The black widow

chapter 4

Ava strode down the corridor of locked doors, her eyes scanning over the rooms with sharp interest. Butler was following a couple of steps behind her, ready to unlock whichever room she picked. Who to honour with her presence today? Following the weigh-ins she had been pleased to note that there were several potential candidates who deserved rewarding. But who to choose? Sweet, darling Liam, always so eager to please and desperate for her maternal grace? Sean, who saw every bruise she bestowed on his enormous arse as a blessing and begged her for more, *more* pain, with each lash of the whip? Or perhaps... She had reached a door with a black iron handle, and she could hear the heavy breathing and grunting that was coming from inside. Matteo. She smiled.

“Butler, darling, be a dear and open up the barn, would you? It’s piggy’s feeding time.”

“Of course, ma’am,” he replied, selecting the key and unlocking the door. “I’ll return shortly to fill the trough.”

As the keys rattled in the lock, the sounds from inside the room began to get louder, more excited. Ava could hear deep breathing and heavy thumping sounds. She tingled with anticipation. Matteo always excited her. She remembered the way he had looked when he had first come into her service - a tall and imposing mountain of a man with rippling muscles and hands like spades. She heard him snorting, sounding like a minotaur in the labyrinth of her dungeons. She pushed open the door and entered, her heeled boots echoing in the sparse room. Matteo looked up from the floor. He wore a black leather pig mask which covered the top half of his face, and nothing else. His arms and legs were still evidently strong, the huge muscles there sheathed in a thick layer of fat, but his washboard stomach had long since been lost to a most impressive belly that formed two huge rolls. The top was, as always, standing proudly away from his body, bloated with food and covered in livid stretch marks. The bottom was velvet soft and hung down to almost brush the floor as he crouched there now on his hands and knees.

Matteo was no spoiled, pampered piglet on a sparkling lead. The sight of Ava entering the room was provoking him to savage desire, and he grunted loudly in excitement, rushing towards her. The speed at which he was still able to move never failed to surprise her. He almost bowled her over, and he was about to push her up against the wall, to try and stand and begin to mount her, when Butler entered the room and prodded him. The crack of electricity from the cattle prod made him squeal… and apparently incensed him. Snorting, he made as if to take her again. Ava took the proffered prod from Butler and stuck it deep between the rolls of his belly, taking the fight right out of him.

“DOWN,” she snapped, and he fell back onto his hands and knees with a thud that would not be out of place in a quarry. Exhaling deeply, Ava advanced on him, holding out the prod. He backed up towards the wall, his eyes flaming up at her through the holes in the mask. “Hold him down, Butler,” she said, her voice cold and amused, “This wild boar needs tethering up.”

This seemed to light a fire under Matteo, and Butler kicked the door closed behind him and grappled him to the floor. As Butler’s thick arms strained with the effort of holding the hog down, Ava strutted behind him. A quick flick of the cattle prod to Matteo’s thighs stopped him in his tracks, and in that brief moment of calm she had picked up a heavy chain and shackled it to his balls. The other end was attached to a thick metal pin in the wall. As the lock clicked shut, Butler released him and took a step back, breathing heavily. He slicked his hair back with his hands, making it immaculate, and stood up primly. Ava walked slowly back around to join him in front of Matteo.

“Mistress has a present for you, piggy,” she informed him, “Butler told me how much you’ve packed on for me. You’ll be ready for the county fair in no time.”

Matteo snorted furiously again, but Ava could see him grinning broadly under the mask. Butler had left the room, and returned with a large metal plug, topped with a black leather pig tail. The hog’s bright eyes glittered through the mask. Ava returned his smile and approached him again. She stroked his head, ruffling his long dark hair and let her slender fingers trail down his spine before reaching his backside. As she pushed the thick plug into him with one hand and tugged his head back by the hair with the other, arching his back, she heard him gasp in delight.

“Thank you, Mistress,” he whispered in his deep voice. He had been trying to earn his tail for a very, very long time. Now, having finally surpassed 400lbs, Avarice had decided that he was worthy of the honour. She knelt down for a second and scratched his head again, tickling him under his chins. As she did so, Butler dragged a heavy metal trough into the middle of the room, his biceps bulging at the weight of it. When it was in place, he wheeled the food trolley into the room. It was stocked with several tureens of chocolate mousse. Butler began to slop the dessert into the trough. When the tureens were empty, he made a huge show of topping the whole lot off with a couple of cans of whipped cream. Matteo was pacing back and forth, watching him, his eyes wide and excited. As the second can sputtered out, empty, Butler ostentatiously placed a single cherry on top of the mess of sugar and cream.

