that it had been barely an hour since his last meal. Butler brought the tray close and the man snatched it up, guzzling the cakes greedily. Cream oozed through his fat fingers and his tongue darted out to lick it up, though not quite quickly enough. Drops of cream and crumbs speckled his broad, jiggling chest. Butler produced a silk handkerchief and mopped him clean respectfully.

“Thanks Butler,” he managed to say around a huge mouthful of cake.

“Think nothing of it, sir,” Butler replied, “You are, of course, the mistress’ special pet.”

He had turned to leave the room but the man reached out and grabbed his arm. “When can I see her again,” he asked desperately, “I miss my mistress. I’ve been a good piggy, tell her… *hic* … tell her what a good piggy I’m being for her.”

Butler stepped back a little, his respectful expression never changing. “The mistress is busy with the lesser slaves, Liam, punishing and correcting their behaviour. The fact that she doesn’t do this to you surely speaks to how good you’re being. Still, I’m sure we both know you’ll have gained at the next weigh in. I’m sure she’ll want to reward you. Just relax and keep eating until then.”

Mollified, Liam rested back in his bed and continued to gorge. Butler left the room, wiping creamy fingerprints from his arm as he did. He knocked on the second door.

“...Cream cakes, for the mistress’ special pet,” he called as he entered. A huge shadow moved across the doorway as he stepped inside. Two doors down, many more to go.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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ThePatchwork... 1 year
Is the story complete? I’m sorry if asking might be disrespectful
Mistress Audra 1 year
Unfortunately this story ended up on hiatus, I took a break and didn't pick it back up, but I may well go back to it in the future!
ThePatchwork... 1 year
Understood! Thank you for the response, and hope you’re doing well 😁
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
Oh my Gawd! What a delightfully sinister world you’ve created! Damn! Thanks for continuing this dark tale.
Sfemde 3 years
Thank you for the two new chapters!
Sfemde 3 years
Chapter 5 was a surprise and welcoming addition. I like how you make her a developed and deep character. Fantastic read!
Littleextra 3 years
I guess the Mummy femdom slant isn't my cup of tea, but the writing is so beautifully top notch, l completely lost myself in it. Thanks for posting! Bravo.
Verychubbyte... 3 years
What a beautiful theme
Tigerlily33 4 years
BeSoft 4 years
Whis that Matteo guy was me for real!
Sfemde 4 years
Oh wow. How many different rooms are there and how much deeper will it go?
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
What a beautifully complex and compelling story.

I just finished chapter 4 breathless for more. All I have is food to satisfy me as I await the next chapter.
Littleextra 4 years
Nice work!! I thought it would be a bit too dark for me, ... but l was wrong.
Aquarius64 4 years
Far too short!
Built4com4t 4 years