The black widow

chapter 5

It had been a couple of weeks since Jack had passed on, and things were running smoothly in the manor house. Butler entered Avarice’s study carrying a silver tray which housed a glass of red wine and a single dark chocolate truffle. She was going over the accounts with an air of immense satisfaction. Her blonde hair was pulled up into a severe and immaculate bun on top of her head. Butler stood by her desk patiently until she glanced up from the figures she was going over and acknowledged him. Next to papers detailing exactly how much money Jack had left her in his will, she had a black ledger containing notes on all of the subs that frequented her dungeons, as well as information about their employment, income and savings. After each weigh in, these notes were carefully updated. Now, sipping her wine and poring over the books, Ava was going over her boys with a sharp eye.

“Who do you think should be next, darling?” she asked Butler after a time. “Who has potential?”

“Well… Robert would certainly be the biggest payout,” he said, glancing at the retired investment banker’s savings.

“Certainly, certainly, but you know that ex wife of his would get her claws in,” Ava rebutted, frowning slightly, “Too many relatives to take their cut, you know lawyers would get involved and ask silly questions… Besides, he gains far too slowly, it would take forever. Better to just keep collecting his rent.”

“John could…”

“John? No, no, he’s too much work, he’s not in deep enough,” she sighed, “He’d take too much breaking in. It takes a special kind of someone to eat themselves to Jack’s size, you know that.”

“Liam put on a respectable amount recently. Plus, he worships you, he’d do anything you told him,” Butler suggested, but Ava’s frown deepened.

“Liam’s one little piggy I won’t be sending to market,” she said softly. It happened sometimes. She got too attached. She glanced over the notes again and sighed. “I’ll keep looking. Someone’s bound to impress me sooner or later.”

She popped the truffle into her mouth and glanced back at her inheritance with a smile. Another prize piglet always came along eventually. After a time, finding that she was rather stuck on the idea, she decided to go and pay Liam a visit. He was always so thrilled to see her. That sort of dumb, sweet adoration was exactly the sort of worship she needed right now. She stood up and made her way upstairs, pausing only at the kitchen to put together a tray of treats for her little devotee. Butler was already doing the rounds, walking down the corridor with his usual cart of food for the residents, and he stopped to unlock the room for her dutifully. Liam had been resting on his huge bed, currently facing the wall, and at the sound of the door opening he was struggling to turn himself over to look at his visitor. He was breathing quite heavily from the effort.

“Butler?” he huffed, “I need help again… Mistress!”

Ava beamed at the sudden change in his tone. Liam was pulling himself up to a sitting position with new found strength, his doughy face lit up ecstatically. She watched his tits quivering as he hauled himself up the bed, always slightly amazed by how much larger he was than the last time she had seen him. He was dressed in a soft pink onesie with a cute piglet design printed on it and it clung to him like a second skin, stretched almost see through across his impressive belly. Ava could only imagine how difficult it had been to get the fastenings to meet between his legs.

“Good afternoon, little one,” she said gently, and smiled at the way he dropped his gaze shyly, his cheeks flushing with more than just the strain of moving his huge bulk. He screwed his thumb securely into his mouth and sucked for comfort before replying, struggling to enunciate around his pudgy fist.

“I missed you, mummy,” he said timidly, “I thought you were never coming back.”

“As though I could stay away,” she smiled, settling on the side of the bed. “Now. Have you been being a good boy for me, sweetness?”

“Always! Always, mummy, I’ve been a good piggy, I promise!” he was babbling, his thumb forgotten in his eagerness to assure her that he had been the best boy, nodding his head emphatically. His fat cheeks and chins were wobbling along in time, as though they agreed with him. “I’ve been eating and eating for you, I swear!”

“Well, we’ll see, won’t we? Come on, little Prince, we’re going to the nursery.”

Liam scrambled to the edge of the bed, taking Ava’s proffered hand and standing up with surprising quickness now. When they both stood up she dwarfed him, standing almost a foot taller than him in her heels. He had come to her as a short and slightly chubby man, and she had transformed him into an enormous, round baby, the approximate shape and consistency of a dumpling. He waddled along in her wake to the room across the corridor from his, the short journey quickening his breathing and reddening his cheeks alarmingly. The huge nappy he was wearing under his onesie crinkled softly as his thighs rubbed together. The nursery was a relatively recent addition to Ava’s dungeon, but since Liam had come to stay full time she had supervised its renovation and the building of the heavily reinforced baby equipment. Compared to her other playrooms, some dark and sultry, others harsh and spartan, the nursery was an explosion of pink and pastels and bright light. Liam toddled slightly ahead of her now, excited as he always was to play in here. He plodded over to his favourite part - the feeding chair - expectantly, but Ava smiled and beckoned him back.

“Now now, little piglet, you know the rules. First we weigh you and see how good you’ve been, *then* we decide how much of a treat you’ve earned.”

