Hypnotic revenge 2

chapter 2

Alicia sat cuddled up to me rubbing my bloated sore belly “you did good today Lilly you should let me feed you like this more often, you may find yourself liking it more than one way.”

My mind was racing as I was so full and aroused at the same time it was hard to think clearly “feed me why would you want to keep doing that, I will get super fat if I keep eating like this.”

Alicia rubbed my belly as she spoke a spark of arousal coursed through my body as she softly said “because doing what I say will get you to Sam and that is what you want right?”

My response was slow as the spark of arousal continued down my body “I… ugh… yes that is what I want Alicia please let me see her.”

Alicia twirled her finger around my sensitive parts under my leggings “if you wish to see her like the good Lilly you are, follow me out to my car.”

My mind was reeling with desire as I tried to respond “I work tomorrow... I cannot tonight...” I struggled to respond.

Alicia stopped touching me and sat beside me a determined look on her face “very well have it your way if you wish to see Sam you will come here and find me.” She then whispered softly and calmly in my ear “till then you eat here for free from now on why not enjoy all the free food, this is my buffet after all.”

My mind raced again because she spoke softly in my ear “okay I may do that free food is always nice.”

“See you soon Lilly, when you do come back tell the staff Alicia sent you here” Alicia responded smiling a fairly lusty smirk at me.

I left extremely aroused with tons of things going through my head. Why did she want to make me fatter? Did she do that to Sam? Was the whole staff of this place actually hypnotized? Where did the note go in my leggings? My mind raced all night and even after some much needed alone time I still felt off. Like something was missing from my life. Like an idiot I thought it was Sam, so I decided then and there to take Alicia up on her offer to see her there and talk about it. However I was cautious if she had hypnotized the staff could she hypnotize, me the same way? I gave the whole situation a while to cool off and went back to work as usual. My days were spent trying to figure out how to see Alicia and resist her hypnosis. But how could I she was so damn alluring. I really want her to touch me and feed me. Wait why do I think that are those my thoughts or had she hypnotized me to think that. It was unclear in my head I wanted to check the note again for answers but it was gone. Maybe I could get some answers somehow by only seeing Alicia at the buffet. After all with other customers there she could not hypnotize everyone could she? I tried looking online but it just says hypnosis is used as a parlor trick by cheezy magicians. The article even says hypnosis is not possible and is just a staged event to draw crowds. I had to find out from Alicia herself somehow and that seemed like my only option. I tried to build up my willpower, tried to convince myself that she was not irresistible. If only I knew how futile that was maybe I would not have gone back.

“Alicia sent me” I said as I nervously approached the same waitress as before. It had been a few weeks since I saw Alicia, the redhead was looking chubbier than I remember last time. I watched her big butt shake as she lead me to the back table. Once I was there they brought out a familiar looking spread of many plates. I tried several times to tell her I did not want all that but she did not listen to me at all.

The redheads eyes a bit blank as if hypnotized “complimentary drink with your free meal our new manager send her regards and hopes you enjoy the meal.” She walked away back to the front desk secretly snacking on chocolates as she stood there.

“Free alcohol and a feast I guess she is trying to spoil me well I will just eat what I can and leave I guess it is a good thing I took a cab” I said out loud to myself as I drank some of the drink. It was strong and very alcoholic I nearly finished it before I even started eating. Suddenly a few minutes later I was ravenously hungry and fairly drunk feeling. I engorged myself on the meal bite after bite, like some sort of starving animals. The redhead refilled my drink several times as I ate. The starving hunger never left me even after I was engorged to my max and the food was all gone. I walked carefully out to the cab I called, undoing my way to tight pants on the way out. With my belly freed I rubbed it to calm to pain of being overfull. On the way home however the fullness subsided a bit and I had to stop somewhere. The closest place was the fast food restaurant I worked at. So I stopped there and ordered even more food under my discount. My belly still hanging out for all to see as I went through the drive thru. I gorged myself yet again this time the burning hunger went away as did some of the drunk feeling. When I got home I was oddly aroused at the overwhelming fullness in my belly. So I had some private alone time and fell asleep shortly afterwards. The next morning I awoke feeling empty and very hungry. My attempts to contact Alicia last night ended in a drunken feast. I should be careful not to do that often or I will be a whale. My normal breakfast did not satisfy me at all, I was still fairly hungry. So I ate a second breakfast and then left for work. Little did I know the pattern of trying to find Alicia and just ending up drunk and stuffed to the max. Was doomed to repeat a lot. As I slowly got fatter and fatter due to the repeating cycle. I ended up having to buy new clothes and work uniforms several times. I tried to stop the cycle and just give up. But every time I tried to quit I ended up back at the buffet the next night. It was as if quitting had become impossible and gorging myself was the only way to calm my mind about it. I quickly gained a lot of weight as the free trips got more frequent, so did my need for more clothes.

It felt like an eternity before I saw Alicia again, then one day while I was feasting after work she showed up. Alicia was dressed in amazingly well made clothing as she approached my table “hello there Lilly, how are you doing?”

I was shoveling food into my face a bit drunk at this point “great... this free food... iss tasty thanks again!”

Alicia sat next to me in the booth “my dear you are welcome it is clear to me you enjoy eating here a bit too much eh? Look at what you have done to yourself Lilly?”

As she said those words my mind got all fuzzy and I calmly responded “I have gotten rather fat why don’t you show me back to your place so I can get these tight clothes off.” I must have been hypnotized I tried to resist following her, but my willpower had completely melted when she said that phrase. Like some sort of obedient submissive I followed her out to her car and got in. I quietly followed her into her house after we drove there. My mind must have been playing tricks on me when she lead me to a room. As there was some massive nearly immobile woman there that kinda looked like Sam gorging herself in a side room. I was lead to an adjacent room to the massive woman.

Alicia calmly spoke to me again “you live here now Lilly do not worry I will take good care of you, please put these clothes on and relax I will bring you food shortly.”

I was sure she had hypnotized me but my ability to resist her commands was completely gone “Yes that would be great a hungry fatty like myself needs your help.”

“I am glad you see the truth now before I bring you a meal lets see how you have done lately in keeping this expanding girth nice and full” Alicia lead me over to a nearby scale like some prized cattle.

I tried to respond or at least resist her commands and nothing seemed to be working. Feeling helpless I stepped onto the scale as she directed.

“My oh my your lithe goth body is completely buried under all this flab, from your previous 195 lbs(88 kg) to 300 lbs(136 kg) that is an impressive gain” Alicia says pacing around me looking at all my fat. “Why it is clear all my offers of free food and drinks were clearly too good to resist” Alicia added patting my massive breasts and ass. “No sense in stopping your bad habits now fatty sit down here while I go get your meal” she added, pointing to a nearby very sturdy looking bed.

Like an obedient hypnotized slave I sat down on the bed comfortably resting myself against the giant ramp of pillows on it. I looked down at my body after she left and tried to remember what I looked like before. My arms went from slightly soft to flabby and jiggly. My breasts had gone from big sizes, to only can be ordered online sizes of bra. My belly went from slightly chubby, to a full grown gut covered in stretch marks but still dwarfed by the size of my breasts and ass. My ass was in the middle of this queen sized bed and clearly was not far from approaching both of the sides. My thighs touched all the way past my knees and were easily the size of most normal women’s waists. As I slowly poked and jiggled my body exploring its fat I heard the wheels of a cart squeaking.
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Biffwalen 4 years
*Spoilers* Alicia Parks is letting them send messages to build up her collection of hypnotized piggies.
AndiFive 4 years
how are notes sent if they are stuck?