Physical Education

Chapter 1 - Physical education: part 1

“C’mon, it’s not that bad!”
“Speak for yourself,” Dane muttered, dumping his bag on a bench in the far corner of the changing room with a sullenness that truly betrayed how grudging he was at being summoned to his least favourite part of the school. It was all very well for Jeremy to assure the fox that, far from being a bi-weekly torture, PE (or sports, or gym, or whatever he wanted to call it) was healthy, if not enjoyable, with his small, lean, and surprisingly athletic physique; Dane surmised that he carried the rabbit’s weight in his spare tyre alone. It was infuriating that, even though they were in their final year of high school and already legally adults, they still had no choice of opting out of the class.

“You never know, we might do something fun today!” Jeremy chirped, as he set his bag down next to his rather girthier friend and began to change.

Dane snorted impatiently, “We’ll never, ever do anything fun with Mr. Callaghan.” Their rhino teacher never set them any actual sports, but instead insisted on endless laps of the sports field, brutal interval training, or else strength exercises in the vein of push-ups and crunches; in short, PE in its purest form. Being an exceptionally sedentary creature, Dane despised every last one of these options.

Reluctantly, he began to follow the lagomorph’s lead. With a great sigh and a self-conscious glance around the changing room, he seized the hem of his pale blue school shirt and pulled it over his head, discarding it hurriedly as he rummaged for the white polo that served as his sporting uniform. In the seconds it took for him to locate it and then pull it on, the fox’s ample torso was on display for the room at large: two large slabs of white-furred flesh worthy of a cup-size sat atop a vast, quivering, and equally-pearly belly which drooped far enough over the waistband of his pants as to preserve his modesty even without underwear; that same gut pooled around his hips to create the muffiniest of tops; his back was a sight to behold too, with several fat rolls adorning its surface – three on the left, two on the right.

Though the shirt was the largest the school’s uniform provided and had once fit him quite comfortably, it was now pulled tight over Dane’s seemingly ever-expanding body and left a good two or three inches of snowy belly exposed. This nevertheless counted as being clothed, so it was off with the pants and on with the shorts.

Dane tried to be just as swift with changing what adorned his lower half but was just as unsuccessful at hiding that part of his large frame as he had been with his torso. As soon as his dark blue pants had been whipped off, his legs were exposed to the room at large: the fox’s calves would have rivalled most of his classmate’s thighs, though not thanks to any discernible musculature; his waddling gait was explained by his vast thighs which were pressed together from his knees upwards, the backs of both liberally dimpled by cellulite. As Dane bent down to pull on his shorts, anyone who might have been looking his way was afforded an unobscured view of the biggest butt in the school: the fox’s broad cheeks were each at least as wide as many of his acquaintances – nearer double the width of the rabbit next to him – and had torn many a pair of underwear asunder in their years of steady expansion; indeed, the pair Dane was wearing at that moment were already developing holes in the seams.

Now changed and as ready as he’d ever be to engage in physical activity, Dane huffed and crammed his uniform into his bag. “You ready?” he asked Jeremy as he used one pudgy hand to force his clothes and books into the overfilled backpack while the other tugged the zip closed.

Speaking of Jeremy, the bunny had changed into his own sports gear in a trice and had since spent several long moments eyeing the vast tracts of fox flesh as they were steadily unveiled, then re-concealed before his eyes. The truth was that Jeremy nursed an aptly-named soft spot for people who carried extra poundage, particularly his vulpine bestie. Every time the two of them were required to change, the rabbit let his voyeuristic tendencies overtake him and ogled the mountain of blubber he’d been hanging out with since their first day of primary school.

“Hmm?” Jeremy responded vaguely, his gaze snapping away from the lower reaches of Dane’s overhang to avoid detection; admittedly, the fox had proved to be remarkably unobservant in recent times given how often he failed to notice Jeremy staring at his immense bulk.

Dane didn’t repeat his question. He turned, attempted fruitlessly to tug his shirt down to cover more of his gut, then waddled towards the door that led to the gymnasium. Jeremy followed behind, his eyes snatching glances at the fox’s broad backside and his jiggling love handles and back rolls, all of which were outlined by the vulpine’s ill-fitting uniform.
2 chapters, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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MangaBL 4 years
Such a cute story! Can't wait for more!