Liam eyed the scales with the slight nervousness that all of Ava’s subjects viewed them with. The number on those scales determined for him, as they did for all of the slaves, how the rest of his day would go. It didn’t matter how obvious his gain was - despite the fact that his onesie was almost bursting at the seams, despite the fact that he could feel the legs of his nappy cutting into his soft thighs, despite the fact that the walk across the corridor was taking it out of him so much more than last time - he was still ruled by the fear that he wasn’t big enough for mummy. His thumb found his mouth again and he sucked compulsively. Ava led him over to the large set of scales and began to slide the blocks along the top. 200lbs… 250… 270…

“Two hundred and seventy two,” she said, smiling, as Butler jotted it down in a little notebook. “How much is that since last time, Butler?”

“Seven pounds in just over two weeks, ma’am,” he replied briskly. Ava grinned at Liam, who visibly relaxed.

“Why, that’s quite a lot of weight for someone so small,” she said, ruffling his hair and watching him blush sweetly. “Still, there’s always room for improvement, isn’t there? Are you hungry, precious?”

“So hungwy,” he agreed, his voice regressing, reaching his fat little arms up to Ava and tugging at the neckline of her blouse, his shyness leaving him now that he knew she deemed him to be enough. “Feed me, mummy, pwease, I’m so hungwy!”

The feeding chair was one of her own design, to allow Liam, with his massive bulk, to suckle at her breast without crushing her. Ava sat in the chair whilst Liam snuggled on a comfy cushioned surface which Butler wheeled in close to her and adjusted so that he was practically in the mistress’ lap. He was beginning to get a little wide for it, she noted - his belly was right up to the edges now as he lay on his back and opened his mouth wide to latch on. There was a drip stand next to the chair, housing a funnel which led to a very thin plastic tube. Ava slipped one of her heavy breasts into Liam’s mouth with the tube tucked alongside it, and as he began to suck blissfully, Butler tipped a huge pitcher of double cream into the funnel.

“Enjoy,” Butler said quietly as he left the pair together and continued his rounds. Ava smiled, stroking Liam’s hair and watching his fat cheeks bulging with cream. He sucked and swallowed almost frantically, nipping her by accident occasionally in his haste to take in more and more cream. Whenever this happened she would breathe in sharply and tap his nose.

“Teeth, little one!” she would chide, but they both knew she did not mind. Liam’s heavy breathing and occasional moans of ecstasy were, in time, joined by her own soft and pleasurable breaths as the sensation of his strong sucks sparked a tingling in her nipples that was mirrored between her legs. She buried her fingers in her baby’s hair and sighed happily. She would have been happy to stay here all night, had the doorbell not snapped her out of her reverie. She opened her eyes at the sound and saw that Liam had as well.

“Mumma,” Liam whined, his eyes wide, “Stay here, mumma, I want more.”

“Shhh, little Prince,” she said gently, kissing his forehead and levering herself out of the chair, her nipples rock hard and glistening with cream. “Let’s put you back to bed.”

“No, mumma, I don’t want to…”

She had popped a dummy into his mouth before he could protest any further, and was already leading him back to his room. Butler had left the huge tray that she had prepared next to his bed. “Bedtime, little one. Mummy will come back and see you ever so soon, I promise.”

As she closed the door behind him, Liam sat on his bed, pouting for a little while. When it became clear that she was not coming back, he pulled the tray towards himself and began to binge, feeling the hard bulge of his cock rubbing the front of his nappy in its unfulfilled protest. His belly sloshed with pints of cream, and he began to slowly push more food down his throat to join it, groaning at his ridiculous fullness. Next time mummy came to see him, he was going to be so much bigger, he just knew it. Next time, when the doorbell rang, she’d *stay*.
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ThePatchwork... 1 year
Is the story complete? I’m sorry if asking might be disrespectful
Mistress Audra 1 year
Unfortunately this story ended up on hiatus, I took a break and didn't pick it back up, but I may well go back to it in the future!
ThePatchwork... 12 months
Understood! Thank you for the response, and hope you’re doing well 😁
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
Oh my Gawd! What a delightfully sinister world you’ve created! Damn! Thanks for continuing this dark tale.
Sfemde 3 years
Thank you for the two new chapters!
Sfemde 3 years
Chapter 5 was a surprise and welcoming addition. I like how you make her a developed and deep character. Fantastic read!
Littleextra 3 years
I guess the Mummy femdom slant isn't my cup of tea, but the writing is so beautifully top notch, l completely lost myself in it. Thanks for posting! Bravo.
Verychubbyte... 3 years
What a beautiful theme
Tigerlily33 4 years
BeSoft 4 years
Whis that Matteo guy was me for real!
Sfemde 4 years
Oh wow. How many different rooms are there and how much deeper will it go?
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
What a beautifully complex and compelling story.

I just finished chapter 4 breathless for more. All I have is food to satisfy me as I await the next chapter.
Littleextra 4 years
Nice work!! I thought it would be a bit too dark for me, ... but l was wrong.
Aquarius64 4 years
Far too short!
Built4com4t 4 years