Ms. brooks class

chapter 4

*Rocky had unlocked the door and left the room carrying the briefcase with Brooks still laying on her desk half naked. Within a minute Mike and Richie had entered the room. Mike and Richie's jaws dropped when they saw her*

Mike: way.

Richie: Yeah....

Mike: You don't think?

Richie: Yeah!

*Mike and Richie walked over to Ms. Brooks who was still moaning on the desk*

Mike: This is gonna be fun.

Richie: Yeah...

*Mike unzipped his khaki shorts as did Richie. Once their pants were off all of a sudden a hand reached into the door and snapped its fingers twice*

Mike: What the?

*Ms. Brooks suddenly came to. She looked around horrified to see Mike and Richie with their pants down and her almost naked*


Mike: Wait, what?

*All of a sudden Rocky ran into the room*

Rocky: Ms. Brooks what happ....ewwwwww, what the fuck?

Ms. Brooks frantically tried to put her clothes back on.

Brooks; They...they tried to rape me.


*Mike and Richie tried desperately to put their pants back on and ended up falling over, Richie falling face first into his own cum stained quiz*

Richie: Ughhhh

Rocky: I saw it Ms. Brooks, if you need a witness, I'll vouch.


*Mike went to take a big swing at Rocky but Rocky sidestepped the punch and Mike rammed his fist against the wall*

Mike: Owwwww!

*Ms Brooks gathered herself and ran out of the room*

Rocky: You lose.

*Mike took another swing but Rocky ducked under it and busted Mike in the ribs with an uppercut. Richie lunged but Rocky just shoved him into Mike, knocking them both over*

Rocky: I told you I'd get her first. Sucks to be you two.

*Rocky left the room and walked away. A few hours later as the sun began to set. Tiffany was sitting in front of the water by the pond. Rocky walked up to her*

Tiffany: Is it done?

Rocky: Yup, Mike & Richie are going to be expelled. Mike's father is doing everything he can to convince Ms. Brooks not to file rape charges. She's not hearing it.

Tiffany: Good.

*Rocky pulled the silver ankh that hypnotized Ms. Brooks out of his pocket*

Rocky: Here's your ankh back.

*As Rocky handed it over, he flashed back in his head 2 weeks earlier to the school dance. He found Tiffany crying in the staircase, her dress mangled and her makeup running*

Rocky: Tiffany? Is that you? What's wrong?

Tiffany: Mike and Richie raped me.


Tiffany: Richie held me down and Mike raped me. Mike said not to bother telling anyone because his father is a powerful person in town.

Rocky: Want me to drag them both outside, beat the shit out of them?

Tiffany: No, that won't help anything. Give me time to think.

*In real time, Tiffany accepted the ankh*

Tiffany: Thank you Rocky

*As Rocky smiled, he flashed back again to 2 days earlier*

Tiffany: Rocky, I have an idea on how to get Mike & Richie back.

Rocky: What's in it for me?

Tiffany: Wanna fuck Ms. Brooks?

Rocky: What kind of stupid question is that? Who wouldn't?

Tiffany: I'm not joking Rocky, I can make that happen.

Rocky: How?

*Tiffany unhooked her necklace which had a silver ankh attached to it*

Tiffany: With this.

Rocky: You gotta be kidding.

Tiffany: I told you I'm not, let me show you.

*In real time Rocky hugged Tiffany close and she buried her face in his chest*

Rocky: I know this may not be the right time to ask, but can we go out sometime soon?

Tiffany: Sure....that would be great.

*Rocky let her go and walked away, in his head he flashbacked to that morning*

Rocky: Ian....Murphy....want to make a bet?

Murphy: What?

Rocky: I bet you $100 apiece I can get with Ms. Brooks today.

Ian: Yeah right.

Murphy: How you gonna prove it?

*Rocky tapped the briefcase*

Rocky: I'll film it.

Murphy: Ha! I'll take that bet.

Ian: Me too.

*As Rocky left the duo snickered*

Ian: No chance in hell.

Murphy: What woman would want that toxic masculined fool?

*As Rocky left Tiffany smiled and flash backed to that afternoon*

Tiffany: As soon as you're done fucking Ms. Brooks, go to the window and nod. I'll send Mike & Richie up.

Rocky: How do you know they'll go for it.

Tiffany: Don't worry, I'll think of something.

*Later in the afternoon Mike & Richie were leaving to go home when Tiffany stopped them*

Mike; Ha, look who wants some more, its the d*ke.

Richie: Yeah.

Tiffany: Ms. Brooks wants to see you, she says its urgent.

Mike: Urgent?

Tiffany: Have you seen what she's wearing? You gonna pass that up?

Mike:.....let's go.

Richie: Yeah!

*Mike and Richie run back to school, Tiffany stands outside and sneers*

*In real time, Rocky found Ian and Murphy at the local arcade. He pulled them out and showed them the camcorder footage. Their jaws dropped*

Rocky: Pay up....

Murphy: I don't believe it.

Ian: That's really did it.

*Both handed over $100 and Rocky left with the camera and the money*

Rocky: Gonna need some spending money on a date with Tiffany.

*Rocky got in his car and drove off into the sunset, driving past The Shock Master standing on the side of the road*

SM: Let that be a lesson to YOU, Fantasy Feeder fans. Some people will go the extra mile to make you pay for your sins and wont be afraid to sacrifice others to make sure you get your comeuppance. Tiffany and Rocky made sure Mike and Richie will never rape again. I guess Mike and Richie will find out what the big house is like. Hahahaha until next time, FF fans.

4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Karenjenk 4 years
I'm with Nogut here....
amazing start
NocturnalDev... 4 years
I’m excited to see where this goes! Very clever and unique!!!