Sloppy desires

chapter 4

The day came for the challenge to end. Beth’s friends didn’t even text her. They hadn’t talked to her in seven months and had just moved on without her. Beth too moved on, she made friends online and would spend most nights chatting with them. She owned a lot of sweats and pajamas, and oversized shirts, all of which had food stains of some sort. Her hair had lost it’s blonde and became a greasy shade of brown, with her round fat face covered in breakouts and a shine of grease. Beth had stayed steady at 265, her body had stretched well, and she lucked out to not have any stretch marks. Her apartment was a mess, filed with empty takeout containers. She found that the glare from the computer worsened her eyesight and she was recommended to no longer wear contacts. She so desperately wants to work out and get her old self back, but the thought of how far she fell just turned her on so much and she would make excuses to not diet. Even her family called her Beth now, the name stuck and suited her so much more than Zoe did.

Beth sat on her couch and imagined who she used to be. She thought of a skinny hotty, blonde and cute. Her hand entered her pants as she thought about going to the bar and getting hit on. Thinking of having a small perky chest, she moaned in enjoyment, as she remembered being this super cute girl, fitting in a size 2. She thought about going out with her friends as she rubbed, thinking about being toned, being popular. She came while remembering who she used to be, sitting there, out of breath, sitting on her messy couch with a bucket of chicken next to her bloated body. Beth often found herself dreaming of being thin and pretty, and she got off to the thought of it sometimes. Zoe seemed like such a distant memory, “no sense dreaming about someone I can never be, I’m just a fat slob and there's no going back” Beth thought to herself as she bit into a chicken leg.

This was the end of my story but i didn't have enough characters so here is some more stuff.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Nok 2 years
where's the cover image for this from?
Karenjenk 4 years
I like this because its short and sweet.
I also like that they try new things and settle on a new experience.
the Mormon thing??? they are all already fat ha ha
PilsburyDoug... 4 years
Thanks, I can't write longer stories though. My ADHD makes me lose interest if they are too long, and when the transformation is so drawn out, paragraphs with no changes, i just lose interest and move on. I'm into quick short stories, i write the fantasie
AndiFive 4 years
please make bigger stories.