“A special treat for all your hard work, fuck-pig,” Ava said, standing up crisply again. “If you finish the whole lot, Mistress will reward you. If you don’t… well. You know what to expect, don’t you?” She stung Butler with the cattle prod to prove the point - he gasped but never broke his straight-backed posture. The spark as the electricity discharged lit up her smiling eyes. Not needing any further encouragement, Matteo charged towards the trough, and then snorted furiously. Butler had placed the trough only just within his reach. As he strained to put his head over the edge of the feeding tray, the shackle around his balls tugged painfully. He managed a few messy mouthfuls and then had to fall back, breathing heavily. He looked up at Ava uncertainly and she smiled maleficently back. “EAT, piggy,” she demanded. Swallowing deeply, he stretched back over and began to glut in earnest, using both hands to shovel the food into his mouth.

As he gorged, his tits resting on the edge of the trough and getting speckled with chocolate and cream, he grunted deeply, shaking his head back and forth to clear his head from the agony of it all. He shoved his face into the food, moaning loudly as he strained against his tether. When he did settle back onto the floor to give his balls a break, Ava would tut disapprovingly and finger the cattle prod. He didn’t dare rest for too long. His belly was bloating rapidly, and the weight of all that cream was pulling him down, making it hard to breath. The nose of his mask was coated in thick chocolate. About two thirds of the way down he stopped, his gut heaving, and clung to the trough for support like a life raft. Ava walked over to him and knelt besides him, assessing the damage.

“I know you’re not done yet, Matteo,” she said. Her voice had a hard, mineral quality to it. His eyes rolled madly to meet hers, unable to turn his head to look at her. “Not my prize piglet. Get your head back in that trough right NOW.”

He moaned and dropped his face back down, bringing sticky fistfuls of chocolate to his face with quivering hands. His upper arms wobbled uncontrollably. As he began to slow down again, Ava took a great handful of his hair and pushed his face back down into the food. He gurgled and swallowed faster. His balls were turning purple. He had begun to whine. Finally, amazingly, the trough was empty. He dropped back down onto his hands and knees and shuffled back until the tether went slack, smearing chocolate handprints on the floor as he did. His breathing was apoplectic. His knees buckled and he slid onto his belly, belching explosively. Ava laughed delightedly at the scene and plucked the cherry out of the bottom of the trough. She nudged him with the tip of her boot until he somehow, heroically, managed to turn over onto his back, his belly seeming to want to engulf him.

She fiercely pushed his gut out of the way so that she could slip onto his cock.

She dropped the cherry into his mouth as she fucked him.

He belched as he came ferociously.

By the time anyone came to unshackle him, he was already hungry again.
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ThePatchwork... 1 year
Is the story complete? I’m sorry if asking might be disrespectful
Mistress Audra 1 year
Unfortunately this story ended up on hiatus, I took a break and didn't pick it back up, but I may well go back to it in the future!
ThePatchwork... 1 year
Understood! Thank you for the response, and hope you’re doing well 😁
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
Oh my Gawd! What a delightfully sinister world you’ve created! Damn! Thanks for continuing this dark tale.
Sfemde 3 years
Thank you for the two new chapters!
Sfemde 3 years
Chapter 5 was a surprise and welcoming addition. I like how you make her a developed and deep character. Fantastic read!
Littleextra 3 years
I guess the Mummy femdom slant isn't my cup of tea, but the writing is so beautifully top notch, l completely lost myself in it. Thanks for posting! Bravo.
Verychubbyte... 3 years
What a beautiful theme
Tigerlily33 4 years
BeSoft 4 years
Whis that Matteo guy was me for real!
Sfemde 4 years
Oh wow. How many different rooms are there and how much deeper will it go?
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
What a beautifully complex and compelling story.

I just finished chapter 4 breathless for more. All I have is food to satisfy me as I await the next chapter.
Littleextra 4 years
Nice work!! I thought it would be a bit too dark for me, ... but l was wrong.
Aquarius64 4 years
Far too short!
Built4com4t 4 years