Giving up

chapter 2

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I arrive at the gym, eeek I’m so scared to get out of the car! But I’m already late I need to get my chubby butt in there! I am acutely aware of my whole body jiggling as I walk up to the gym, there are a few people walking to the parking lot. A couple walks by me and snickers, are they laughing at me? No, no I’m just being self conscious, two months ago I was a competitor, there is no way I could be that bad that I’m getting nasty laughs from strangers!

As I open the glass door I already see you standing there waiting for me. The look on your face makes me want to disappear. You look so shocked and disappointed but then I see an evil little twinkle in your eye. Shit! What does that mean?

You immediately start poking and pinching all of my exposed bubbler. Taunting me.

“What the HELL have you done to yourself!? You must have put on 15 lbs of pure fat since I last saw you! In two and a half weeks?! What have you been doing? Stuffing yourself with a whole large pizza every night, after getting drunk, you know your body has to metabolize the alcohol first so any thing you eat turns to PURE FAT!!! That and laying around on the couch! Right!? I know you don’t have to work right now because of your endorsement deals, but at least a job might give your body a break from being pumped full of calories constantly! And hopefully none of your endorsement deals need to bring you in for a photo shoot!”

Shit! I didn’t even think of that! I got the endorsement deals from being a competitor, and I definitely don’t look like that now!!! As you are berating me you are poking, pinching and jiggling my overflowing doughy fat. As you are reaching out to physically tease me your arm muscles are rippling highlighting how soft and flabby I look in comparison. Making it apparent to all just HOW much better you take care of yourself than I do. Everyone can see what a lazy careless pig I’ve been, the shame burns my face as I blush bright red.

“My God! Still I can’t believe you got this fat! Even if you are doing every thing I guessed! Still! Ugh I can’t wait to measure you and take the fat calipers to your rolls, weigh you! And punish you for being SO greedy and lazy!”

You got closer and whispered in my ear “Though you will probably love the punishment I have planned for you piglet! I’m going to see exactly how much that fat belly can hold! You have no idea what you are in for, I’m gonna stretch that stomach out so far, you think it takes a lot to make that gluttonous belly really full now?Just wait until I get done with it”

Wait what!? What you were saying didn’t make any sense, but... the WAY you were saying it, um I felt that moisture between my legs again! I was eager for more of your attention no matter how humiliating.

“I’m going to work you out a little bit, just to see how pathetically weak you have become! First crunches, that is if your big belly doesn’t get in the way!”

Oh no, everyone was definitely watching, they were trying to act like they were focused on their workouts but I knew that all they could think about how scared they were to look like me, vowing to themselves to NEVER let themselves go like this! I could see it in their pity filled eyes. I never ever ever thought this would happen to me either!

As I attempted to do the crunches my belly popped out and bunched up comically. I got out of breath so easily! I could barely finish 15 crunches! I Used to breeze through 200 like nothing! This was so humiliating and disappointing! Was there any coming back from this? After giving up (you asked me to do just 20) I lied on the floor panting, my pale skin glistened with sweat, only accentuating my unsightly bulges.

“Ugh, PATHETIC!!! You had to be lieing to me about being a bikini fitness competitor! Was that photo you showed me photoshopped?! I hope you remember what your measurements supposedly were so you can really feel the shame when I measure you today and compare!“

I finally spoke for the first time since arriving, now I was pissed! “ Do have any idea the hell I had to go through to get a body like that!? There is no way I could have continued! And the pressure, never low enough body fat, EVERY muscle has to be perfectly developed, boiled chicken and sweet potatoes EVERY DAY for MONTHS on end! And I still didn’t win my last competition so I just gave up and took a little vacation I guess!”

“Do I have any idea!? You scoffed as you ran your hand up and down your washboard abs. Yeah porky! I do! “

To further emphasize your perfect shape you
flexed your biceps and for some reason took off your shirt, grabbed my hand and pressed my fingers into your chest and each part of your what? 8 pack! Oh my God I felt so fat! “ I’m as hard as rock! Two percent body fat! Not by scarfing down pizza and alcohol like you fatty! Yeah it’s hard but I have self discipline, something you so obviously lack as of late! It sucks and it’s restrictive but I love looking like this!” You wink at a super fit gorgeous girl (ugh with my old figure) as she walked by. And the ladies love it too!”

Ugh! God I though, do they also love that you are a cocky self absorbed ass hole like Gaston from Beauty and the Beast or something! That was why I never dated anyone that was in to body building, I felt they were all like that! Same with guys with a lot of tattoos , they all think they are God’s gift to women! Shoot me! In fact I never really dated much at all, I had no sex drive, I hadn’t gotten my period in who knows how long and my whole relationship with my body was pretty much the opposite of allowing it pleasure, until lately...

More to come this evening!!! I hope everyone is enjoying it! Leave comments or no more sexy pictures !!! Lol no I’m just kidding I like posting them too much!!!
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Aquarius64 4 years
I’ve given you a like, because I enjoyed the story, but please check your work for typos and auto correct errors (for example strait instead of straight).
WideJuan76 4 years
You know the filling of going from supercut to flabby to obese. You described it perfectly; I can't wait to read more....
CurvyPiggy 4 years
This is my ultimate fantasy 🙈
NocturnalDev... 4 years
Gabriel Ar- Yes I wrote it!
And thank you💖
PersonalTrainer 4 years
This looks like a dream come true to me. Keep going, please!
Reflection O... 4 years
This is gonna be awesome, keep it up.