Sloppy desires

chapter 2

The first couple weeks went by pretty quickly as Beth settled into her new life. She found herself becoming increasingly addicted to the chatrooms, joking and flirting with the other girls. She wanted to really come off as a fat chick, so she brought up food often and talked about eating a lot too. Beth found that it was easier to talk about eating if she was actually eating, so she snacked just as much as she talked about doing. She was disgusted in the girl she was pretending to be, but it tuned her on too. She found herself the one night on her couch, imagining herself as the girl she pretended to be. A 250-pound girl, on her couch, surrounded by take out containers. Her clothes covered in various stains. As she thought about this her hand slipped into her pants. She thought about her belly being so big it rested in her lap, she moaned as she rubbed. Beth thought about the girls in the chatroom, telling her she’s cute for a large girl, offering dieting tips but laughing at her appetite. Beth thought about how messy her hair looked and the breakouts she had, how much of a slob she was, how much food she ate. She took a bite of the chicken she had ordered that night and wiped her greasy hand on her shirt as she got off.

A full month had passed since Zoe became Beth, and she had fully acclimated to her new life. She continued to get off to the thought of being Beth, something that scared her, but she couldn’t stop. All the snacking had caught up with her, and she now had some breakouts of her own. Zoe had put on about 25 pounds too, but she was unaware of this, assuming the belly is just from the lack of working out. Her skin had become pale from the lack of sunlight and Beth found herself in the chatrooms all the time. The girls there called her “Big Beth” and rarely flirted with her like they did the thin hot girls. This just turned her on more she found, and she would actively flirt with girls out of her league. Often Beth would be told things like, “You’re cute, but just not my type” and this always turned her on more and more. Beth sat on her couch eating a bag of Cheetos as she rubbed herself, rubbing her orang hands all over her shirt. “God you are such a slob” she thought to herself as she came.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Nok 2 years
where's the cover image for this from?
Karenjenk 4 years
I like this because its short and sweet.
I also like that they try new things and settle on a new experience.
the Mormon thing??? they are all already fat ha ha
PilsburyDoug... 4 years
Thanks, I can't write longer stories though. My ADHD makes me lose interest if they are too long, and when the transformation is so drawn out, paragraphs with no changes, i just lose interest and move on. I'm into quick short stories, i write the fantasie
AndiFive 4 years
please make bigger stories.