Hypnotic revenge 2

chapter 3

Rolling a cart into the room Alicia had a big grin on her face “Now my fat goth piggy we will take good care of you here no worries, while your here you will be bathed and fed regularly.” Alicia giggled at herself before responding with “sooner than you think you will be ready to see Sam.”

At those words I chirped up and continued to do exactly as I was told, like some sort of puppet. Then it hit me until I could break her hypnosis I was exactly that, I was Alicia’s puppet. Like a good little puppet I did as I was told and gorged myself helplessly for quite a long time. I could not stop even if I wanted too, and the few times I tried I was punished with some sort of shake. The shakes slowly became more and more frequent as my weight climbed. It was an unknown time later before Alicia spoke to me about more than my fattening body.

“Well now as a full blown cow at 657 lbs(298 kg) you are completely ready to see Sam” Alicia said patting my fat hips as she spoke “so do you desire to do that now my goth piggy?”

I fought with all my remaining willpower to respond “yes please let me see her!”

Alicia simply smirked responding “Okay then let us go this was fatty.”

I struggled to my feet with great effort I followed her “Yes Alicia” I barely fit my massive ass & hips through the doorway. Even sideways it was a struggle to clear normal doors. We walked to the room next to mine, even the short distance was a great struggle with all my newfound girth. I was in awe at the massive woman before me she clearly had Sam’s face, but was a lot fatter. “Sam?” I said in a questioning voice.

“Lilly...oh no...what did you do to her...Alicia?” Sam stammered out catching her breath between words. She spoke with confidence as if she was no longer under Alicia’s control.

Alicia smirked “why what do you mean Sam she ate all that food I did not force her at all.” Alicia walked towards the large sturdy door “I will let you 2 get acquainted for a while Lilly sit down on the second bed like a good goth piggy.”

Automatically my body relaxed and sat on the second reinforced bed in the room. I tried to respond or resist her commands but before I could get off the bed and react she cuffed my legs to the bedframe.

“Sit there like a good set of prized hogs while I prepare an extra special fattening meal for you both” Alicia said as she walked out the door, locking it behind her.

“Oh Lilly...I am sorry...this happened...she must have...found out about my note...before I broke her hypnosis...” Sam stammered out in a nervous tone still out of breath.

“Sam I am sorry as well that I did not listen to your warning and do something before we both ended up trapped here by Alicia’s powers” I said shamefully looking down at my bulging fat body.

“Lilly you can still walk for now let me break her hypnosis so you can stand a chance against her” Sam replied finally having caught her breath. “We will have to be careful she does not suspect anything or it will be too late for us both” Sam looked at me as she said this. Speaking softly and slowly Sam said “You no longer find Alicia irresistible and can no longer be effected by her hypnosis, when she speaks to you it is simply words and not suggestions or commands.” She also spent some time breaking all the other hypnosis done to me including my memory loss.

“Okay Sam I am ready what do I do my legs are still cuffed to this massive bed” I said still freaking out. I know all too well, we do not have much time. With my weak muscles it will not be long before I am too fat to fit through the doors out of this basement.

“We may not be able to beat her Lilly but if you can get your story written down and send it to Marge she may be able to help us” Sam said pleading me with her eyes.

“Why don’t we slam her against a wall and make a break for it after cuffing her to the bed?” I asked Sam questioningly.

“Because Lilly my days of waddling are practically over I move so slowly someone is bound to hear Alicia screaming before we even make it out of the basement” Sam said dejectedly staring at her massive gut. “Anyway with all this belly in the way we need Marge to help us out of here even if we over power Alicia” Sam said looking back at me with the saddest eyes I've ever seen.

“Who is Marge anyway?” I asked transcribing this very letter as she regaled me a story. As it turns out Marge is her teacher and also a massively strong woman. At 6’5”(200 cm) and 230 lbs(104.3 kg) of pure ripped muscle Marge not only knows how to counter hypnosis but how to kick a lot of ass. So if your getting this message Marge we need your help fast! Enclosed with this note is directions to Alicia’s place.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Biffwalen 4 years
*Spoilers* Alicia Parks is letting them send messages to build up her collection of hypnotized piggies.
AndiFive 4 years
how are notes sent if they are stuck?