Sex therapist

chapter 1

Zoe and Rick had a great marriage. They met in High School and got married young. They have been married for only 4 years and went from having sex every night to only every other night. To them they thought this meant they were having marriage problems, they weren’t. They were young and worried that not having sex every night was a sign that things were fizzling, if they had spoke to anyone who had been married for longer, they would have known that just happens. Instead, they spoke to their inexperienced friends. Zoe talked to her friends on this online chatroom that mostly made jokes. Rick on the other hand, talked to his friend Carly at work, she had a thing for Rick and decided she could use this to get to him. Carly increased his fears that something was wrong and after a few days, convinced him to talk to Zoe about seeing a sex therapist she knows. Zoe knew Carly too and trusted her opinion, so the couple made an appointment with Doctor Darien.

Upon arriving to the appointment Dr. D, as he asked them to call him, had both Zoe and Rick strip into their underwear and took pictures. He catalogued their information in a file. “Zoe, age 25. Height: 5’6. Weight: 115 lbs. Hair Color: Blonde, dyed. Eye Color: Blue, Contacts. Claims to work out regularly but husband says she takes breaks a lot even though she stays trim and has never gained weight, but he finds it cute how she snacks and skips work outs. Zoe enjoys chatting online and her closest friends are in a chatroom. She works as a secretary at a law firm where she has a lot of free time to play online. Her bosses do not care. Possibly would be good for Ned” Ricks file read, “Rick, age 26. Height: 6’. Weight: 200 lbs. Hair Color: Brown. Eye Color: Brown. Visits the gym at work to remain built, all weight is muscular. Criminal defense attorney. Special request from Carly.” What Zoe and Rick were unaware of, was that this sex therapist didn’t help couples like a regular sex therapist. He specialized in switching couples around, pairing up unlikely people to become lovers, encouraging affairs and divorces. Carly knew him from a case she worked where he was sued by a dissatisfied wife, but she lost because she signed a contract, one that both Rick and Zoe had just signed after having their photos taken. Dr. D used hypnosis to push couples away from each other and into the arms of others. Sometimes with other patients who have come to him seeking help, or sometimes just into having affairs. Usually the couples know what he is doing and agree to it, the affairs heat up their own sex lives, but Dr. D also likes to have fun on unsuspecting couples.

In their first session, Dr. D set Zoe and Rick up to feel the need to continue coming for weekly sessions. In Rick, he implanted the idea that he was becoming less attracted to Zoe sexually and had to think of other women regularly when they had sex. When ever Rick would look at Zoe’s body, she would appear chubbier to him than other women and would turn him off, Dr. D also added that Rick would begin to fall asleep immediately after cuming regardless if Zoe orgasmed or not. For Zoe, Dr. D implanted the idea that Rick was failing to get her off, that she was having less and less orgasms, and would fill this void with food. Dr. D made it so Zoe craved more snacks and would spend her nights after sex, stuffing her face. Dr. D also added that Zoe would feel less into her work outs and would spend more time playing online and watching TV instead. Dr. D had decided to use Zoe for his client Ned. Ned was a 28-year-old virgin who lived in his mom’s basement. He spent most of his time online and had a thing for full figured women but was too nervous to ever date. He tried to but it never lasted. So, Ned came to Dr. D looking to have him find him someone. He saw Zoe and liked her, but she was too skinny for his tastes. Plus, Dr. D liked to have the hookup be more organic and planned to have them meet online. This led to Dr. D deciding to make Zoe fat, so she joined fat chatrooms instead of her usual fitness ones.
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