Ms. brooks class

chapter 2

*7:15 AM*

It was an unusually hot spring day as the school day began. Cars began pouring into the parking lot. The loud sound of Hot In Here by Nelly could be heard a mile away as Mike & Richie pulled up in Mike's 2003 Dodge Neon he got from his parents. They were wearing khaki shorts and polo shirts again only they switched up the colors. A PT Cruiser pulled up owned by Mrs. Murphy to allow Murphy and Ian to get out.

Mrs. Murphy "Don't forget to take your meds, wash your hands and eat your sandwhich."

Murphy "Yes mother."

Mrs. Murphy pulled away as Mike and Richie laughed. Mike "Ha, what f*gs." Richie "Yeah."

Mike and Richie noticed Tiffany sitting under the tree sketching the pond that surrounded the school."

Mike "That d*ke sure is weird." Richie "Yeah"

Suddenly the deafening roar of George Thorogood's I Drink Alone could be heard as a 1971 Black El Camino driven by Rocky pulled in. Rocky exited the car wearing a black leather jacket, Ratt t-shirt and blue jeans. He was carrying a briefcase instead of a backpack. Mike and Richie made their way over with Ian and Murphy lurking close behind.

Mike "Well well well, if it isn't Mr. Tough Guy." Richie "Yeah"

Rocky "Beat it geeks, I got business today. Wait till you see what Ms. Brooks is wearing."

Mike "Yeah, ha ha, like Mrs. Brooks would ever give a damn about you or what you have to say. My dad's the hockey coach, I got lots of money and I look great, she'd take me over you any day." Richie "Yeah"

Rocky "Want to put a bet on that? I bet if you even sniffed in her general direction she'd slap you silly."

Mike went to say something but suddenly a blue Nissan 350Z pulled up. Ms. Brooks exited the car and the entire parking lot just stopped what they were doing. Ms. Brooks was wearing a hot pink top, a pink bra, thin black booty shorts and white sneakers. Mike, Ian, Richie and Murphy all dropped their jaws as even Tiffany looked at her with a sneer. Rocky could only smile and shake his head as she waved at everyone.

Mike ""

Rocky: That's my girl.

Mike "Ha, you wish, r*tard."

Rocky: Oh I DARE you to pull something. Seriously, go for it.

Mike: Watch, by the end of the day I'll be jizzing in her mouth, you'll see.

Richie "Yeah"

Rocky: I highly doubt that.

*Mike and Richie left as Ian and Murphy remained lurking close behind. Rocky looked at Tiffany and sneered before making his way toward Ian and Murphy*

*2:20 PM*

It was near the end of Ms. Brooks senior math class. Mike, Richie, Ian, Murphy, Graham and even Tiffany had been gawking at Ms. Brooks the whole class.

Brooks was in no mood for chicanery as Principal Stugotz had warned her for her scantily clad attire shortly before class to never wear things like that again. Not to mention she could feel everyone's eyes on her, even some of the girls. Strangely, the only one she didn't mind was when Rocky looked at her. She felt a strange sensation when he looked at her that she didn't feel when the others did. The class were finishing up their quizzes before the end of the class.

*Bell rings*

Brooks: Ok class, hand them in. I'll see you all tomorrow.

*One by one the students went to hand theirs in. Once again, intentionally last were Mike, Richie, Ian and Murphy. They all wanted her attention.

Mike "Ms. Brooks you look..."

*Richie cuts him off*

Richie "Absolutely wonder....

*Mike cuts him off*

Mike: ...full.

*Mike punches Richie's shoulder*

Brooks: Yes yes, I've heard that all day. Just hand them in and go.

*Mike and Richie eyeball each other as they leave. Mike looked over his shoulder to see Rocky sitting at his desk with the briefcase still there*

Mike "What's that re*ard up to?"

Richie: "Yeah."

*Ian and Murphy step to the desk*

Murphy: So for those two behaviors Ms. Brooks, they don't deserve a teacher like you.

Ian: Yeah, those two are hurtful, hateful and a disgrace.

Brooks: I appreciate your sentiment, hand in your quizzes.

*Murphy turned and looked to see Rocky still sitting at his desk and whispered to Ms. Brooks*

Murphy: Be careful of that guy, I bet he's a racist and an rapist.

Ian: *Making sure Rocky can't hear him* Yeah, he's bad news.

Brooks: You really should say things like that to people's faces and see how they'd react.

*Ian and Murphy looked at each other as Rocky stood up with his quiz. Ian and Murphy ran out of the room leaving Rocky and Ms. Brooks alone*

Brooks: Oh, didn't see you there. Have you finished your quiz. Rocky handed over his quiz as he looked Ms. Brooks up and down. Brooks "Ok, thank you. That should do it."

Rocky didn't move. Brooks "Do you have a question?" Rocky "Yes, do you always look this sexy in those clothes?" Brooks looked annoyed "Excuse me? How dare you say that to your teacher." Rocky then remembered he forgot to do something crucial.

Brooks: "I'm going to the principal and....

*Rocky snaps his fingers and Brooks stopped talking, returning to the trance she was in the day before*

Rocky: Ms Brooks...

Brooks: Yes sir...

Rocky: Do you have any after hour meetings?

Brooks: No sir, I don't have any after hour meetings.

Rocky: Are you busy today?

Brooks: No sir, I'm completely alone the rest of the day.

Rocky: Go lock the door.

Brooks: Yes sir I'll go lock the door.

*Brooks went and shut the door, locking it as well. Rocky then got his briefcase and set it on Murphy's desk*

Rocky: Now the fun begins.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Karenjenk 4 years
I'm with Nogut here....
amazing start
NocturnalDev... 4 years
I’m excited to see where this goes! Very clever and unique!!!